The Late Eocene Flora Of Kučlín Near Bílina In North Bohemia Revisited Author Kvaček, Zlatko Institute of Geology and Palaeontology, Faculty of Science, Charles University in Prague, Albertov 6, 128 43 Prague 2, Czech Republic; e-mail: kvacek @ natur. cuni. cz Author Teodoridis, Vasilis Department of Biology and Environmental Education Studies, Faculty of Education, Charles University in Prague, M. D. Rettigové 4,116 39 Prague 1, Czech Republic; e-mail: vasilis. teodoridis @ pedf. cuni. cz text Acta Musei Nationalis Pragae Series B 2011 2011-11-30 67 3 - 4 83 144 journal article 10.5281/zenodo.13183351 2533-4069 13183351 Engelhardia macroptera ( BRONGNIART ) UNGER Pl. 7, fig. 19 1869 Engelhardia brongniartii SAPORTA ; Ettingshausen, p. 48, pl. 53, figs 3-10. 1977 Engelhardia macroptera ( BRONGNIART ) UNGER ; Jähnichen, Mai and Walther, pp. 346-351, pls 54-56, text-figs 7-9 (localities and stratigraphy see Jähnichen et al. 1977 , p. 351 ). Involucres trilobate, with the nutlet about 6 mm across, basally attached, poorly preserved, medial lobe 30 mm , lateral lobes 25 mm long and about 7 mm wide, widely spread, elongate, at tips rounded, venation not preserved. R e m a r k s: Fruits of Engelhardia macroptera , a termophilic extinct species of the Juglandaceae , do not differ from the other records of the same species in the volcanic floras (e.g., Kvaček and Walther 1995 ). They are again accompanied by typical leaves and isolated leaflets at Kučlín ( Engelhardia orsbergensis ), inferred to belong to the same plant as in many other sites (e.g., Holý Kluk, Suletice-Berand). M a t e r i a l: BP 55. 2347.1, 55.2372.1, 55.2459.1, KIN 516, NM G 8658.