The genus Anisoscelis Latreille (Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Coreidae: Coreinae: Anisoscelini): new species, taxonomical arrangements, distributional records and key Author Brailovsky, Harry text Zootaxa 2016 4144 2 195 210 journal article 10.11646/zootaxa.4144.2.3 0f68b3cc-7988-47c3-9061-26f5b311ba60 1175-5326 272052 162AB563-5041-46E7-AEE2-8F0063D0D11F Anisoscelis (Anisoscelis) foliaceus (Fabricius) ( Figs. 1–2 , 20 ) Lygaeus foliaceus Fabricius, 1803 : 210 Diagnosis. Head pale orange; antennal segment I black with inner surface yellow, segments II–III black with basal and apical joint yellow and IV dark brown to black; pronotum black with metallic bluish-green or bluish-purple reflections; anterolateral borders yellow; collar entirely pale orange or black with metallic bluish-green or bluishpurple reflections, lateral expansions yellow; calli dark orange; scutellum black with metallic bluish-green or bluish-purple reflections; clavus dark reddish brown with metallic bluish-green or bluish-purple reflections; corium dark reddish brown with metallic bluish-green or bluish-purple reflections, costal margin pale yellow; hemelytral membrane bronze; connexivum yellow, inner margin black; dorsal abdominal segments black with deep metallic bluish-green reflections; ventrally pale yellowish orange; labial segments pale yellowish orange (apex of IV black); coxae pale yellowish orange; trochanters pale yellowish orange with two incomplete black longitudinal stripes; fore and middle femora pale yellowish orange with two complete black longitudinal stripes; hind femur pale yellowish orange with two incomplete black longitudinal stripes; fore and middle tibiae pale yellowish orange with two incomplete black longitudinal stripes; inner expansion of hind tibiae with two dark reddish spots, outer margin black with two pale yellowish orange spots, one basally the other at middle third; outer expansion dark reddish with proximal and distal third pale yellowish orange; fore and middle tarsi pale yellowish orange with two brown lateral stripes; hind tarsi entirely pale yellowish orange; labium reaching middle third of abdominal sternite III; humeral angles with tiny expansion directed laterally. Parameres. Figs. 1–2 . Distribution. Argentina : Buenos Aires (Chacabuco), Entre Rios ( Parana ), La Pampa (Pico) and Misiones . Brazil : Para . Ecuador : Guayaquil. French Guiana : Cayenne. Peru : Puerto Inca and Río Pachitea. Suriname : Paramaribo ( Dallas 1852 , Blöte 1936 , Coscaron & Pall 2015 , Packauskas 2010 ). Material examined. New records. Argentina : 3 males , 1 female , Misiones , Iguazu , 10-X-1981 , leg. R. Foerster ( UNAM ) . Bolivia : 2 males , 2 females , Santa Cruz , 3.7 km SSE Buena Vista , Hotel Flora y Fauna , 430 m , 23–26-X-2000 , 1–8-XI-2002 , leg. M. C. Thomas , J. E. Wappes ( FSCA , UNAM ) ; 1 female , Departamento Santa Cruz , Prov. Ichilo, 9-I-1990 , leg. J. Justiniano (MHNNKM) ; 1 male , 2 females , Chapare , Casco Celis , 31-III-2000 , leg. W. Helmuth ( UNAM ) . Brazil : 1 female , Rio Grande do Sul , Porto Alegre , I-2003 , leg. M. G. Araujo ( UNAM ) ; 1 female , Rondonia , 62 km S. E. Ariquemes , 13–25-IV-1992 , leg. W. J. Hanson ( USUL ) ; 2 males , 4 females , Amazonas , 30 km W Itaquatiara , Rio Urubu , 4–15-I-1981 , leg. G. Ekis & R. Davidson ( CASC ) ; 1 male , Amazonas , Manaus , Manacapura , III-1938 , leg. S. M. Klages ( CASC ) ; 1 female , Para , Almeiria , Sao Raimundo , 30-X-1981 , in Passiflora sp., leg. E. Vogel ( UNAM ) ; 1 female , Amazonas , Manaus , Cordado , 2-IV-1988 , leg. J. C. Hurtado ( UNAM ) ; 1 female , Obidos , 10-IX-1919 , leg. H. S. Parrish ( USNM ) ; 1 female , Manaus (without date), leg. H. R. Merrill ( USNM ) . Ecuador : 1 male , Napo , Coca , 6-II-1986 , leg. G. Onore ( PUCE ) ; 1 male , Napo , Cuyabeno , I-1983 , leg. E. Azanza ( UNAM ) ; 1 male , Napo , Rio Napo , Isla Anaconda, V—1976 , leg. F. Ortiz ( PUCE ) ; 1 female , Napo , Lago Agrio , X-1982 , leg. M. Garzon ( PUCE ) ; 1 female , Sucumbios , Pacayacu , 80 m , 26– 27-XII-1995 , leg. A. Muñoz ( PUCE ) ; 1 female , Sucumbios , Rio Aguarico , 280 m , 25-XII-1995 , leg. X. Cordovez ( PUCE ) ; 1 female , Province Napo , vic Puerto Misahuali , 1650–1900 m , 1°2’4.2’’S –77°39’49.2’’W, 6–19-IX-1998 , collected on fish carrion baited butterfly trap , leg. J. E. Eger (UNAM). French Guiana : 1 female , Saut-Maripa , Oyapock , 27-XI-1969 , leg. Balachoesky & Gruner ( UMRM ) ; 1 male , 1 female , Guyane , Mont Joly , on flowers of Macacoydja sp., 8-VI-1979 , leg. Remillet (ORSTROM) ( MNHN ) . Paraguay : 1 male , El Gran Chaco (nr. Concepcion ) (without date), leg. A. Pride ( UNAM ) . Peru : 1 male , Depto. Loreto , 34 km W Pucallpa , on Passiflora sp., 26-VII-1970 (without collector) ( UNAM ) ; 1 female, Sta. Isabella, 21-VII-1970 , leg. D. B. Ekkens (USNM); 1 male , Cuzco , Pilcopata , 750 m , 8-II-1975 , leg. G. Lamas ( UNAM ) ; 2 females , Loreto , Iquitos , 8–12-VIII-1985 , leg. G. Burrows ( UNAM ) ; 1 male , 1 female , Depto. Huanuco , Tingo Maria , 670 m , XII-1939 , leg. F. Woytkowski ( AMNH ) ; 1 female , Satipo , XI-1973 , leg. P. Paprzycki ( AMNH ) ; 1 female , Depto. Pasco , Sta. Rosa, Rio Palcazu , 500 m , 28-IX-1988 , leg. P. Hocking ( UNAM ) ; 1 male , 1 female , Monzon Valley , Tingo Maria , 27-X-1954 , leg. Schlinger & Ross ( CASC ) ; 1 female , Loreto , Puerto Oriente , Rio Ucayali , 7 km above Contamana , 13-IV-1963 , leg. Hubbell & Piña ( UNAM ) ; 1 female , Yurac , 67 mi E Tingo Maria , 11-XII-1954 , leg. Schlinger & Ross ( CASC ) . Trinidad ( West Indies ): Curupe , 4-X-1969 , collected at night, leg. C. J. Davis ( BPBM ) . Biological notes. Previously associated with Passiflora caerulea L. ( Di Iorio 2004 ), and in this paper cited on Passiflora spp., and on fish carrion baited butterfly trap. Anisoscelis (Anisoscelis) marginellus (Dallas) (Here elevated from subspecific rank). NEW STATUS ( Figs. 3–4 , 17 ) Leptoscelis marginella Dallas, 1852 : 457 Diagnosis. Head pale brown, lateral margins including preocular and postocular area and space between eye and ocelli, pale yellow; upper border of antenniferous tubercle pale brown; antennal segment I dark brown, inner surface pale yellow, segments II–III dark brown proximal and distal third yellow, IV dark brown, apex paler; pronotum dark orange, frontal angles, and anterolateral borders pale yellow, and posterolateral borders dark yellow and next a metallic bluish-green reflections; scutellum pale brownish orange, apex yellow; clavus dark orange with metallic bluish-green reflections; corium dark orange, costal margin pale yellow with an inner complete metallic bluish-green longitudinal stripe; hemelytral membrane pale to dark brown; connexivum dark brown with upper margin pale yellow; dorsal abdominal segments dark brown with metallic bluish-green reflections on segments VI– VII; labial segments (apex of IV brown) pale yellow; coxae pale yellow; trochanters entirely pale yellow or with one or two short brown stripes; fore femur pale yellow with two brown to black longitudinal stripes; middle and hind femora pale yellow; fore and middle tibiae pale yellow; inner expansion of hind tibiae reddish orange with basal area and medial spot yellow; outer expansion reddish orange with proximal and distal third and two irregular spots near midline yellow; tarsi pale yellow; labium reaching middle third of abdominal sternite III; humeral angles with tiny subacute expansion, directed backward. Parameres. Figs. 3–4 . Distribution. Brazil : Cruz Alta, and Rio Grande do Sul . Ecuador : Guayaquil, Duran and Posorja ( Campos 1925 , Blöte 1936 , Packauskas 2010 ). Material examined. New records. Argentina : 2 males , Corrientes , Mercedes , III-1974 , leg. R. Foerster ( UNAM ) ; 1 male , Misiones , San Ignacio , X-1992 , leg. D. Carpintero ( UNAM ) ; 1 male , 1 female , Misiones , Iguazu , 10-X-1981 , leg. R. Foerster ( UNAM ) ; 1 male , Santa Fe , XII-1972 (without collector) ( UNAM ) . Brazil : 1 male , 1 female , Porto Alegre , Rio Grande do Sul , Reserva Do Lami , on Passiflora alata , 12-II-1992 , leg. J. A. M. Fernandez ( USNM ) ; 1 female, Matto Grosso, Corumba (without data and collector) (USNM); 1 female , Rio Grande do Sul , Palmapes do Sul , Istmo Lagoa Capivari , 30°14’47’’S –50°33’49.6’’W, 20-V-2004 (without collector) (UNAM); 1 female , Rio Grande do Sul , Porto Alegre , 20-I-2005 , leg. R. Kolberg ( UNAM ). Guyana Britanica: Region 8 Iwokrama Forest , 1 km W Kurupukari , Iwokrama Field Station , 60 m , 4°40’19’’N – 58°41’4’’W, 21-V-2001 , leg. R. Brooks & Z. Falin (UKS); 1 male , Rupununi , Dadanawa , on Passiflora nr., a cuminata , 100 m , 2°50’N –59°30’W, 31-I-1981 , leg. J. Longino (UNAM). Venezuela : 1 female , Suapure , Caura , 21-VI-1899 , leg. E. A. Klages ( CMNH ) ; 1 female , Caracas , Cafetal , 1000 m , XII-1977 (without collector) ( UNAM ) ; 1 male , Zulia , Casigua (camp. Barsanti ), X-1970 , leg. J. M. Ayala ( UNAM ) . Trinidad ( West Indies ): 1 male , Porto Spain , VII-1921 (without collector) ( UNAM ) . Biological notes. Here cited on Passiflora alata Curtis and Passiflora nr., acuminate DC. ( Passifloraceae ).