Two new species of Dactylonotus Parent, 1934 (Diptera: Dolichopodidae) from South Africa and a key to Afrotropical species Author Igor Ya. Grichanov text European Journal of Taxonomy 2016 175 1 9 journal article 10.5852/ejt.2016.175 2118-9773 Dactylonotus grandicornis Parent, 1934 (by monotypy). Diagnosis The genus can be recognised by the finger-like projection or conus of the antennal pedicel, which overlaps the postpedicel dorsally in both sexes ( Figs 2, 7 ); the postpedicel with distinct apex, with relatively short dorsal arista-like stylus, either median or subapical in position; the occiput convex or flat; male frons and face broad; legs with an anterior preapical seta on the mid and hind femora; the wing costa extending beyond tip of R 4 + 5 , ending at apex of vein M; vein M unbroken ( Figs 3, 8 ); and male sternite 8 with strong projecting setae ( Figs 4, 10 ). Remarks Two species of the genus were formerly associated with the genera Syntormon Loew, 1857 ( Sympycninae ), Neurigona Rondani, 1856 ( Neurigoninae ) and Tenuopus Curran, 1924 ( Neurigoninae or genus incertae sedis ), showing the uncertain position of Dactylonotus within the subfamily Diaphorinae. Such characters previously unknown for the genus as the black body ( D. nigricorpus sp. nov. ) and ornamented fore tarsus ( D. tsitsikamma sp. nov. ) confirm the close relation of Dactylonotus with Argyra and Somillus and their combination in an independent taxon of the subfamily rank.