A review of the Japanese species of the genus Scardia Treitschke (Lepidoptera, Tineidae), with description of a new species Author Osada, Yohei Author Sakai, Makoto Author Hirowatari, Toshiya text Zootaxa 2016 2016-02-12 4079 3 journal volume 31399 10.11646/zootaxa.4079.3.4 0d064bf0-d76e-4a7a-8268-de267a536aba 1175-5326 1053641 FFAE451A-488F-4F77-8BF7-44140B5CCB0B Scardia fusca sp. nov. [Japanese name: Minami-ohirozukoga] Scardia amurensis : Moriuti, 1982 , 107, pl. 227: 1 (partim); Sakai, 2013 , 118, Fig. Tin1. a–b (partim). FIGURE 1 . Adults of Scardia species from Japan. A: S. fusca sp. nov. , holotype ♂. B: S. amurensis ♂. Diagnosis ( Figs. 1A , 2A , 3 , 4 ). This species is similar to S. amurensis , but can be distinguished by the color of the wings and the genital morphology as follows. The coloration of the wing markings is darker than that of S. amurensis . In the male, width of the base of the uncus is narrower, height of the valva is narrower, the valval apodeme is slightly longer and projection of the carina of the phallus is weaker than in S. amurensis . In the female, the paired lamellae of the genital plate are angular than that of S. amurensis . Description. Length of forewing 12.5–17.9 mm; forewing expanse 25.6–36.5 mm. Head: Vertex and Frontoclypeus roughly covered with long brownish white hairs. Antenna filiform and strongly ciliated ventrally; each flagellomere covered with a row of dark brown scales. Maxillary palpus covered with grayish brown scales. Labial palpus extending anteriorly, first segment generally covered with brownish white scales plus few dark brown scales at middle; second segment covered with brownish white scales on inner side, but, dark brown on outer side. Thorax: mesonotum covered with brownish white scales; metanotum covered with brownish white scales on scutellum and posterior part of scutum; tegula dark brown anteriorly and brownish white posteriorly. Legs completely covered with grayish brown scales. Abdomen: covered with glassy pale grayish brown scales. Eighth abdominal segment without coremata. Wing markings ( Fig. 1A ): Forewing upperside with dark brown scales in ground color, bordered with brownish white scales along dorsum and termen; blackish area with several weak brownish white speckles. Fringe consisting of brownish white scales and dark brown scales, the apex of which has 7–8 dentations. Hindwing upperside with pale grayish brown scales; basal 1/2 of costa covered with gray scales. Fringe consisting of grayish white scales and grayish brown, the apex of which has 6–7 dentations. FIGURE 2 . wing venations of Scardia species. A: S. fusca sp. nov. , ♂. B: S. amurensis ♂. Wing venation ( Fig. 2A ): Forewing: all free veins present; R1 arising from about 1/4 of discoidal cell; 1A+2A about 2.5 times as long as 1A. Hindwing: all free veins present; M1 ending just posterior to the apex; 1A+2A arched; M branched within discoidal cell. Male genitalia ( Fig. 3 ): Tegumen and vinculum fused laterally to form a ring. Tegumen and uncus fused at base forming a dorsum. Uncus with a pair of elongate acute lobes and a small membranous protuberance between them; width of base of uncus about 1/2 length of uncus; gnathos and subscaphium absent. Vinculum broad; saccus broad with a rounded apex. Valva 1/3 as wide as height of ring, tightly fused with vinculum on ventral half; inner surface of valva setose on distal half, subapical part bulbous; middle of the base with a rounded protuberance, on which 6– 7 setae arising; transtilla absent; valval apodeme 1/3 length of valva. Phallus as long as height of ring; slightly curved dorsally; vesica with sparse minute spicular cornuti; carina weakly projecting. Juxta with a pair of strongly sclerotized and elongate projections with setae apically; inner with thick and round conical process. Female genitalia ( Fig. 4 ): Eighth abdominal tergum with a setose patch posterior to the tergum; eighth abdominal sternum complex, with a pair of long lateral digitiform processes with setae apically, and overlaid by a genital plate with a pair of triangular lamellae; about apical 1/3 of digitiform process extending beyond posterior margin of lamellae of genital plate. Bursa copulatrix about 2/3 length of apophysis posterioris. Ductus bursae 2/3 length of apophysis anterioris. Corpus bursae without signum. FIGURE 3 . Male genitalia of S. fusca sp. nov. , holotype. A: whole genitalia except aedeagus, lateral view. B: Uncus, dorsal view. C: Genitalia except valva, ventral view. D: Valva, inner view. E: Anellus and juxta, lateral view. F: Aedeagus, lateral view. G: Ditto , dorsal view. (anel: anellus, car: carina, cor: cornuti, jx: juxta, sa: saccus, un: uncus, ve: vesica.) FIGURE 4 . Female genitalia of S. fusca sp. nov. . A: whole genitalia, lateral view. B: Terminalia, ventral view. C: Genital plate, ventral view. (aa: apophysis anterioris, ap: apophysis posterioris, cb: corpus bursae, db: ductus bursae, dp: digitiform processes, gp: genital plates, lm: lamella, ob: ostium bursae.) Distribution. Japan : Honshu ( Shizuoka Pref.) and Kyushu ( Kumamoto and Miyazaki Prefs.). Biology. The larvae feed on Fomes fomentarius [Japanese name: Tsuriganetake] ( Moriuti, 1982 ). Etymology. The name fusca , “dark” in Latin, refers to the wing color, which is darker than in any other Scardia species. Specimens examined. HOLOTYPE , (Type No. 3456 . ELKU ) JAPAN : [Kyushu] (Miyazaki Pref.) Mt. Mukozaka, Gokase-machi , 30. vii. 2013 em., Host: Fomes fomentarius , 13. vi. 2013 , Y. Osada leg, deposited in Entomological Laboratory, Kyushu University ( ELKU ) . PARATYPES [Honshu] ( Shizuoka Pref.) 1♂ 1♀ , Nishimata, Tashiro, Aoi-ku, Shizuoka-shi, 15. vi. 2014 em., Host: Fomes fomentarius , 8. vi. 2014 , K. Iwashita leg. [Kyushu] ( Kumamoto Pref.) 1♂ 1♀ , Mt. Ichifusa, Mizukami-mura, 6. vii. 1972 em., Host: Fomes fomentarius , 11. vi. 1972 , S. Hisamatsu leg.; 1♂ , Shiibagoe, Izumi-mura, 20. iv. 1996 , M. Sakai leg.; ( Miyazaki Pref.) 1♂ , Mt. Mukozaka, Gokase-mura, 11. x. 1996 , M. Sakai leg.; 2♂ 1♀ , Mt. Mukozaka, Gokase-machi, 30. vii. 2013 em. Host: Fomes fomentarius , 13. vi. 2013 , Y. Osada leg. Remarks. Sakai (2013) illustrated the male genitalia as S. amurensis , but we regarded it as S. fusca sp. nov. because the genital morphology agrees with those of the latter.