A Revision of the Drosophila spinipes Species Group (Diptera: Drosophilidae) Author Grimaldi, David A. Division of Invertebrate Zoology, American Museum of Natural History, Central Park West at 79 St., New York, NY 1002 & grimaldi @ amnh. org; https: // orcid. org / 0000 - 0002 - 2271 - 0172 Author Jones, Lance E. Division of Invertebrate Zoology, American Museum of Natural History, Central Park West at 79 St., New York, NY 1002 & ljones 1 @ amnh. org https: // orcid. org / 0000 - 0001 - 6368 - 9720 text Zootaxa 2020 2020-07-06 4809 1 1 28 journal article 10.11646/zootaxa.4809.1.1 1175-5326 3933799 263939A4-E63E-4EE9-9AB6-0549794F9F24 Drosophila hypandrilata , new species Figs. 8A , 9C , 11C , 12F LSID urn:lsid:zoobank.org:act: 6A6597B2-981F-4007-B192-37111469B4E7 Diagnosis : Postocellar setae short; anterior portion of hypandrium expanded and curved dorsolaterally, distinctly broader than posterior portion; ventral epandrial lobe with 3 small apical spines; apex of aedeagus narrower than shaft in dorsoventral view, labiate, bulbous and deep in lateral view, bare of scales and spicules. Description : Coloration typical of group; epandrium (male) and cerci dark. Protarsal spines with standard array of fang-shaped 8 spines, 4 each on tarsomeres 1 and 2. Male genitalia: Ventral lobe of epandrium with 3 small spine-like setae at apex; surstylus with ~14 long prensisetae, including dorsal triad of 3 distinctively large ones; hypandrium uniquely expanded at anterior end, width 1.25x the posterior width.Aedeagus in dorsoventral view narrowed apically, not as wide as shaft; in lateral view thick and bulbous; aedeagus without spines, spicules or scales, completely bare. Female unknown. Measurements : Head: HD/HW 0.82; FL/LFW 1.16; EW/ED 0.66; OR2/OR1 0.92; OR3/OR1 1.14; OC/POC 1.87; FW/FD 0.55; ODB/ODA 0.42; Thorax: ThL 0.85 mm .; UPS/LHS 0.71; AKE/ PKE 0.48; LF1/LF2 0.77. Holotype : Male, HS38, “Congo Belge [ Democratic Republic of the Congo ]: P.N.G., Miss H. De Saeger, II/ fd/17, 9-vi-1951 , Réc. H. De Saeger , 1888”. Minuten double-mounted, genitalia dissected by DG. In CNC . Other Specimens : Known only from the type specimen. Etymology : In reference to the distinctive, laterally expanded hypandrium. Comments : “P.N.G.” on the label appears to refer to Garamba National park, which borders South Sudan . H. De Saeger was an entomologist and secretary of national parks in the Congo , who led many collecting trips and long-term ecological studies in that park. The “II/fd/17” on the label apparently is a code referring to a park location.