Aleocharinae from Gabon (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae) Author Roberto Pace text Tropical Zoology 2012 25 4 157 172 journal article 10.1080/03946975.2012.738493 0cc465d4-8f4e-4e55-8e63-16f2928b643f 269432 112D8E00-EC78-4BB2-BCD2-9B8D732D526B Amanota gabonensis n. sp. ( Figures 12– 14 ) Holotype ♂, Gabon , Forêt de la Mondah, 0° 36 / 26 //N, 9 ° 19 /0 3 //E, 10 m a.s.l., Cap Esterias, about 20 km N of Libreville, 6-16 .XII. 1995 , leg. L. Bartolozzi and S. Taiti, num. mag. 1784 , n. coll. 14819 , MSNF . Figures 12–22. Habitus, aedeagus in lateral and ventral views, male sixth free tergite and spermatheca. 12 –14: Amanota gabonensis n. sp. ; 15–18: Atheta (Tropatheta) librevillensis n. sp. ; 19 –20: Atheta (Phanerosphaena) mondahensis n. sp. ; 21– 22: Drusilla gabonensis n. sp. Scale bars: 12: 1.92 mm; 15: 2.29 mm; 19: 1.92 mm; 21: 4.49 mm. Other scale bars: 0.1 mm. Description Length 1.9 mm . Fore-body slightly shiny, abdomen shiny. Body reddish, elytra brown with base reddish-brown, abdomen brown with free basal tergite yellow, antennae reddish-brown with the three basal antennomeres yellowish-red and the eleventh yellow, legs yellow with median and posterior femora reddish-brown. Eyes as long as the post-ocular region in dorsal view. Second antennomere shorter than the first, third shorter than the second, fourth to sixth as long as wide, eighth to ninth slightly transverse. Reticulation of the head strong, that of the pronotum distinct, that of the elytra distinct, that of the four basal free tergites very weak, absent on fifth free tergite. Puncturation of the head almost indistinct. Granulation of the pronotum not pronounced, that of the elytra dense and weak. Pronotum with a broad median concavity. Aedeagus: Figures 13 and 14 . Comparative notes The aedeagus of the new species bears a long and narrow ventral appendix. Other species of Amanota with a ventral appendix of the aedeagus are A. perinetensis ( Pace, 2006 ) and A. madecassa ( Cameron , 1944 ), both from Madagascar , and A. namibiensis Pace, 1999 from Tanzania . In none of these species is the ventral appendix of the aedeagus as narrow and as long as in the new species.