Flesh flies (Diptera: Sarcophagidae) from a white-sand habitat in the Brazilian Amazon, with the description of four new species Author Carvalho-Filho, Fernando Da Silva Author Gorayeb, Inocêncio De Sousa Author Soares, Jéssica Maria Menezes Author Souza, Matheus Tavares De text Zootaxa 2018 2018-10-25 4504 3 401 417 journal article 28075 10.11646/zootaxa.4504.3.6 3de64436-3ff2-4d0a-8676-b0504170ec50 1175-5326 2606507 E4F4A4FC-2AD0-4438-91D4-BB690C91A5A2 Dexosarcophaga ( Dexosarcophaga ) campina sp. nov. ( Figs 9–12 ) Type material. HOLOTYPE ( MPEG ): BRASIL-PARÁ, BR-422 / Km 11, sul de Cametá [= south of Cametá City], Campina [= white-sand vegetation] / 2°15’12”S 49°36’12”W / Arm. suspensa [= suspended trap ] / 13 a [= to] 23.i.2015 [printed on white label] // BRASIL-PARÁ-Cametá / Cols [= collectors]: I.S. Gorayeb , J. Borges / C.A.C. Favacho , W. Carvalho / Luís Lopes, J.A . Rodrigues [printed on white label; holotype in good condition, with extended terminalia]. PARATYPES . 1 ♂ ( MPEG ): same data as holotype except 7–21.iv.2015 [in good condition with abdomen glued to a card triangle and terminalia extended] ; 1 ♂ ( MNRJ ), same data as holotype except 15–21.iv.2015 , Malaise trap , F. S. Carvalho-Filho , J. Quaresma, A. Quaresma, D. Guimarães & K. Monteiro leg. [printed on white label; specimen with both hind legs missing] ; 2 ♂♂ ( MPEG , MNRJ ): same data as holotype except 6–14.vii. 2015 , yellow pan trap , F. S. Carvalho-Filho , J. Soares, L.A. Quaresma, C. Souza, M. Tavares, J. Gracia & B. Anjos leg. [printed on white label; one specimen ( MPEG ) in good condition, with terminalia cleared and placed in glycerin in a microvial pinned beneath the specimen; other specimen ( MNRJ ) with terminalia glued on a card triangle and with right fore leg missing] ; 1 ♂ ( MPEG ), same data as holotype except 6–14.vii.2015 , Malaise trap , M. F. Ribeiro , L. Lopes, D.D.R. Guimarães, W. Carvalho, C.A.C. Favacho, K. Monteiro & F. Costa leg. [printed on white label; specimen in good condition] . Diagnosis. Wing vein R 1 bare. Phallic tube without an elongate, dorsally-curved margin ( Fig. 12 ). Distiphallus with serrated membranous plates on ventral margin ( Figs 11–12 ). Juxta elongate and curved ventrally ( Fig. 12 ). Vesica subrectangular in ventral view ( Fig. 11 ). Description. Male . Body length: 4.5–6.0 mm (n = 6). TABLE 1. Species of Sarcophagidae and abundance of male specimens sampled in an area of open herbaceous whitesand vegetation known as “Campo Redondo” (2°15’09.84”S 49°36’54.72”W) in the municipality of Cametá, state of Pará, eastern Brazilian Amazon, Brazil. These specimens are pinned and deposited in Museu Paraense Emílio Goeldi (MPEG) and Museu Nacional do Rio de Janeiro (MNRJ).
Subfamily Species N. of specimens
Miltogramminae Metopia fofo sp. nov. 1
Senotainia sp. 5
Sarcophaginae Argoravinia alvarengai Lopes, 1976 18
Argoravinia catiae Carvalho-Filho & Esposito, 2012 2
Argoravinia rufiventris (Wiedemann, 1830) 7
Dexosarcophaga ( Bezzisca ) ampullula (Engel, 1931) 7
Dexosarcophaga ( Dexosarcophaga ) campina sp. nov. 6
Dexosarcophaga ( Dexosarcophaga ) transita Townsend, 1917 14
Dexosarcophaga ( Dexosarcophaga ) pusilla Lopes, 1975 2
Dexosarcophaga ( Farrimyia ) carvalhoi (Lopes, 1980) 72
Dexosarcophaga ( Farrimyia ) globulosa Lopes, 1946 8
Helicobia aurescens (Townsend, 1927) 2
Helicobia pilifera Lopes, 1939 1
Helicobia cametaensis sp. nov. 1
Helicobia domquixote sp. nov. 2
Lepidodexia ( Gymnocamptops ) ochristriga (Enderlein, 1928) 5
Lepidodexia ( Lepidodexia ) grisea Lopes, 1951 1
Lepidodexia ( Notochaeta ) distincta (Lopes, 1947) 1
Lepidodexia ( Notochaeta ) setifrons (Lopes, 1983) 4
Lepidodexia ( Notochaeta ) vittata (Lopes, 1968) 2
Nephochaetopteryx pallidifacies Lopes, 1975 1
Oxysarcodexia angrensis (Lopes, 1933) 4
Oxysarcodexia avuncula (Lopes, 1933) 1
Oxysarcodexia carvalhoi Lopes, 1946 50
Oxysarcodexia fluminensis Lopes, 1946 2
Oxysarcodexia fringidea (Curran & Walley, 1934) 7
Oxysarcodexia intona (Curran & Walley, 1934) 3
Oxysarcodexia major Lopes, 1946 4
Oxysarcodexia modesta Lopes, 1946 56
Oxysarcodexia thornax (Walker, 1849) 16
Oxysarcodexia timida (Aldrich, 1916) 46
Oxysarcodexia xanthosoma (Aldrich, 1916) 1
Oxysarcodexia sp. 2
Peckia ( Euboettcheria ) anguilla (Curran & Walley, 1934) 3
Peckia ( Euboettcheria ) collusor (Curran & Walley, 1934) 11
Peckia ( Pattonella ) intermutans (Walker, 1861) 5
Peckia ( Peckia ) chrysostoma (Wiedemann, 1830) 43
Peckia ( Peckia ) pexata (Wulp, 1895) 8
Peckia ( Peckia ) uncinata (Hall, 1933) 4
Peckia ( Sarcodexia ) lambens (Wiedemann, 1830) 14
Peckia ( Squamatodes ) ingens (Walker, 1849) 3
Retrocitomyia retrocita (Hall, 1933) 15
Titanogrypa ( Cucullomyia ) larvicida (Lopes, 1935) 1
Head. Fronto-orbital and parafacial plates covered with silver-yellowish microtrichia. Parafacial plate with setulae sparsely distributed along inner eye margin. Frontal vitta black, with a row of 8 frontal setae. One reclinate fronto-orbital seta. Proclinate fronto-orbital setae absent. Outer vertical seta not differentiated from postocular setae. Gena and postgena with silver-yellowish microtrichia and black setae. Antenna dark brown, arista long plumose on basal 2/3. Palpus black. Thorax. Chaetotaxy: acrostichals 0+1, dorsocentrals 2+2, intra-alars 2+2 (anterior one shorter), supra-alars 2+3, postpronotals 3, postalars 2, notopleurals 4 (2 strong primary setae and 2 short subprimary setae), anepisternals 6, katepisternals 3, scutellum with 1 pair of basal setae, 1 pair of lateral setae, no apical setae and 1 pair of discal setae. Legs . Black. Mid femur with a ctenidium of rounded spines on posteroventral surface. Mid tibia with 1 median seta on ventral surface and 2 median setae on posterodorsal surface. Hind tibia with 1 median anteroventral seta. Wing . Hyaline. Costal spine absent. Vein R 1 bare. Third costal section bare ventrally. Abdomen. Tergites dark brown in ground color. Tergites 3 to 5 with a band of silvery-gray microtrichia on anterior 4/5 on dorsal and lateral surfaces. Syntergite 1+2 without median marginal setae. Tergites 3 and 4 with a pair of median marginal setae. Tergite 5 with a complete row of marginal setae. Sternites 2 to 4 dark brown, with long, black, hair-like setae. Terminalia. Sternite 5 V-shaped, posterior arms slender, with setae in posterior region. Syntergosternite 7+8, epandrium and cercus black. Cercus slightly curved ventrally in lateral view, with truncate apex and long setae restricted to cercal base ( Fig. 9 ). Surstylus subtriangular ( Fig. 9 ). Pregonite elongate, slightly longer than postgonite, curved ventrally, with small setae on dorsal margin ( Fig. 10 ). Postgonite elongate, with tip curved ventrally and with a long seta and some small setae distally on anterior margin ( Fig. 10 ). Phallus light brown, with membranous area between basi- and distiphallus. Basiphallus elongate. Distal portion of distiphallus, including juxta, membranous, ventral margin with membranous areas with serrated plates ( Figs 11–12 ). Juxta elongate and curved ventrally ( Fig. 12 ). Vesica sclerotized, elongate, with rounded ventral margin in lateral view ( Fig. 12 ). Vesica in ventral view with subrectangular apical margin and rounded proximal margin ( Fig. 11 ). Lateral styli long and tubular, with proximal portion situated close to vesica. Median stylus small and tubular. Female. Unknown.
Remarks. This species is similar to Dexosarcophaga wyatti Mello-Patiu & Pape in having ventral margin of distiphallus with serrated membranous plates. It differs from D. wyatti in having vesica subrectangular in ventral view ( Fig. 11 ), pregonite not narrow and strongly curved ventrally ( Fig. 10 ), and dorsal surface of distiphallus without a small lobe ( Fig. 12 ). In D. wyatti the vesica is horseshoe-shaped in ventral view, the pregonite is narrow and strongly curved ventrally, and the dorsal surface of the distiphallus has a small lobe ( Mello-Patiu & Pape 2000 ). Many species of the subgenus Dexosarcophaga Townsend have distiphallus with a ventral concavity that is formed by the elongate, ventrally-curved juxta and the elongate and distally-curled paraphallic distal expansion. However, as the paraphallic distal expansion of D. campina sp. nov. is not elongate, the ventral concavity is absent. The ventral concavity is also absent in D. wyatti , D. varenna (Dodge) and D. pusilla Lopes. Distribution. NEOTROPICAL—Brazil ( Pará ). Etymology. The specific epithet “campina”, which should be treated as a noun in apposition, refers to the Brazilian denomination of the white-sand habitat of the type locality.