Revision of Palaearctic species of the genus Cionus Clairville (Coleoptera: Curculionidae: Cionini) Author Košťál, Michael Author Caldara, Roberto text Zootaxa 2019 2019-07-10 4631 1 1 144 journal article 26241 10.11646/zootaxa.4631.1.1 ac8dcfb3-4bee-4e7e-b549-a7a34d295867 1175-5326 3294117 219F076A-98EE-4BDD-B337-67854FD71BFA 10. Cionus yunnanensis sp. n. Figs 10 a–f. B11D06F2-2A53-41B2-ABEE-D7294B4607C3 Type locality. Yulongshan Mountains ( Yunnan , China ) . Type series. Holotype : completely preserved, 3.63 mm long female labeled “ YUNNAN , 9. Jul 1995 YULONG- SHAN, 3300 m 27.07N, 100.14 E BOLM lgt. / Museum Basel / HOLOTYPUS Cionus yunnanensis sp. n. M.Košťál et R.Caldara des. 2017 [printed red label]” ( NHMB ). Description. Female ( holotype ). Body stout, subquadrate. Head: rostrum moderately stout, medium long (l/ w 4.8 , Rl/Pl 1.50), black; in lateral view evenly curved from base to apex, at antennal insertion only very slightly broadened, basal part of same width, then very slightly tapered to apex, basal part in cross-section not constricted, apical part slightly flattened dorsoventrally; basal part finely longitudinally punctured to ribbed, apical part with more sparsely distributed, larger longitudinal punctures, shortly before apex with puncture-free, shiny median area; basal part with sparsely distributed, recumbent tiny brownish scales and a few recumbent larger and wider white scales, apical part with sparse subrecumbent to suberect, forwardly oriented brownish hair-like scales. Head between eyes moderately narrow, of about 0.5 of rostrum width at base. Eyes large, evenly rounded, not protruding from head outline. Antennae reddish-brown with darkened club, inserted at 0.7 of rostrum length; funicle of 0.6 scape length, segment 1 moderately wider than, and as long as segment 2, segment 1 twice, segment 2 more than twice as long as wide, segments 3–5 subglobose; club elongate, 2.4 × as long as wide, of 1.1 funicle length, completely covered with densely arranged recumbent brown tiny hairs and a few erect light brown sensilla distally. Pronotum: black with dark brown narrow anterior margin, somewhat wider than long (Pl/Pw 0.65), very densely and finely punctured, punctures small, round to slightly irregular in shape; sparsely covered with variously oriented, elongate (l/w 4–6) scales being recumbent, brownish and whitish on disc, and subrecumbent black on sides; widest at base, nearly evenly conically narrowed to anterior margin, without apparent constriction, in lateral view first elevated, then falling to anterior margin, with marked, large flat bulge on disc. Prosternum: anterior margin with deep, sharply incised subrectangular emargination, not bounded by tubercles, not reaching coxae. Scutellum: subtriangular, relatively blunt at apex, with two distinct tubercles at base, covered with sparsely distributed, backwardly oriented recumbent, shortly elongate, dark scales. Elytra: black to dark brown, subparallel until 0.4 of their length, then convergent and in distal part broadly rounded, moderately elongate (El/Ew 1.19), widest from humeral apex to 0.4 of their length, at base strikingly wider than pronotum (Ew/Pw 1.91), humeri rounded, strikingly prominent, with marked posthumeral impression; slightly convex on disc; interstria 1 from slightly more than 1/4 to half of medial length very markedly broadened and less markedly broadened shortly before apex, interstria 2 at same lengths conspicuously narrowed to indistinct, very strikingly constricted laterally encompassing large dorsal transversally subrotund and preapical longitudinally oval, black tomentous maculae, on posterior margin of dorsal and anterior margin of preapical macula small to indistinct patches of tiny, shortly elongate, whitish and reddish scales, interstriae convex, of unequal width, even interstriae mostly narrower; odd interstriae more convex, interstria 3 at base, interstria 5 at about 1/4 of elytral length and in preapical area with apparently prominent swellings; interstriae without apparent patches of scales; striae unevenly deep to shallow, formed by rows of large, confluent subrotund punctures; entire surface covered with variously oriented short, thin, elongate (l/w 3–5), whitish and reddish intermixed scales and patches of erect, black, shortly elongate scales mainly on elytral sides and posterior swellings on interstria 5, integument clearly visible. Venter: covered with tiny, sparsely distributed, distally pointed, elongate, recumbent whitish scales to hair-like scales, metepisterna densely covered with yellowish-orange elongate scales, ventrites 3 and 4 with cluster of recumbent whitish and brown scales; mesosternal process subquadrate, tubercle-like; metasternum slightly convex, transversally ribbed, with scattered punctures, and with pit-like deep impression in middle of its posterior margin, ventrite 1 flat to slightly concave, ventrite 2 flat, both transversally ribbed and punctured; ventrite 1 1.8 × as long as ventrite 2, ventrites 1–2 combined 4.9 × as long as ventrites 3–4 combined, ventrites 3–4 combined of 0.7 length of ventrite 5. Legs: black except brown tarsi, distal part of femora and base of tibiae; profemora with medium-sized, very sharp teeth, meso- and metafemora with large triangular teeth; femora and tibiae semidensely covered with subrecumbent to suberect, black seta-like scales, tibiae also with a few scattered elongate, broader white scales, without transverse bands, tarsomeres 1–3 with suberect whitish hair-like scales, onychia with sparse subrecumbent pale hairs; onychia of anterior legs of normal length, of about 0.8 length of tarsomeres 1–3 combined, protarsal tarsomere 3 wider than long; claws of all legs of equal length. Male. Unknown. Variability. We know only the holotype of this species. Diagnosis. This species is characterised by visible elytral integument, bulge on pronotal disc, one swelling on interstria 3 at elytral base and two swellings on interstria 5, large transverse dorsal elytral macula. Comparative notes. This species is most closely related to C. championi and C. himalayensis , from which it differs by large transverse elytral dorsal macula, pronotal bulge and posterior swelling on interstria 5. Biological notes. Biology unknown. Montane species. Distribution. China ( Yunnan ). Etymology. The species is named after its only known region of distribution, the Chinese province Yunnan . Non-type specimens examined. None.