Revision of the Australian Spider Genus Habronestes (Araneae: Zodariidae). Species of New South Wales and the Australian Capital Territory Author Baehr, Barbara text Records of the Australian Museum 2003 2003-12-10 55 3 343 376 journal article 10.3853/j.0067-1975.55.2003.1389 2201-4349 10092723 Habronestes wilkiei n.sp. Figs. 63 , 82, 83 , 105 , 123, 124 , 143 Type material . HOLOTYPE 3: NSW, Wyrrabalong NP , 33°16'47"S 151°32'40"E , 15.xii.1996 , L. Wilkie , AM KS55931 . PARATYPES : 1♀ Munmorah SRA, 33°12'34"S 151°34'59"E , 17.xi.1996 , L. Wilkie , AM KS55951 ; 3 in AM as previous: 1♀ KS55973, 13 KS56137, 1♀ KS56138; 4 in AM as previous but coll. 16.xii.1996 : 13 KS56139, 13 KS56134, 13 KS56141, 13 KS56142; 13 Munmorah SRA, 33°12'26"S 151°34'37"E , 17.xi.1996 , L. Wilkie , AM KS55977 ; 1♀ as previous, AM KS56130 ; 8 as previous: 1♀ AM KS55925 , 1♀ 433 AM KS56004 , 1♀ 13 QM S60829 ; 1♀ Munmorah SRA, 33°13'9"S 151°34'15"E , 17.xi.1996 , L. Wilkie , AM KS55975 ; 13 as previous, AM KS56125 ; 3 in AM as previous but coll. 16.xii.1996 : 13 KS56126, 13, KS56127, 1♀ , KS56128; 1♀ , 13 Wyrrabalong NP, 33°16'44"S 151°32'51"E , 15.xii.1996 , L. Wilkie , AM KS56153 ; 233 in AM as previous: KS56155 and KS56156; 3 as previous but coll. 16.xi.1996 : 13 KS56157, 1♀ KS56158, 1♀ KS56154; 1♀ , 13 Wyrrabalong NP, 33°16'48"S 151°32'45"E , 15.xii.1996 , L. Wilkie , AM KS56164 ; 13 2.v.1997 , AM KS55936 ; 1♀ 27.xi.1997 , AM KS55943 ; 4 in AM as previous: 13 KS56032, 1♀ KS56037, 13 KS56050, 1♀ KS56055; 1♀ Wyrrabalong NP, 33°16'51"S 151°32'37"E , 16.xi.1996 , L. Wilkie , AM KS56165 ; 13 2.v.1997 , AM KS55980 ; 1♀ , AM KS56030 ; 1♀ 27.xi.1997 , AM KS55923 ; 13, AM KS56053 ; 13, AM KS56054 . Diagnosis . Eyes in 2 rows, both rows procurved, AME smallest, other eyes equal. One of the 3 smallest species, with 2 pairs of white patches on anterior part of abdomen and 1 or 2 patches in front of spinnerets, differs from H. piccolo and H. minor by shape of DTA and LTA. Description . Male ( holotype ). Total length 3.04; carapace 1.60 long, 1.12 wide; 0.56 high; cl/cw 1.42; sternum 0.80 long, 0.76 wide; sl/sw 1.05. Abdomen 1.44 long, 1.00 wide. Colour . Carapace sepia brown; sternum yellow brown; chelicerae medium brown; maxillae and labium pale brown, distally white. Abdomen sepia brown with 2 pairs of white patches on anterior part and 1 patch in front of spinnerets; laterally 2 long white stripes, first one broad; ventrally pink brown. Legs yellow brown; clearly annulated; legs I–IV with white coxa, sepia brown trochanter, proximal margin of femora sepia brown, proximal ½ white and distal ½ sepia brown, darker brown lateral stripes on patella and tibia. Eyes . In 2 rows each with 4 eyes, both rows procurved. AME smallest, other eyes equal. Eye group width 0.58 of headwidth; AME 0.06; ALE 0.09; PME 0.09; PLE 0.09; AME–AME 0.02; AME–ALE 0.03; ALE–PLE 0.03; PME– PME 0.04; PME–PLE 0.04. MOQ: AME–PME 0.24; AME– AME 0.14; PME–PME 0.22. Clypeus & chilum . Clypeus 0.28 high; chilum undivided, short. Legs . Length formula 4123. Male palp ( Figs. 82, 83 , 105 ). Cymbium RCF deep, almost running the entire cymbium length. LTA with a thick, short, vertical stalk and with irregular horizontal plate, birdhead shape retrolaterally; DTA with a thin stalk; VTA long, with rounded tip. Tibiae short; DTiA with chitinous rim, as long as VTiA ( Fig. 83 ). Figs. 133–137. Habronestes pictus species-group epigynes, ventral view (above), vulvae, dorsal view (below): (133) Habronestes pictus (L. Koch, 1865 ) holotype; (134, 135) Habronestes pictus (L. Koch, 1865 ) , AM KS36359; (136, 137) Habronestes longiconductor n.sp. Scales 0.25 mm. Female ( paratype AM KS55925). Total length 3.76; carapace 1.72 long, 1.16 wide; 0.72 high; cl/cw 1.48; sternum 0.80 long, 0.76 wide; sl/sw 1.05. Abdomen 2.04 long, 1.52 wide. Colour . Same as male. Eyes . Eye group width 0.60 of headwidth; AME 0.06; ALE 0.09; PME 0.09; PLE 0.09; AME–AME 0.04; AME–ALE 0.03; ALE–PLE 0.04; PME–PME 0.06; PME–PLE 0.06. MOQ: AME–PME 0.26; AME–AME 0.16; PME–PME 0.24. Clypeus 0.28 high. Epigyne ( Figs. 123, 124 ). With sausage-like spermathecae in heart-shaped pattern visible through the tegument. Vulva with anteriorly curled copulatory ducts ending in long separated sausage-like spermathecae. Distribution . Northeastern New South Wales ( Fig. 143 ). Etymology . Species name is a patronym in honour of Mr Lance Wilkie, who collected the holotype .