A new species of Molineus (Nematoda: Molineidae) parasite of Procyon lotor (Mammalia: Carnivora) in Mexico with a taxonomic key for the species of the genus
Mata-López, Rosario
journal article
Taxonomic key for the species included in
distributed worldwide
1 Spicules with 2 terminal processes........................................................................ 2
- Spicules with 3 terminal processes........................................................................ 9
2 Length of spicules> 0.160.............................................................................. 3
- Length of spicules <0.140.............................................................................. 4
3 Spicules with distal end of internal process tri-digitated..........................
M. brachyurus
Costa & Freitas, 1967 Host
Chrysocyon brachyurus
; Neotropical Realm
- Spicules with distal end of internal process terminating in point............................
M. cynictis
(Leroux, 1933) Host
Cynictis penicillata
); Ethiopian Realm
4 Synlophe ridges>14................................................................................... 5
- Synlophe ridges <14................................................................................... 7
5 Spicules with a conspicuous medially-directed barb anteriorly............................
M. barbatus
Chandler, 1942 Host
Procyon lotor
; Nearctic Realm
- Spicules without a conspicuous medially-directed barb anteriorly................................................ 6
6 Spicules complex, with the internal process slender, ending in globular swelling........................
M. lotoris
n. sp
Procyon lotor
; Neotropical Realm
- Spicules simple, terminating in 2 needlelike processes......................
M. asiaticus
Tubangui & Masilugnan, 1937 Host
Paradoxurus hermaphroditus
; Oriental Realm
7 Spicules with 1 straight process and other ending in hook.........
M. elegans
(Travassos, 1921) Travassos & Darriba, 1929 Host
Saimiri sciureus
; Neotropical Realm
- Spicules with both processes with straight distal ends........................................................ 8
8 Bursa not distinctly divided into lobes................................................
M. felineus
Cameron, 1923 Host
Puma yagouaroundi
; Neotropical Realm
- Bursa distinctly divided into lobes.................................................
M. paraensis
Travassos, 1937 Host
Potos flavus
; Neotropical Realm
9 Terminal processes of spicules similar in length............................................................. 10
- Terminal processes of spicules different in length........................................................... 14
10 Length of spicules <0.1...................................
M. inexpectatus
& Boyer, 2000 Host:
Lachesis muta
; Neotropical Realm
- Length of spicules> 0.12.............................................................................. 11
11 Dorsal lobe not differentiated from the lateral lobes......................................
M. europaeus
Zunker, 1928 Host
Mustela putorius
; Palearctic Realm
- Dorsal lobe differentiated from the lateral lobes............................................................. 12
12 Length of spicules> 0.17..........................................................
M. torulosus
(Molin, 1861) Host
Cebus capucinus
; Neotropical Realm
- Length of spicules <0.14.............................................................................. 13 13 Point of interno-dorsal process of spicules hammer-shaped...................
M. midas
Durette-Desset & Corvione, 1998 Host
Saguinus midas
; Neotropical Realm
- Terminal processes of spicules ending in point............................................
M. major
Cameron, 1936 Host
Eira Barbara
; Neotropical Realm
14 Spicules with two large and one short processes............................................................ 15
- Spicules with two short and one large processes........................................................... 19
15 Dorsal ray shorter than rays 4...................................................
M. planicipitis
(Cameron, 1928) Host
Prionailurus planiceps
; Oriental Realm
- Dorsal ray larger or similar in length than rays 4............................................................ 16
16 Terminal processes of spicules not fused nor enveloped by a membrane.....................
M. barbaris
Cameron, 1936 Host
Eira barbara
; Neotropical Realm
- Terminal processes of spicules fused or enveloped by a membrane.............................................. 17
17 Terminal processes of spicules enveloped by a membrane................
M. cati
Durette-Desset, Boomker & Malan, 2000 Host
Felis catus
; Ethiopian Realm
- Terminal processes of spicules fused..................................................................... 18
18 Rays 9 bifurcate..................................................................
M. mustelae
Schmidt, 1965 Host
Mustela frenata
; Nearctic Realm
- Rays 9 entire................................................................
M. nasuae
Lent & Freitas, 1938 Host
Nasua narica
; Neotropical Realm
19 Synlophe ridges> 20.................................................................................. 20
- Synlophe ridges <20.................................................................................. 23
20 Synlophe ridges 20–24.....................................................
M. sichuanensis
Wu & Zhang, 1984 Host
Ailurus fulgens
; Oriental Realm
- Synlophe ridges> 40.................................................................................. 21
21 Synlophe ridges 52...........................................................
M. samueli
Platt & Pence, 1981 Host
Taxidea taxus
; Nearctic Realm
- Synlophe ridges 40................................................................................... 22
22 Length of spicules> 0.200.......................................................
M. genettae
(Cameron, 1927) Host
Genetta genetta
; Ethiopian Realm
- Length of spicules <200...........................................................
(Dujardin, 1845) Host
Mustela nivalis
; Palearctic Realm
23 Length of spicules 0.154-0.175.........................................
M. petrovi
Durette-Desset & Pesson, 1987 Host
Mustela sibirica
; Palearctic Realm
- Length of spicules <0.140............................................................................. 24
24 Length of gubernaculum 0.1............................................
M. legerae
Durette-Desset & Pesson, 1987 Host
Vulpes vulpes
); Palearctic Realm
- Length of gubernaculum <0.07......................................................................... 25
25 Gubernaculum hooked anteriorly...........................................
M. springsmithi
Inglis & Ogden, 1965 Host
Prionailurus bengalensis
; Oriental Realm
- Gubernaculum not as above............................................................................ 26
26 Medio-internal terminal processes of spicules ending barbed...............................
M. vexillarius
Dunn, 1961 Host
Saguinus nigricollis
; Neotropical Realm
- Terminal processes of spicules ending in point.............................................................. 27
27 Synlophe ridges 10-12..................................................
M. inglisi
Durette-Desett & Pesson, 1987 Host
Prionailurus bengalensis
; Oriental Realm
- Synlophe ridges 16...............................................................
M. pardalis
Cameron, 1936 Host
Leopardus pardalis
; Neotropical Realm