Revision of Leucothoe (Amphipoda, Crustacea) from the Southern Ocean: a cosmopolitanism concept is vanishing Author Krapp-Schickel, Traudl E1B1DCCF-04CB-4B1A-A69B-A7C25EC95A38 Zoologisches Forschungsmuseum A. Koenig, Adenauerallee 160, D- 53113 Bonn, Germany E-mail: traudl. krapp @ uni-bonn. de (corresponding author) & urn: lsid: zoobank. org: author: E 1 B 1 DCCF- 04 CB- 4 B 1 A-A 69 B-A 7 C 25 EC 95 A 38 Author Broyer, Claude De 970067BF-A792-48A9-B32A-B91F0E41C354 Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences, rue Vautier 29, B- 1000 Bruxelles, Belgium E-mail: claude. debroyer @ naturalsciences. be & urn: lsid: zoobank. org: author: 970067 BF-A 792 - 48 A 9 - B 32 A-B 91 F 0 E 41 C 354 text European Journal of Taxonomy 2014 2014-04-15 80 1 55 journal article 21805 10.5852/ejt.2014.80 6758c39f-119f-401b-bf6e-c458ea4f4dca 2118-9773 3860901 FDB2386B-9DC8-47C3-B7AB-406BE4264478 Leucothoe antarctica Pfeffer, 1888 Figs 1-5 Leucothoe antarctica Pfeffer, 1888: 54-57 , Taf. II: fig. 4. sub Leucothoe spinicarpa variant 3 – Holman & Watling 1983: 228-229 . Diagnosis Eyes large, round. Mandibular palp long and narrow, art. 3 about 1/3 length of art. 2. Cx 3 tongue-shaped rounded, smooth. Gn 1 propodus l:w = 4-5, dactylus reaching about 1/3-1/4 of propodus length. P 5-7 basis oval broadened, with regularly rounded hind margin, ratio l:w = 1.5 to 1.2; posterior margin at least in P 7 strongly serrate (not mentioned in Pfeffer’s description). Ep 2 posterodistally with rounded upturned corner. Type material Neotype ov. 5 mm , 2 slides ( RBINS , I.G. 31073 / INV. 103461). Polarstern ANT XIX/3 ( ANDEEP I), sta. PS61/067-1; 4 Feb. 2002 ; off Elephant Island , 60°55’53”S , 55°27’38”W to 60°55’09”S , 55°24’50”W ; 115-182 m ; bottom trawl. Type locality South Georgia , Royal Bay, near the Deutsche Polarstation 1882-1883 at Moltke Harbor, approx. 54°30’58”S , 36°00’45”W . Additional material Belgian-Dutch Antarctic Expeditions ( RBINS , Brussels , EABN 1966-67 , collectors: M. Steyaert & M. Meisch, RBINS I.G. 23694) EABN 1966-67 , sta. 238, 3 Feb. 1967 , Breid Bay, Baie Léopold, 70°19’S , 24°14’E ; 200 m ; bottom trawl: 1 juv. Polarstern cruises ( RBINS , Brussels , ANT XIII /3 ( EASIZ I), coll. C. De Broyer & G. Chapelle, RBINS I.G. 28252; ANT XIX /3 ( ANDEEP I), coll. C. De Broyer, P. Dauby & F. Nyssen, RBINS I.G. 31073) ANT XIII /3 ( EASIZ I), sta. PS39/24 MG 26; 21 Feb. 1996 ; eastern Weddell Sea; 71°08’06”S , 11°31’54”W ; 118 m ; Multibox Corer: 1 spec. 3.5 mm . Fig. 1. Leucothoe antarctica Pfeffer, 1888 : original illustration in Pfeffer 1888 , fig. 4. ANT XIX /3 ( ANDEEP I), sta. PS 61/047-1; 30 Jan. 2002 ; off Elephant Island; 61°4.18’S , 54°36.81’W , 189 m , bottom trawl: 1 spec. 4 mm . ANT XIX /3 ( ANDEEP I), sta. PS61/067-1; 4 Feb. 2002 ; off Elephant Island; 60°55’53”S , 55°27’38”W to 60°55’09”S , 55°24’50”W ; 115-182 m ; bottom trawl: 1 spec. ♀ ov. 5 mm slide. Polish Antarctic Expeditions ( LPBO-UL , Łódź ) 9 th Polish Ant. Exp, sta. OC 412; 11 Jan. 1985 ; King George Island, Admiralty Bay, Ezcurra Inlet; 62°10’S , 58°32’W ; 90 m ; Van Veen Grab: 1 spec. 9 th Polish Ant. Exp, sta. OC 520; 3 Nov. 1985 ; King George Island, Admiralty Bay, section I; 62°09’S , 58°25’W ; 335 m ; Van Veen Grab: 1 juv. Victoria Museum, Melbourne ? J 38267 [ Aurora Australis AA93 142], off Mac Robertson Land, north of Fram Bank; 66°48’ 46”S- 66°48’52”S , 70°24’59”E- 70°25’32”E ; depth:?: 1 spec. 3 mm . Redescription Length 4-9 mm [Pfeffer: “ 5 mm ”]. Head Anterior margin rounded, anterodistal margin rectangular with rounded corner. Mid-cephalic keel not prominent. Rostrum small. Eyes large, round. Antenna 1 a quarter of body length, flagellum 10-12-articulate, peduncle art. 1 width proximally less than twice article 2, disto-inferiorly without acute tooth, length art. 1 subequal art. 2, art. 3 about 1/4 of art. 2, acc. flagellum not seen. Peduncle art. 3 + flagellum shorter than peduncle arts 1+2. Antenna 2 subequal in length to antenna 1, peduncle art. 4> art. 5, flagellum 7-10 arts. Mouthparts: Mandibles lacking molars, incisor and lacinia mobilis dentate; palp 3-articulate, art. 2 with 12 long lateral setae, art. 3 with 2 distal setae, 0.35 of art. 2. Maxilliped IP small, ventrally fused, OP reaching about 1/5 of inner margin of palp art. 1; palp articles similar in length. Peraeon Cx 1 smooth, length> width; anterior margin smooth, facial setae absent, inferior margin smooth [Pfeffer: “anterodistally rounded corner of about 70°”]. Gn 1 basis scarcely inflated, posterior margin with groups of short setae; ischium smooth; carpus basis more than half as long as propodus, distal part linear and extremely narrow, about 8 x longer than wide; propodus straight, about 4-5 x as long as wide [Pfeffer: “about 4 times”], palm minutely dentate with 8 short setae; dactylus smooth, reaching about 1/3-1/4 propodus length. Cx 2 subquadrangular, about as long as wide, much wider than Cx 3, distally smooth; anterior margin straight, anterodistal corner rectangular, inferior and posterior margin straight, facial setae absent. Gn 2 basis not inflated, on both margins up to 6 short or long setae; carpus nearly reaching half propodus length, curved, distally like a finger-tip rounded, densely setose; propodus anterodistally with short, blunt prolongation and a bundle of setae, posterior margin with many low humps, palm convex, proximally near dactylus-end no corner; facial setae medially and submedially present; dactylus curved, both margins smooth, bare, reaching somewhat more than half of propodus length. Fig. 2. Leucothoe antarctica Pfeffer, 1888 , neotype ♀ 5 mm. Hd = head; A 1, 2 = antennae; Mx 1 = first maxilla; Mx 1’ = palp of first maxilla enlarged; Mx 2 = second maxilla; Md = mandible-body; Md’ = palp of mandible. Fig. 3. Leucothoe antarctica Pfeffer, 1888 , neotype ♀ 5 mm. Gn 1 = first gnathopod; Gn 1’ = dactylus, propodus and carpus of first gnathopod enlarged; Gn 2 = second gnathopod female; Gn 2’ = second gnathopod male; Mxp = maxilliped. Fig. 4. Leucothoe antarctica Pfeffer, 1888 , neotype ♀ 5mm. P 3-7 = peraeopod 3-7; P 7’ = basis of peraeopod 7 enlarged; Ep 1-3 = epimeral plates 1-3; U 1-3 = uropod 1-3; U 1’, U 2’ = uropods 1, 2 enlarged; T = telson, T’ = telson reduced; T’’ = tip of telson enlarged. Cx 3 length> width, anterior and posterior margin straight, distally rounded, smooth, facial setae absent. Cx 4 length subequal to width or longer than wide, smooth, bare, anterior margin straight, distal margin rounded, posterior margin shorter than anterior one, not excavate, facial setae absent. P 3, 4 basis very narrow, a bit wider than merus; dactylus reaching nearly half length of propodus, posterior margins with some short thin spines. Cx 5-7 facial setae absent. P 5-7 similar, bases l:w ratio about 1.5 (P 5) to 1.2 (P 7), anterior margins with very slight serrations and small weak spines, posterior margins in P 5, 6 smooth or serrated, in P 7 strongly serrate [not mentioned in Pfeffer]. Merus in P 5-7 with posterodistal corner lengthened. Pleon Ep 2 with spines on distal margin, Ep 1, 3 distally bare, but some small setae on posterodistal corner of Ep 3. Ep 1 distally rounded, Ep 2 posteroventral corner not acutely upturned, but produced with rounded corner, Ep 3 posteroventral corner blunt and rectangular. Uropods: U 2 the shortest, with very unequal rami (ratio nearly 1:2), the shorter one shorter than peduncle. Telson ratio length:width = 3, tip tridentate because of two indentations near distal end, with a short seta inserted in each one. No sexual dimorphism known. Distribution Circum-Antarctic, from 54° to 71°S , from 11° to 58°W and from 24 to 70°E ( type material: 54°S , 36°W ). Depth range 24- 335 m . Remarks Pfeffer (1888) compared his new species only with the Atlantic species Leucothoe articulosa (Leach, 1814) , insufficiently described and actually kept it – with question marks – as a synonym of L. spinicarpa (Abildbaard, 1789) ; there is, however, no doubt that it belongs to the “ spinicarpa -group”. The original description and illustration of the single type are not very helpful (see Fig. 1 ), but at least the semicircular posterior margin of P 7 and the scarcely upturned rounded posterodistal corner in Ep 2 are visible in the drawing. Holman & Watling ( 1983 : 228-229 , fig. 11d-e) discussed a so-called “ Leucothoe spinicarpa variant 3”; on p. 229 they wrote: “Cx 3 with smoothly rounded ventral margin, Cx 4 not excavate posteriorly. Gn 1 dactyl 1/5 length and approximately equal to width of propodus, latter 6 times as long as wide (here 5x). P 7 basis broadly expanded, Ep 3 with quadrate posterodistal corner. Distribution: tip of Antarctic Peninsula, 210-220 m [about 63°S , 58°W ].” By the combination of the key character states – P 7 basis broadly rounded, Gn 1 dactylus reaching about 1/4 of propodus, Cx 3 distally smooth, Ep 2 posterodistal corner only a little produced and rounded – L. antarctica clearly differs from all other members of the spinicarpa-group.