Molecular phylogeny of interstitial Polycopidae ostracods (Crustacea) and descriptions of a new genus and four new species Author Tanaka, Hayato Author Tsukagoshi, Akira Author Karanovic, Ivana text Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society 2014 2014-09-26 172 2 282 317 journal article 10.1111/zoj.12176 0024-4082 5314650 KLIECOPE MIHOENSIS SP. NOV. ( FIGS 2–8 ) Type series Holotype : adult male (SUM-CO-2178), Right valve length 151 μm and height 92 μm, left valve length 145 μm and height 87 μm, soft parts mounted on slide and valves preserved in a cardboard cell slide, Paratypes : 12 adult males (SUM-CO-2179–2190) and eight adult females (SUM-CO-2191–2198). Type locality The holotype specimen was collected from the Mihomasaki Beach , Shizuoka City , Shizuoka Prefecture , the Pacific coast of central Japan , 35°01′15′′N , 138°30′58′′E ( Fig. 1B ), on 4 July 2013 ; interstitial environment at 50 cm below the sand surface at 6 m inland from the low tide shoreline. The substrate consisted mainly of granular gravel . Diagnosis Carapace elliptical and dorsal line straight in lateral view. Carapace surface covered with a number of small, shallow pits. Serration along anteroventral margin with 16 sharp processes in right valve. Anteroventral region of marginal infold widened. Description of adult male Carapace ( Figs 2 , 3A–E , 4 ). Right valve length 146– 156 μm and height 91–98 μm, left valve length 141– 147 μm and height 86–94 μm ( Table 2 ). Carapace elliptical and dorsal line straight in lateral view. Carapace anterior half surface covered with a number of shallow pits ( Fig. 3A, B ). A number of thin serrations on anteroventral margin of left valve. Serration along anterior margin with 16 sharp processes on right valve ( Fig. 2 ). Adductor muscle scars round and consisting of three closely spaced scars ( Fig. 2 ). Marginal infold of each valve developed along anterior to mid-ventral margins ( Figs 3C, D , 4B, G ). Along inner margin of right valve, bar and groove on mid-dorsal to midventral ( Fig. 4A, B ), one socket (part of hinge structure) developed at dorsal end ( Fig. 4C ), posterior bar on mid-dorsal to posterior end ( Fig. 4D ), posterior element of hinge structure ( Fig. 4E ), and ridge on posterior end to mid-ventral ( Fig. 4F ). Along inner margin of left valve, bar and groove on anterodorsal to dorsal end ( Fig. 4H ), one knob (part of hinge structure) developed at dorsal end ( Fig. 4I ), bar on mid-dorsal to posterior end ( Fig. 4J ), posterior element of hinge structure ( Fig. 4K ), and bar along posteroventral margin ( Fig. 4L ). Bellonci organ. Absent. Upper lip ( Figs 5A , 6A ). Dorsal round and ventrally straight, and distal part elongated semicircular dorsally in lateral view. Antennula ( Figs 5B , 6B–D ). Uniramous, four articulated podomeres. First podomere rectangular, with tufts of setulae on dorsal margin, lateral surface. Second podomere almost same length as first podomere, with one annulated seta at dorsoproximal end, two tufts of setulae on dorsal margin ( Fig. 6B ). Third podomere about three-quarters as long as first podomere, with one short seta at dorsodistal end and four ventrodistal setae consisting of one seta with large disc-shaped sucker, one annulated seta with small disc-shaped sucker, one seta with comb-like setulae, and one simple seta ( Fig. 6C, D ). Fourth podomere small, with three medium and two long annulated setae. Antenna ( Figs 5C, D , 6E ). Typically biramous, with exopodite and endopodite consisting of nine and three podomeres, respectively. Basis rectangular, tapered distally. Exopodite: first podomere about half as long as basis. Podomere length decreasing in size from second to eighth, each podomere with one long annulated seta; ninth (distal-most) podomere very small, with one long annulated seta with short process, one medium seta, and one short seta at distal end. Endopodite: first podomere about half as long as basis. Second podomere two-thirds as long as first podomere, with three short setae along dorsal margin, and six annulated setae at distal consisting of two long, one long with some spines, two medium, one short. Third podomere one-quarter as long as first podomere, with one slender, hookshaped claw extending backward ( Fig. 6E ), one long annulated seta at ventral margin, and one long annulated, one medium annulated, and one short setae at distal end. Figure 2. Kliecope mihoensis gen. et sp. nov. , male holotype (SUM-CO-2178). A, internal lateral view of left valve; B, internal lateral view of right valve. Scale bar = 50 μm. Figure 3. Scanning electron micrographs of valves of Kliecope mihoensis gen. et sp. nov. A, B, male paratype (SUM- CO-2179); C, D, male paratype (SUM-CO-2180); E, male paratype (SUM-CO-2181); F, G, female paratype (SUM-CO- 2193); H, I, female paratype (SUM-CO-2194); J, female paratype (SUM-CO-2195). A, external lateral view of right valve (RV); B, external lateral view of left valve (LV); C, internal lateral view of LV; D, internal lateral view of RV; E, dorsal view of carapace; F, external lateral view of RV; G, external lateral view of LV; H, internal lateral view of LV; I, internal lateral view of RV; J, dorsal view of carapace. Scale bar = 50 μm. Mandibula ( Fig. 5E ). Coxal endite with four sharp teeth. Basis with three plumose setae on ventral margin. Exopodite absent. Endopodite consisting of two podomeres. First podomere with one plumose seta on ventral margin near proximal end and two long, setulous annulated setae at dorsodistal end. Second podomere very small, bearing one medially plumose and one stout setulous annulated seta. Maxillula ( Fig. 5F, F′ , F″). Precoxa ( Fig. 5F′ ) with eight plumose setae of different lengths. Coxa ( Fig. 5F ″) with two short plumose setae on lateral surface near ventroproximal margin, and three long plumose setae on ventral margin. Basis with one medium and one long plumose setae on ventral margin. First podomere of endopodite with one short seta dorsodistally, and two long annulated setae at ventroproximal margin. Second podomere, with two long annulated setae, and two long, stout setulous setae with few bilateral spines. Exopodite consisting of two podomeres. First podomere with one tuft of setulae on dorsal margin. Second podomere with one very long setae and five long setae on ventral margin, and one tuft of setulae on dorsal margin. Figure 4. Scanning electron micrographs of valves of Kliecope mihoensis gen. et sp. nov. , internal lateral view, male paratype (SUM-CO-2180). A–F, right valve; G–L, left valve. A, anterodorsal bar and groove; B, anterior part of marginal infold; C, socket at dorsal end of hinge structure; D, posterodorsal bar of hinge structure; E, posterior element of hinge structure; F, posteroventral ridge; G, anterior part of marginal infold; H, anterodorsal bar and groove; I, knob at dorsal end of hinge structure; J, posterodorsal bar of hinge structure; K, posterior element of hinge structure; L, posteroventral bar. Fifth limb ( Fig. 5G ). Coxa bearing epipodite with ten long plumose setae, and two short setulous setae on dorsodistal margin. Basis with two plumose setae along dorsal margin, one slender setulous seta on ventral margin. Endopodite with two long plumose setae. Exopodite one stout, short setulous seta. Uropod ( Figs 6F , 7A ). Both lamellae with six stout claws and one tuft of setulae anteroventral end. Male copulatory organ ( Figs 6F , 7A ). Arising from outer surface of body on left side of terminal trunk segment as a hook-shaped, slender tube. Description of adult female Mandibula, maxillula, and fifth limb similar to those of adult male. Figure 5. Kliecope mihoensis gen. et sp. nov. A–E, G, male holotype (SUM-CO-2178); F, male paratype (SUM-CO- 2180). A, left lateral view of upper lip; B, antennula; C, antenna (A2) except exopodite; D, exopodite of A2; E, mandibula; F, maxillula (Mxl); F′, precoxa of Mxl; F″, coxa of Mxl; G, fifth limb. Abbreviations: ba, basis; cx, coxa; en, endopodite; ep, epipodite; ex, exopodite; pc, precoxa. Scale bar = 20 μm. Figure 6. Scanning electron micrographs of male soft parts of Kliecope mihoensis gen. et sp. nov. A, paratype (SUM- CO-2182); B, E paratype (SUM-CO-2183); C, paratype (SUM-CO-2184); D, F, paratype (SUM-CO-2185). A, left lateral view of upper lip; B, right lateral view of second and third podomeres of antennula (A1); C, left lateral view of third and four podomeres of A1; D, right lateral view of setae with sucker of A1; E, right lateral view of endopodite and hookshaped claw of antenna; F, left lateral view of posterior trunk segment, uropod, and copulatory organ. Arrows and arrowheads indicate small and large disc-shaped suckers, respectively. Abbreviation: en, endopodite. Carapace ( Fig. 3F–J ). Right valve length 158– 169 μm and height 93–103 μm, left valve length 149– 162 μm and height 88–100 μm ( Table 2 ). Upper lip ( Fig. 8A ). Semicircular in lateral view. Antennula ( Fig. 8B ). First podomere rectangular, with tufts of setulae on dorsal margin, lateral surface. Second podomere almost same length as first podomere, with one annulated setulous seta at dorsoproximal end, two tufts of setulae on dorsal margin. Third podomere about three-quarters as long as first podomere, with one short seta at dorsodistal end and one ventrodistal seta. Fourth podomere small, with five annulated setae. Figure 7. Kliecope mihoensis gen. et sp. nov. , left lateral view of posterior trunk segment, uropod, and copulatory organ. A, male holotype (SUM-CO-2178); B, female paratype (SUM-CO-2192). Abbreviation: fs, female spermatheca. Scale bar = 20 μm. Figure 8. Kliecope mihoensis gen. et sp. nov. , female paratype (SUM-CO-2191). A, left lateral view of upper lip; B, antennula; C, antenna except part of exopodite. Abbreviations: ba, basis; en, endopodite; ex, exopodite. Scale bar = 20 μm. Antenna ( Fig. 8C ). Only second and third podomeres of endopodite differing from those of adult male. Second podomere half as long as first podomere, with one short setulous seta along dorsal margin, and five Table 2. Dimension of valves of Kliecope mihoensis sp. nov. from the type locality
Length (μm) Height (μm)
Mean Observed range N Mean Observed range N
Male RV 150 146–151 7 93 90–98 7
LV 145 141–147 6 89 86–94 6
Female RV 164 158–169 6 98 93–103 6
LV 156 149–162 6 93 88–100 5
LV, left valve; RV , right valve. annulated setae at distal consisting of two long, one long with some spines, two medium. Third podomere one-quarter as long as first podomere, with one long annulated seta at ventral margin, and one long annulated, one medium annulated and one short seta at distal end. Uropod ( Fig. 7B ). Both lamellae with six stout claws and one row of setae on anteroventral lateral surface. Female copulatory organ ( Fig. 7B ). Female spermatheca cylindrical in lateral view. Dimensions See Table 2 . Distribution Shichigahama [ Miyagi Prefecture (Pref.) 38°17′08′′N , 141°03′80′′E], Toyooka Beach ( Chiba Pref. 35°03′04′′N , 139°49′55′′E ) , Hiratsuka ( Kanagawa Pref. 35°18′48′′N , 139°22′01′′E ) , Kouzu ( Kanagawa Pref. 35°16′40′′N , 139°12′34′′E ) , Orange Beach ( Shizuoka Pref. 34°58′37′′N , 139°05′44′′E ) , Ohura Beach ( Shizuoka Pref. 34°40′05′′N , 138°56′28′′E ) , Miho-masaki Beach ( Shizuoka Pref. type locality, 35°01′15′′N , 138°30′58′′E ) , Awaji-tsuna ( Hyogo Pref. 34°26′21′′N , 134°54′41′′E ) , Nushima ( Hyogo Pref. 34°10′04′′N , 134°48′52′′E ) , Izari ( Tokushima Pref. 33°48′07′N, 134°40′08′′E ) , Ukitsu ( Kochi Pref. 33°17′18′′N , 134°08′42′′E ) , Kashiwajima ( Kochi Pref. 32°46′02′′N , 132°37′38′′E ) ; Aira-fukuyama ( Kagoshima Pref. 31°41′00′′N , 130°48′41′′E ) . All specimens were collected by Hayato Tanaka from interstitial water in Japan . Etymology This species is named after the type locality, Mihomasaki Beach. Remarks The morphology of Kliecope mihoensis sp. nov. is similar to Parapolycope aidae ( Hartmann, 1959 ) from Los Cobanos in El Salvador , Parapolycope noodti ( Hartmann, 1959 ) from Cristóbal in Panama , and Parapolycope minuta ( Hartmann, 1974 ) from Xai-Xai in Mozambique . The males of Pa. minuta possess cross-shaped (kreuzförmig) seta on the antennula, and the other two species unusually do not have sexually dimorphic antennula. In addition, Kliecope mihoensis has two plumose setae on the basis of fifth limb and Pa. minuta has three.