Finnish Pipunculidae (Diptera) studies Part I: Taxonomic notes on Cephalops Fallén, 1810, Pipunculus Latreille, 1802 and Tomosvaryella Aczél, 1939 Author Kehlmaier, Christian text Zootaxa 2008 1672 1 42 journal article 10.5281/zenodo.180216 f7c4a979-1dc7-400b-b5b0-eec6919fa931 1175-5326 180216 Pipunculus carlestolrai Kuznetzov, 1993 ( Figs 36, 40 & 61–62 ) Pipunculus carlestolrai Kuznetzov, 1993a : 139 Material: Spain , Cabrils, Can Tolrá, ahogado piscina: 1ɗ, 6.VIII.1991 , Carles-Tolrá ( PCCK ). Male : Body length: 5.4mm . Wing length: 5.8mm . Flagellum yellowish brown. Frons greyish pollinose. Eyes meeting for slightly less than length of frons (15 facets). Postpronotal lobe bright yellow. Prescutum and scutum greyish pollinose in anterior quarter, otherwise brownish pollinose. Pleura grey pollinose. Subscutellum grey pollinose. LTC about 1.1 times LFC. Trochanter yellow. Femur with basal and apical sixth yellow. Hind femur somewhat concave in ventrobasal half (less than in P. l e n i s ). Tibia yellow, ventrally darkened in apical two thirds. Hind tibia rather bent. Tarsi yellowish, with distitarsi darkened. Pulvilli of front legs slightly longer than distitarsi. Tergite 1 laterally grey pollinose, dorsally not assessable. Tergite 2–5 laterally with posterior half grey, anterior half brown pollinose. Dorsally, tergite 2 in anterior two thirds, tergite 3 in anterior half, tergite 4 in anterior third, tergite 5 in anterior quarter brown pollinose. Membranous area key-hole shaped, with a weak keel. Surstyli and epandrium yellowish brown with inner surstylus slightly smaller and shorter than outer one ( Fig. 36 ). All three ejaculatory ducts clearly sclerotized, covered in large membranous sacks. FIGURES 22–29. Surstyli in strictly dorsal and outer surstylus in lateral view of male Pipunculus lenis (22–23 & 27– 28) and Pipunculus tenuirostris (24–26 & 29). Scale bars = 0.1mm. Female : Not studied. Kuznetzov (1993a) provides a thorough description and figures the wing of the female holotype plus the abdomen and ovipositor of the holotype (see Figs 61–62 ) and one paratype . Annotations : The type series is currently with Sergey Kuznetzov in St. Petersburg and could not be studied. Pipunculus carlestolrai is the only species of this genus known at present with an exclusively Mediterranean distribution, so far only recorded from Barcelona Province, Spain .