FREELIVING AND PLANT PARASITIC NEMATODES FROM SPITZBERGEN, COLLECTED BY MR. H. VAN ROSSEN Author P. A. A. LOOF Department of Hematology, Agricultural University, Wageningen, The Netherlands text Mededelingen Landbouwhogeschool Wageningen 1971 1971-12-31 71 1 86 journal article 10.5281/zenodo.8152982 dc936e39-ea56-4501-b5ba-a24d055276c8 8152982 85C9CB49-EEA1-467B-ACC7-7C11B9EDEEAD Monhystera villosa Bütschli, 1873 . Dimensions of eleven females : L = 0.78 - 1. 18 mm ; a = 38 -51; b = 4.5 -5.7; c = 6.5- 7.8; V = 29 ~ 3778 -81. All specimens possess long submedian body setae and thus belong to the typical form. These setae reach a length of 7 \L in mid-body, or nearly one-third of the corresponding body width. The head end bears six distinct lips. The cephalic setae, directed anteriad, measure 2.5 (i; the longer subcephalic setae 10 [x or 0.8 head widths; the shorter subcephalic ones are 6 \i long. Diameter of amphids 4- 6 |x or one-third of corresponding body width. The distance from the amphids to the head end is 21-28 JJ. or 1.5-1.9 head widths. The posterior third of the oesophagus is sligthly thicker than the remainder. The rectum is two anal body widths long, the anterior half is inflated. Bütschli (1873) and de Man, (1921, illustration) already noted the long rectum. The anal lips are slightly protruding, rounded. The tail measures 8 -10 anal body widths. The vaginal walls are thickened. Oocytes in single row. The vulva-anus distance is 35-42 % of tail length. Samples 1, 3, 4, 21 and 27.