Taxonomic studies of Diospyros (Ebenaceae) from the Malagasy region. V. Synoptic revision of the Bernieriana group in Madagascar and the Comoro Islands Author Schatz, George E. Author Lowry Ii, Porter P. Author Phillipson, Peter B. text Candollea 2020 2020-10-29 75 2 203 218 journal article 20585 10.15553/c2020v752a5 578cdd61-88f5-4677-a128-6c5ab7e37fe3 2235-3658 5724867 6. Diospyros suarezensis G.E. Schatz, Lowry & Phillipson , sp. nov. ( Fig. 5 , 6A–B ). Holotypus : MADAGASCAR . Reg. DIANA [Prov. Antsiranana ]: forêt d’Orangea [ Oronjia ], along the dirt track near the remains of the French fort on hill above Ramena , 12°15'01"S 49°21'39"E , 50 m , 20.I.2003 , fr., Miller et al. 10724 ( MO-6883922 !; iso-: P [ P01031025 ]!, G [ G00341891 ]!, TAN !, W !). Diospyros suarezensis G.E. Schatz, Lowry & Phillipson can be distinguished from other members of the Bernieriana group by its small (0.8–2.7 × 0.3–1.6 cm ) elliptic to obovate leaves with revolute margins, the broadest blade less than 3 times longer than wide, the adaxial surface of the lamina glossy, the abaxial surface glabrous or initially with white farinose indument and then glabrescent, its female flowers obconical, with the apex of the calyx entire, the calyx strongly accrescent in fruit to 8–9 mm long. Shrub to tree 1.5– 5 m tall. Young stems densely covered with erect, very short (< 0.1 mm ) gray trichomes. Leaves 0.8–2.7 × 0.3–1.6 cm , elliptic to obovate, glabrous and glossy above, glabrous or initially with white farinose indumentum and then glabrescent below, base acute to obtuse, margin revolute to strongly revolute and then obscuring much of the abaxial lamina surface, apex obtuse to rounded, the very tip rounded, midrib flat to slightly impressed above, slightly raised below, venation weakly brochidodromous with 3–4 secondary veins per side, flat to slightly raised above, only faintly visible above and below, tertiary venation indistinct; petiole 1–3 mm , 0.8 mm diam., canaliculate, densely covered with erect, very short (< 0.1 mm ) gray trichomes. Male flowers not seen. Female flowers solitary in the axils of leaves and fallen leaves; pedicel 0.5–1 mm long, 0.7 mm diam., bearing several bracts densely covered with very short, appressed, light golden to gray trichomes; flowers obconical at anthesis, calyx fully fused, obconical, 4–5 mm long, 2 mm diam. at base to 3–3.5 mm in diam. at apex, the apex entire, densely covered with rufous farinose trichomes and very short, appressed light golden to gray trichomes outside, very densely covered with very short semi-appressed light golden trichomes inside, glabrescent outside; calyx rapidly expanding post anthesis, extending an additional 4– 9 mm , with visible venation, the apex entire; corolla tubular to slightly obconical, 5 mm long, 2 mm in diam. at base to 2.5 mm diam. at apex, glabrous for basal 2/3, densely covered with very short appressed trichomes for apical 1/3, lobes 3 or 4, broadly ovate, 2.5 × 2 mm , apex obtuse, densely covered with very short, appressed trichomes outside, glabrous inside; staminodia 4, inserted toward the apex of corolla tube, filaments adnate to corolla, 3 mm , the, antherodes 1 mm , ovary obovoid to subspherical, 2 mm tall, 2 mm in diam., densely covered with short appressed trichomes, crowned by the cylindrical style, 2 mm tall, 0.5 mm diam., densely covered with short appressed trichomes. Pedicel in fruit expanding to 2 mm long, 3–5 mm in diam. Fruit 9–12 mm in diam., subspherical, initially enclosed within the prolonged calyx until it breaks off, densely covered with short (c. 0.5 mm ), appressed, light golden trichomes toward the apex, crowned by the style/stigma remnant, narrowly cone-shaped, 2 mm tall, 0.8 mm in diam. at base. Vernacular names . – “Beando beravina” ( Christian et al. 67 ); “Jaobiampototra” ( Razafitsalama 593 ); “Kirandrambiavy madiniky” ( Be et al. 126 ); “Sarimina” ( Ratovoson 2105 ). Distribution and ecology . – Diospyros suarezensis is known from dry forest on sand in the DIANA region from Oronjia south to Irodo ( MADAGASCAR CATALOGUE, 2020 ), at an elevation of 0– 280 m . Conservation status . – Diospyros suarezensis has a restricted geographic range in the form of an EOO of 439 km ² and a minimum AOO of 68 km ². It is present in the Ambodivahibe Marine Reserve and Oronjia protected areas. Outside of protected areas, it is threatened by grazing, fire, and exploitation for firewood and construction material, all of which are projected to result in continuing decline. With respect to the principal threat of fire, it exists at 16 locations. Therefore, D. suarezensis can be assessed for its risk of extinction as “Near Threatened” [NT], as it nearly qualifies as “Vulnerable” under Criteria B1 and B2 ( IUCN, 2012 ). Notes . – Diospyros suarezensis can be distinguished from other members of the Bernierana group by its small elliptic to obovate leaves with revolute margins, and its subspherical fruit enclosed within the accrescent calyx lacking lobes. Paratypi . – MADAGASCAR . Reg. DIANA [Prov. Antsiranana ]: Ambararata , 12°16'47"S 49°22'37"E , 72 m , 12.XII.2015 , buds, Ratovoson 2105 ( MO , P , TAN [+ 2 sheets]) ; ibid. loco , 12°16'36"S 49°22'07"E , 60 m , 13.II.2005 , fl., Schatz 4234 ( CNARP , MO , P , TAN ) ; Ambodivahibe , forêt littorale d’Ampio , 12°23'4"S 49°26'23"E , 10 m , 19.V.2005 , fr., Ramananjanahary et al. 309 ( MO , P , TAN ) ; Andrafiabe , 3 km au NW d’Ambolobozokely , 12°25' 59"S 49°30' 07"E , 34 m , 16.VI.2005 , fr., Be et al. 126 ( MO , P , TAN ) ; ibid. loco , 12°26'00"S 49°30'08"E , 16 m , 28.XII.2008 , fr., Christian et al. 67 ( CNARP , MO , TAN ) ; ibid. loco , 4 km au N d’Ambolobozobe , 12°29'00"S 49°31'25"E , 10 m , 8.II.2005 , fr., Ratovoson et al. 929 ( G , MO , P , TAN ) ; ibid. loco, 2 km au NW du village, 12°26'15"S 49°29'15"E , 11.XII.2007 , fl., Rakotoarisoa 767 ( K , TAN ) ; Andrafiakely , Ambolobozokely , Ampasimena , à 2 km au NW du village, 12°26'15"S 49°29'39"E , 11.XII.2007 , fr., Rakotonandrasana 1264 ( MO , P , TAN ) ; Ankarongana ( Korangana ), Irodo , Analafondro forest , 12°37'47"S 49°31'15"E , 55 m , 24.II.2006 , ster., Birkinshaw et al. 1593 ( MO , P , TAN ) ; Ankorikakely , rte Ramena , PK 10.5, 12°17'59"S 49°21'21"E , 5 m , 11.V.2005 , fr., Ratovoson et al. 978 ( G , MO , P , TAN ) ; ibid. loco , 12°17'18"S 49°21'27"E , 0 m, 16.II.2005 , fr. Schatz et al. 4337 ( CNARP , MO , P , TAN ) ; à l’E d’Antsiranana , [ 12°16'S 49°22'E ], 22.II.1962 , fr., Service Forestier 20941 ( MO , P , TEF ) ; ibid. loco, [ 12°16'00"S 49°22'00"E ], 25.II.1964 , fr., Service Forestier 23259 ( MO , P [2 sheets], TEF ) ; Baie des Dunes , 12°14' 27"S 49°22'26"E , 10 m , 17.V.2004 , fr., Razafitsalama et al. 593 ( MO , P , TAN ) ; forêt d’Analafondro , à la base du plateau de Sahafary (sur la rive gauche du Rodo inf.), [ 12°37'S 49°29'E ], 1.V.1966 , fr., Service Forestier 24710 ( MO , P [2 sheets], TEF ) ; forêt de Matsaborimaiky , 12°15'31"S 49°22'05"E , 22.I.2014 , fl., Randrianaivo et al. 2437 ( BR , G , MO , TEF ) ; forêt E de Diego-Suarez , 12°22'S 49°21'23"E , X.1975 , Rakotozafy 1517 ( TAN ) ; Irodo , 12°38'03"S 49°31'48"E , 53 m , 27.V.2005 , fr., Hong-Wa et al. 227 ( MO , P , TAN ) ; Oronjia , 12°14'11"S 49°21'51"E , 41 m , 27.I.2014 , fr, Rabarijaona et al. 526 ( BR , K , MO , P , TAN ) ; ibid. loco , [ 12°15'S 49°23'E ], 27.IV.1963 , fr., Service Forestier 22727 ( G , MO , P [2 sheets], TEF ) ; ibid. loco (au S), prés d’Ivovona , [ 12°19'S 49°23'E ], 15.XII.1963 , ster., Service Forestier 22965 ( MO , P , TEF ) ; ibid. loco , 15.XII.1963 , fl., Service Forestier 22966 ( G , MO , P , TEF , W ) ; Ramena ( 2 km à l’E du village), 12°15'05"S 49°22'01"E , 12.I.2005 , fr., Randrianaivo et al. 1144 ( G , MO , P , TAN ) ; Sahafary , Sadjoavato , Saharenana ambany, 12°35'05"S 49°27'22"E , 205 m , 5.XII.2006 , fr., Andriamihajarivo et al. 1036 ( CNARP , MO , P , TAN ) ; ibid. loco , 12°36'26"S 49°26'43"E , 280 m , 8.I.2007 , fl., Ratovoson et al. 1170 ( MO , P , TAN ) ; Tanneverse , PK 10, rte de Ramena , 12°17'58"S 49°21'20"E , 18.X.2013 , fr., Rakotoarisoa & Andriamahay 3258 ( K , MO , P , TAN , TEF ).