Taxonomy of Verrucaria species characterised by large spores, perithecia leaving pits in the rock and a pale thin thallus in Finland Author Pykaelae, Juha Biodiversity Centre, Finnish Environment Institute, Latokartanonkaari 11, 00790 Helsinki, Finland Author Kantelinen, Annina Botanical Museum, Finnish Museum of Natural History, P. O. Box 7, FI- 00014 University of Helsinki, Finland Author Myllys, Leena Botanical Museum, Finnish Museum of Natural History, P. O. Box 7, FI- 00014 University of Helsinki, Finland text MycoKeys 2020 72 43 92 journal article 1314-4049-72-43 5243D130A7EF55F3856E1E3722F204D5 Verrucaria cryptica (Arnold) J. Steiner, nom. inval., Verh. zool.-bot. Ges. Wien 61: 41, 1911 Amphoridium crypticum Arnold, nom. inval., Lich. Frank. Jura 257, 1885. Basionym. Type. [Italy] An Kalksteinen einer Schutthalde unterhalb der Kalkwaende an der Suedseite des Latemar -Gebirges oberhalb Predazzo, Suedtirol , 21. Aug. 1883, Arnold (H-NYL 7009!, H!, UPS-L-169663!, isotypes). Description. Prothallus absent. Thallus endolithic, grey. Perithecia 0.15-0.39 mm, (3/4-)1-immersed in rock, leaving deep pits in the rock. Involucrellum absent or possibly in some perithecia, small apical involucrellum. Exciple ca. 0.25-0.40 mm in diam., apex thickened, wall black, ca. 30 mm thick. Periphysoids ca. 50-70 x 2 mm, branched-anastomosing. Ascospores 0-septate, 25-30(-32) x (12-)13-16(-17) mm, perispore 1(-1.5) mm thick, persistent. Notes. The species is rather similar to V. foveolata , but the halonate perispore seems to be persistent. This species seems not to have been validly published as the species description is missing from Arnold (1885) and Steiner (1911) .