Two new Cotasteromimina from Borneo (Coleoptera, Curculionidae: Molytinae) Author Germann, Christoph 0000-0001-8317-3799 iosciences, Naturhistorisches Museum Basel, Augustinergasse 2, CH 4001 - Basel text Zootaxa 2021 2021-02-23 4933 4 567 574 journal article 7745 10.11646/zootaxa.4933.4.7 aa812c93-358d-4cbf-a797-6d320315ad2b 1175-5326 4556740 C6C83DF7-A6CA-4A28-8916-F9E56C5C7F6E Seticotasteromimus brunomanseri Germann sp. nov. 7225C6CC-27C3-415A-9B07-DCBC3A940422 Holotype female : Malaysia , Tawau , Tawau Hills , fogging on Syzygium spec. ( Myrtaceae ) in primary forest , 05.09.2009 , leg. A. Floren , coll. P. Sprick // Holotype Seticotasteromimus brunomanseri sp. nov. des. C. Germann 2020 [red label] // Barcode label: NMB-COLEO0010002 ( NMB ). – 1 Paratype female : same data, Barcode label: NMB-COLEO0010003 ( NMB ) . Description: Body and genitalia ( Figs 2 A-I). Size: 2.5 mm . Body dark brown to auburn, antennae and tarsi auburn. Head globular, hidden in pronotum; frons vertical, rostrum straight, 3.5 times longer than wide, parallel-sided, surface striate; eyes below level of rostral dorsum, vertically oval, flat. Antennae inserted behind middle of rostrum; scrobes oblique, posterior ends approximate ventrally. Antennal scape as long as width of rostral apex. Antennal funiculus consisting of 7 segments, all about as long as wide. First segment as wide as scape, following three segments one third of its width, segment 5 half as wide, segment 6 two thirds as wide as first one, segment 7 about as wide as first one, club oval. Frons with thin and bowed bristles, dorsum of rostrum with sparsely standing, bowed clubbed bristles; same bristles on antennal scape and first segment of funiculus. Prothorax longer than wide (length/width: 1.1); widest behind its middle, constricted at first third, irregularly and coarsely punctate, spaces in between reduced to thin margins. Integument consisting of thin, bowed bristles and long (3.5-4 x longer than wide) raised, lanceolate light brown scales, apices of these scales pointed. Scutellum visible, pentagonal. Elytra elongate (length/width: 1.8), slightly converging from distinct shoulders (widest there) to last third. Hind wings present, longer than elytra. In lateral view flattened on disc and regularly rounded on declivity. Ten elytral striae, striae very coarsely and deeply, regularly punctate, wider than intervals. Intervals regularly set alternately with thin and bowed bristles, and the above-mentioned raised scales. Elytral apex at inner side without stridulation ridges. Underside coarsely punctate, four apparent ventrites, suture between first two (fused) ventrites indistinct ( Fig. 2 H). Coxae separated from each other as follows: procoxae by their diameter, mesocoxae by about 1 ½ and metacoxae by twice their diameter ( Fig. 2 B). Legs long and stout. Femora edentate, tibiae all uncinate at outer angle. Third tarsomere bilobed. Claw segment long and gracile, claws simple, free. Integument consisting of both, thin and bowed bristles, and long (3-3.5 x longer than wide) raised, weakly clubbed (regularly diverging from base to apex) light brown scales. Female genitalia: Sternite VIII with apodeme more than twice as long as plate, base with handle-like tip, plate broad, angular, apicad with middle only feebly sclerotized, fork-like ( Fig. 2 E). Gonocoxite oval, with styli set with long hairs ( Fig. 2 F). Spermatheca with c-shaped cornu, and small but noticeable ramus and nodulus ( Fig. 2 G). FIGS 2A-J. Habitus, genitalia and details of female Seticotasteromimus spp. A-C. – habitus dorsal, ventral and lateral of S. brunomanseri Germann sp. nov. D. – dorso-lateral view on head and rostrum. E. – female sternite VIII. – F. gonocoxites. G. – spermatheca. H. – ventrites. I. – raised scales on elytra. J. – ditto of S. jarawa (Photos: C. Germann). Male unknown. Dedication of name: Seticotatseromimus brunomanseri is dedicated to Bruno Manser (1954-2000?), Swiss environmental activist from Basel, to honour his indispensable activism for rainforest preservation and against deforestation by timber companies, and defender for the human rights of indigenous peoples. Bruno Manser disappeared in 2000 in Malaysia. Remarks: The new species S. brunomanseri sp. nov. is morphologically similar to its sister species, and type species of the genus S. jarawa (photos in Germann 2013: 126-127 ). However, S. brunomanseri sp. nov. differs in the following characters: i) shape of habitus and elytra: S. brunomanseri sp. nov. is more robust, the elytra are broader and faintly convergent towards apex ( Fig. 2 A), whereas S. jarawa is more gracile, has more elongate, parallel sided elytra. ii) In the shape of the pronotum, where pronotum is broader and more robust in S. brunomanseri sp. nov. ( Fig. 2 A), in comparison with S. jarawa , where the pronotum is more elongate and more gracile. iii) The raised scales on elytra, these are lanceolate and pointed apicad in S. brunomanseri sp. nov. ( Fig. 2 I), and clubbed and broader with rounded apex in S. jarawa ( Fig. 2 J). The same with iv) the raised scales on legs, these are equally lanceolate in S. brunomanseri sp. nov. and clubbed in S. jarawa . The female genitalia differ, v) the sternite VIII shows a wide and laterally angular plate in S. brunomanseri ( Fig. 2 E), whereas in S. jarawa the plate is narrow and laterally rounded. vi) The spermatheca of S. brunomanseri sp. nov. shows a distinct ramus and nodulus, the base of the cornu is more elongate ( Fig. 2 G), whereas in S. jarawa the ramus and nodulus are tiny and indistinct, and the base is shorter.