Further notes on the Harmochireae of Africa (Araneae, Salticidae, Pelleninae) Author Logunov, Dmitri The University of Manchester, Manchester ,, United Kingdom text ZooKeys 2009 2009-07-29 16 16 265 290 journal article 10.3897/zookeys.16.227 6b73003c-9391-4d6b-83ec-751c121b1410 1313–2970 576485 6E8BA40D-318D-4F1B-A194-63991E40F0E3 Microbianor madagascarensis sp. n. urn:lsid:zoobank.org:act: E2D1B206-EE41-4362-A68E-A90F0D4B9563 Figs 24-32 Type material. Holotype . ♁ ( MRAC , 200.164; Figs 24-26 , 29-30 ), Madagascar , Foulpointe , lagoon forest, yellow trap , 10.1993, AP. Paratypes . MADAGASCAR : 2♁ 3♀ ( MRAC , 200.164; Figs 27-28 , 31-32 ), together with the holotype ; 1♁ 1♀ ( MRAC , 177.809, 206.057), same locality, 10-11.1993, AP ; 1♁ ( MRAC , 200.355), same locality, forest on sand, sieving litter, 2.12.1993 , AP ; 1♀ ( MRAC , 206.921), same locality, forest of red soil, in litter, 11.1994, AP ; 1♀ ( MRAC , 201.407), Madagascar, Tamatave, Foulpointe, grassy vegetation near sea water, 10.1994, AP ; 1♁ 1♀ ( MRAC , 201.209), same locality, forest on clay, 08.1994, AP ; 2♀ ( MRAC , 200.390), Foulpointe, Filao-plantation on sea shore, sieving litter, 11.1993, AP ; 1♀ ( MRAC , 206.035), Madagascar, Ranomafana, 15.03.1994 , AP . Figures 24-28. Microbianor madagascarensis sp. n. , male holotype ( 24-26 ) and female paratype ( 27-28 ). 24 male general appearance, dorsal view 25 ditto, lateral view 26 male right leg I, lateral view 27 female general appearance, dorsal view 28 ditto, lateral view. (scale bars: 0.5 mm ). Figures 29-32. Microbianor madagascarensis sp. n. , male holotype ( 29-30 ) and female paratype ( 3 1-32 ). 29 left male palp, ventral view 30 ditto, retro-lateral view 3 1 epigyne, ventral view 32 spermathecae, dorsal view. (scale bars: 0.1 mm ). Diagnosis . Compared to all the described species of Microbianor (see Logunov 2000 ), M. madagascarensis sp. n. differs in having the best-developed and most clearly observable fossae in females ( Fig. 31 ; in the rest of Microbianor species the fossae are undeveloped or poorly marked). By conformation of their palp, males of M. madagascarensis sp. n. are similar to those of M. nigritarsis (cf. Logunov 2000 : figs 11-12), from which they can be distinguished by yellow tarsi tinged with brown in their basal halves ( Fig. 26 ; black in M. nigritarsis ). Females of both species are quite distinct in the conformation of their epigyne and spermathecae (cf. Figs 31-32 and figs 18-20 in Logunov 2000 ). Etymology . The new species is named after the area of its occurrence, Madagascar . Distribution . NE region of Madagascar (Tamatave and Ranomafana). Description . Male (the holotype ). Measurements. Carapace 1.33 long, 1.15 wide, 0.70 high at PLE. Ocular area 0.98 long, 1.03 wide anteriorly and 1.18 wide posteriorly. Diameter of AME 0.35. Abdomen 1.28 long, 0.95 wide. Cheliceral length 0.45. Clypeal height 0.05. Length of leg segments: leg I- 0.93+0.50+0.65+0.48+0.50; leg II- 0.60+0.36+0.33+0.33+0.26; leg III- 0.68+0.35+0.31+0.38+0.30; leg IV- 0.70+0.35+0.38+0.45+0.33. Leg spination. Leg I: Tb v 1-2-2ap; Mt v 2-2ap. Leg II: Fm d 1ap; Tb pr 0-1, v 1-1; Mt v 2-2ap. Leg III: Fm d 2ap; Tb pr and rt 0-1-0, v 1ap; Mt pr, rt and v 1ap. Leg IV: Fm d 1ap; Tb rt 0-1-0; Mt rt 1ap. Colouration. Carapace russet, shining, with black around eyes; eye field of the same colour as the rest of carapace ( Figs 24-25 ). Clypeus russet, with sparse long white hairs forming a triangle and overhanging the chelicerae. Sternum yellowish-brownish. Maxillae, labium and chelicerae russet. Abdomen greyish-yellowish; dorsum, entirely covered with brownish shining scutum and with a pair of transverse white spots (sometimes poorly marked; Fig. 24 ). Book-lung covers and spinnerets yellow, slightly tinged with brown. All legs yellow, with no brown rings, but tibiae I and the basal half of tarsi I brownish ( Fig. 26 ). Palps yellow to brownish, but cymbium always yellow; palpal structure as in Figs 29-30 . Female . (the paratype , sample 200.164). Measurements. Carapace 1.38 long, 1.15 wide, 0.65 high at PLE. Ocular area 0.93 long, 1.00 wide anteriorly and 1.16 wide posteriorly. Diameter of AME 0.34. Abdomen 1.55 long, 1.10 wide. Cheliceral length 0.43. Clypeal height 0.05. Length of leg segments: leg I- 0.78+0.40+0.48+0.35+0.30; leg II- 0.58+0.36+0.31+0.33+0.29; leg III- 0.65+0.29+0.33+0.38+0.28; leg IV- 0.75+0.30+0.40+0.48+0.33. Leg spination. Leg I: Tb v 1-2-2; Mt v 2-2ap. Leg II: Tb pr 0-1-0, v 1-1ap; Mt v 2-2ap. Leg III: Tb pr and rt 0-1-0, v 1ap; Mt pr, rt and v 1ap. Leg IV: no spines. Colouration as in the male ( Figs 27-28 ), but differs as follows: no scutum on dorsum; book-lung covers and spinnerets yellow; palps yellow; tibiae I brownish. Epigyne and spermathecae as in Figs 31-32 .