Taxonomic revision of the genus Elmomorphus Sharp, 1888. II. Redescription of the genus and review of the species from India, Nepal, Bhutan, Myanmar, China, Thailand, Laos, Cambodia, and Vietnam (Coleoptera: Dryopidae) Author Selnekovič, Dávid D930D757-D929-4248-A29C-A857E0505345 Department of Zoology, Faculty of Natural Sciences, Comenius University in Bratislava, Ilkovičova 6, SK- 842 15 Bratislava, Slovakia. Author Jäch, Manfred A. D749707A-8823-4110-8D51-BF5AF4E2820F Naturhistorisches Museum Wien, Burgring 7, A- 1010 Wien, Austria. Author Kodada, Ján 6E88BFBB-8769-44EC-8285-29E357CEC064 Department of Zoology, Faculty of Natural Sciences, Comenius University in Bratislava, Ilkovičova 6, SK- 842 15 Bratislava, Slovakia. text European Journal of Taxonomy 2024 2024-09-11 957 1 229 journal article 10.5852/ejt.2024.957.2651 2118-9773 13773385 9957F2DF-3F31-4B58-84BC-2F8E0F45C6E3 Elmomorphus jendeki Kodada, Selnekovič & Jäch sp. nov. 8423EF32-907B-4214-8F13-1A4C8D3DE441 Figs 77– 78 , 113E Differential diagnosis In Elmomorphus jendeki sp. nov. ( Fig. 77 ), the dorsal plastron is confined to the frontoclypeus, the anterolateral portions of the vertex, and small, hardly discernible areas in the extremities of the anterior pronotal angles. Elytra with small, scattered punctures on the entire surface and large punctures arranged in nine longitudinal rows. A similar combination of characters is also found in E. catenatus sp. nov. , but this species differs in the larger plastron areas on the cranial surface and pronotum. Furthermore, the pronotal and elytral punctures of E. catenatus are larger and more deeply impressed ( Fig. 75 ). The parameres are narrowly rounded at the apex ( Fig. 78 ). Elmomorphus jendeki resembles E. ovalis sp. nov. in general appearance but differs in not having the plastron covering the cranial surface and the anterior pronotal angles. Etymology The epithet is a proper noun in the genitive case. The species is named in honour of Eduard Jendek, a Slovak entomologist who kindly provided a large number of Elmomorphus specimens for this study. Type material Holotype VIETNAM Lao Cai Province ; “N-VIETNAM 1991 Sapa ( Lao Cai ) leg. E. Jendek | 25.5. - 10.6. 22°20′N 103°50′E ”; NMW . Paratypes VIETNAM Lao Cai Province 8 ♂♂ , 13 ♀♀ ; same collection data as for holotype; NMW , CKB 1 ♂ ; “ Vietnam N 1990 SaPa 11.-19. VI. 1500 m Hoang Lien Son prov. Strnad Jan Lgt.”; NMW l , 3 ♀♀ ; “ Vietnam SaPa 1530 m 25. V.-9. VI. Strnad Jan lgt.”, CKB , NMW 1 ♂ ; “ 11.-16. 5. 1990 SAPA Hoang Lien Son Distr. N. Vietnam , 1600 m Jan Horák leg.”; NMW 2 ex. ; VIETNAM (Tonkin) pr. Hoang Lien Son Sa Pa 11. - 15. V. 1990 P. Pacholátko leg.”; NMW ; 1 ex. : “Sapa 11.-10.6. N. Vietnam A. Olexa1990”; NMW . – Ninh Binh Province l ; “ Vietnam Cuc Phuong 2.-11. V. 1991 Strnad Jan lgt.”; NMW . – Vinh Phúc Province 1 ♀ ; “N VIETNAM (Tonkin) pr. Vinh Phu[c] 1990 Tam Dao 6. 9. V. L. Dembický leg.”; NMW . Type locality Vietnam , Lao Cai Province , Sa Pa. Fig. 77. Elmomorphus jendeki Kodada, Selnekovič & Jäch sp. nov. , paratype, male from type locality (NMW), TL: 3.60 mm. Fig. 78. Elmomorphus jendeki Kodada, Selnekovič & Jäch sp. nov. , paratype from type locality (NMW), aedeagus. A . Lateral aspect. B . Ventral aspect, detail of parameres and penis. Scale bar: 0.1 mm. Description Dimensions (mm): TL: ♂♂ 3.47–3.85 (3.60 ± 0.14, n=7), ♀♀ 3.64–4.16 (3.87 ±0.17, n =10); PL: ♂♂ 0.81–0.96 (0.87± 0.05, n= 7), ♀♀ 0.87–1.00 (0.94 ± 0.04, n=10); PW: ♂♂ 1.46–1.67 (1.54± 0.07, n= 7), ♀♀ 1.54–1.73 (1.65± 0.06, n= 10); EL: ♂♂ 2.63–2.89 (2.73± 0.10, n= 7), ♀♀ 2.76–3.19 (2.93 ± 0.14, n=10); EW: ♂♂ 1.76–1.95 (1.83±0.07, n=7), ♀♀ 1.85–2.05 (1.96± 0.07, n= 10); PhL: 0.64–0.70 (0.67± 0.02, n =6); PrL: 0.38–0.41 (0.39 ±0.01, n =6). Body broadly oval, strongly convex, widest around midlength of elytra ( Fig. 77 ). Colouration black, mouthparts, antennae, trochanters, and tarsi reddish brown. Pubescence consisting of short thin decumbent setae arising from round punctures. Dorsal plastron covering frontoclypeus and anterolateral portions of vertex; pronotum usually with several plastron scales in extremity of anterior angles. Ventral plastron absent only on prosternal process, and median parts of metaventrite and first ventrite. Cranial surface with round setiferous punctures separated by 0.5–1.0 × puncture diameter, punctures slightly smaller than an eye facet. Labrum transverse, anterior margin straight, exposed portion microreticulate with small setiferous punctures; setae equal in length in both sexes. Anterior margin of clypeus straight. Eyes large, oval, moderately protruding, ID: ♂♂ 0.45–0.52 mm (0.49 ± 0.02, n= 7), ♀♀ 0.51–0.57 mm (0.54± 0.02, n= 10). Antennae 10-segmented, densely setose. Pronotum transverse, widest at base, strongly convex, PW/PL: ♂♂ 1.74–1.83 (1.78 ±0.03, n= 7), ♀♀ 1.71–1.82 (1.76± 0.04, n =10); lateral sides strongly convex in anterior half and slightly concave in posterior half; anterior angles strongly deflexed, acute; pronotal surface smooth, with round setiferous punctures, puncture diameter slightly larger than on head, punctures separated by 0.5–1.0 × puncture diameter; large microgranules present along pronotal base on lateral portion; plastron scales confined to extremities of anterior angles. Prosternal process with lateral and posterior edges rounded; lateral margins raised; median keel strongly arched; clusters of erect setae absent. Scutellum longer than wide, smooth, with round setiferous punctures. Metaventral process with lateral margins strongly raised, lateral portions slightly depressed; metaventral disc weakly convex, median area without plastron widened posteriorly; clusters of erect setae absent. Elytra broadly oval, strongly convex, widest around midlength, EL/EW: ♂♂ 1.45–1.52 (1.49 ± 0.02, n=7), ♀♀ 1.44–1.56 (1.49± 0.04, n =10); surface with distinct microreticulation consisting of irregular polygonal meshes; small punctures scattered over entire surface; large coarse, irregularly spaced punctures (confluent or separated by up to 1.5× puncture diameter) arranged in nine longitudinal rows; plastron absent. Tibiae weakly curved; protibia ca 1.3× as long as protarsus, PrTL/PL: ♂♂ 1.10–1.22 (1.17 ±0.04, n=7), ♀♀ 1.00–1.16 (1.08± 0.05, n =10). Terminal segment of protarsus slightly shorter than all preceding segments combined; male foreclaws long, slender, strongly curved, subequal to female claws. Ventrites covered with plastron, except for middle of first ventrite. Intercoxal process with lateral margins raised; admedian keels strongly arched. Ventrite 5 evenly convex in both sexes; posterior margin arcuate, or weakly emarginate in males; arcuate with short median keel in females.Aedeagus ( Fig. 78 ): phallobase long, basal opening large, PhL/PrL: 1.64–1.79 (1.73± 0.05, n= 6); parameres evenly narrowed apically, apices rounded (lateral aspect); penis rather short, apex rounded; sclerotised fibula slender. Secondary sexual dimorphism Female ventrite 5 with short subapical longitudinal keel. Distribution Vietnam ( Fig. 113E ).