Quill mites (Acariformes: Syringophilidae) associated with birds of Mexico Author Skoracki, Maciej text Zootaxa 2017 4282 1 179 191 journal article 28718 10.11646/zootaxa.4282.1.11 c5dc11ef-779c-4575-ab09-67f40ecb5aee 1175-5326 818598 4957B8A8-4511-4D67-8F36-6183BA1AF2B8 Syringophiloidus amazilia sp. nov. ( Figs. 1 and 2 ) Description. FEMALE, holotype ( Figs. 1 A–B, 2A–D). Total body length 600 ( 565–615 in 6 paratypes ). Gnathosoma . Infracapitulum punctate. Stylophore punctate, 140 (140) long. Each medial branch of peritremes with 2 chambers, each lateral branch with 10 chambers ( Fig. 2 B). Idiosoma . Propodonotal shield well sclerotized, densely punctate, anterior margin rounded, bearing bases of setae vi , ve , si , se , and c1 . Setae vi , ve , and si slightly serrate. Length ratio of setae vi : ve : si 1:1–1.3:2–3. Bases of setae c1 situated slightly anterior to level of setae se . Hysteronotal shield not fused to pygidial shield, punctate, anterior margin of this shield reaching above level of setae d2 , posterior margin indistinct, extending beyond level of setae d1 . Setae d2 slightly (1.1–1.2 times) longer than e2 . Pygidial shield punctate with indistinct anterior margin, strongly sclerotized in posterior part. Setae f1 and h1 subequal in length. Pseudanal setae ps1 and ps2 equal in length ( Fig. 2 D). Genital plate present ( Fig. 2 A). Genital setae g1 and g2 equal in length. Length ratio of setae ag1 : ag2 : ag3 1:1:1.3–1.5. All coxal fields punctate. Legs . Fan-like setae p' and p" of legs III and IV with 7 tines ( Fig. 2 C). Setae tc" of legs III and IV 1.3–1.4 times longer than tc'III–IV . Setae 3c about twice as long as 3b . Lengths of setae: vi 20 (15–20), ve 25 (20–25), si 65 (30– 65), se 200 (170–190), c1 (170–210), c2 175 (150–170), d1 155, d2 170 (135), e2 145 (125–145), f1 25 (20–25), f2 175 (175), h1 25 (25), h2 (290), ag1 120 (105–115), ag2 110 (100), ag3 170 (145–165), g1 and g2 25 (20–30), ps1 and ps2 15 (10–15), l'RIII 40 (30–40), 3b 30 (30), 3c (60), tc'III– IV 45 (45–50), tc" III–IV 60 (60–70). MALE ( Figs. 2 E, F). Total body length 375–395 in 2 paratypes. Gnathosoma . Infracapitulum apunctate. Stylophore apunctate, 140 (140) long. Each medial branch of peritremes with 2 chambers, each lateral branch with 10–11 chambers ( Fig. 2 E). Idiosoma . Propodonotal shield weakly sclerotized, punctate, bearing bases of setae vi , ve , si , and c1 , anterior margin deeply concave. Bases of setae se situated distinctly anterior to level of setae c1 . Setae vi , ve , and si equal in length. Hysteronotal shield weakly sclerotized, margins indistinct, not fused to pygidial shield. Setae d2 3.5 times longer than d1 and e2 . Pygidial shield small, apunctate. Length ratios of setae: ag1 : ag2 1.5–1.6:1, 3b : 3c 1:2. Lengths of setae: vi 10 , ve 10, si 10, se 95–100, c1 100, c2 50–80, d1 10, d2 35, e2 10, f 2 10– 15, h2 115, ag1 45–75, ag 2 30–45, 3b 20, 3c 40. Type material. Female holotype , 6 female and 2 male paratypes from Amazilia candida ( Bonaer and Mulsant ) ( Apodiformes : Trochilidae ), MEXICO : Veracruz , Los Tuxtlas , 9 May 2008 , coll. S.V. Mironov (SVM 08-0509-8/ 4). FIGURE 1. Syringophiloidus amazilia sp. nov. , female. A, dorsal view; B, ventral view. FIGURE 2. Syringophiloidus amazilia sp. nov. Female ( A–D ). A, opisthosoma in ventral view; B, peritreme; C, fan-like seta p'III ; D, pseudanal setae ps1 and ps2 . Male ( E , F ). E, peritreme; F, body in dorsal view. Scale bars: B–E = 20 µm, A, F = 50 µm. Types deposition. Female holotype is deposited in UNAM, paratypes in AMU, UNAM and UMMZ. Differential diagnosis. Syringophiloidus amazilia sp. nov. belongs to the glandarii species-group and resembles S. apus Skoracki, Kaszewska and Kavetska, 2015 described from Apus melba (Linnaeus) from Chile (Skoracki et al . 2015). In females of both species, the infracapitulum is punctate; each lateral branch of the peritremes has 9–10 chambers; bases of setae c1 are situated slightly anterior to the level of setal bases se ; the hysteronotal shield is not fused to the pygidial shield; and the genital plate is present. This new species differs from S. apus by the following features: in females of S. amazilia , the total body length is 565–615; the length of the stylophore is 140; the propodonotal shield is densely punctate; the length ratios of setae vi : ve : si and ag1 : ag2 : ag3 are 1:1–1.3:2–3 and 1:1:1.3–1.5, respectively; setae d1 and d2 are subequal in length; and all coxal fields are punctate. In females of S. apus , the total body length is 670–745; the length of the stylophore is 160–165; the propodonotal shield is apunctate; the length ratios of setae vi : ve : si and ag1 : ag2 : ag3 are 1:1.4–1.6:5.2–5.4 and 1.4– 1.6:1:2.4–2.6, respectively; setae d1 are 3.7–4 times longer than d2 ; and all coxal fields are apunctate. Etymology. The specific name is taken from the generic name of the host.