Paridris Kieffer of the New World (Hymenoptera, Platygastroidea, Platygastridae) Author Talamas, Elijah J. Author Masner, Lubomir Author Johnson, Norman F. text ZooKeys 2012 233 31 90 journal article 1313-2970-233-31 Paridris aenea (Ashmead) Figures 4132085, 87 Morphbank17 Idris aenea Ashmead, 1894: 231 (original description); Ashmead 1900: 328 (distribution). Paridris aenea (Ashmead): Kieffer 1908 : 123 (generic transfer); Kieffer 1926 : 421, 423 (description, keyed); Masner 1976 : 36 (type information, description, emendation). Caloteleia aenea Ashmead, 1894: 218, 219 (original description, keyed) syn. n.; Ashmead 1900: 327 (distribution). Ceratoteleia aenea (Ashmead): Kieffer 1908 : 121 (generic transfer). Oxyteleia aenea (Ashmead): Kieffer 1926 : 516, 517 (generic transfer, description, keyed). urn:lsid:zoobank:act:39C31284-74AC-4431-B2AF-0771E8E9603C Description. Female body length: 1.73-2.66 mm (n=20). Male body length: 1.38-2.54 mm (n=20). Number of basiconic sensilla on A8: 1. Color of head: brown; black. Distal margin of clypeus: serrate. Width of clypeus: wider than interantennal process. Lateral corner of clypeus: projecting into acute angle. Development of interantennal process ventrally: not reaching clypeus. Number of mandibular teeth: three. Length of mediofacial striae: not extending above midpoint of eye; extending to dorsal frons. Shape of gena in dorsal view: moderately receding behind compound eye. Striae on gena: pronounced. Length of striae on gena: extending above ventral margin of eye. Distribution of microsculpture on head: absent. Length of OOL: greater than 2 ocellar diameters; less than 2 ocellar diameters. Occipital carina above foramen magnum: present. Anterior margin of occipital carina: comprised of small to miniscule cells. Setation of postgena: sparse. Ventral extent of occipital carina: extending to base of mandible. Color of mesosoma: yellowish brown to black; reddish brown. Dorsal half of pronotal cervical sulcus: present as line of small to minute cells; present as smooth furrow. Ventral half of pronotal cervical sulcus: present as line of small to minute cells. Transverse pronotal carina: present in posterior half of pronotum; present in posterodorsal corner of pronotum. Shape of pronotal shoulder in dorsal view: narrow and striplike. Form of pronotal suprahumeral sulcus: areolate. Macrosculpture of anterior medial mesoscutum: absent. Density of punctation on anterior medial mesoscutum: dense along mesoscutal suprahumeral sulcus, otherwise sparse; dense throughout. Reticulate microfissures on anterior half of medial mesoscutum: absent. Pustulate microsculpture on anterior mesoscutum: absent. Density of punctation on posterior medial mesoscutum: sparse. Notaulus: percurrent, reaching suprahumeral sulcus as a smooth furrow; percurrent, reaching suprahumeral sulcus as a line of punctures. Orientation of notauli: parallel. Shape of notaulus at posterior apex: ovoid. Macrosculpture of mesoscutellum: punctate rugose along margins, smooth medially. Postacetabular sulcus: crenulate. Mesopleural carina: present, complete. Punctures on posterodorsal mesepimeral area: very fine; absent; large. Sculpture of mesopleuron anteroventral to femoral depression: areolate to punctate rugose throughout; densely punctate on lateral surface, smooth on ventral surface. Sculpture of posterior mesepimeral area: smooth. Form of metascutellum in female: transverse punctate rugulose lamella, posterior margin approximately straight. Form of metascutellum in male: transverse punctate rugulose lamella, posterior margin approximately straight. Paracoxal and metapleural sulci: separate. Posterior margin of metapleuron below propodeal spiracle: straight to moderately convex. Setation between metapleural triangle and metapleural sulcus: absent. Sculpture between metapleural triangle and metapleural sulcus: smooth; punctate; punctate rugose; faintly rugulose. Sculpture of metapleural triangle: punctate rugose. Setation of metapleural triangle: sparse. Anterior propodeal projection: absent. Setation of metasomal depression: absent. Lateral propodeal area: raised above plical area and indicated by sparser setation. Plical carina: present. Shape of lateral propodeal area: continuous with prespiracular propodeal area. Sculpture of lateral propodeal area: punctate rugulose. Color of metasoma: yellowish brown to black; reddish brown. Macrosculpture of T1: longitudinally striate; longitudinally strigose. Interstitial sculpture of T1: finely rugulose. Adornment of horn on T1 in female: posteriorly projecting spine. Macrosculpture of T2 in female: longitudinally striate throughout. Macrosculpture of T2 in male: longitudinally striate throughout. Microsculpture on T2: absent. Setal patch of lateral T2: present throughout lateral surface of tergite. Posterior margin of transverse sulcus on T2: straight. Carina along posterior margin of transverse sulcus on T2 in male: present. Carina along posterior margin of transverse sulcus on T2 in female: present. Microsculpture on T3: absent; present. Macrosculpture of T3 medially in female: weakly longitudinally strigose; weakly longitudinally striate. Macrosculpture of T3 laterally in female: longitudinally strigose; longitudinally striate. Macrosculpture of T3 medially in male: longitudinally striate. Macrosculpture of T3 laterally in male: longitudinally striate. Microsculpture on T4: absent. Macrosculpture of T4 medially in female: absent. Macrosculpture of T4 laterally in female: absent. Macrosculpture of T4 in male: longitudinally strigose laterally; absent. Macrosculpture of T5 in female: absent. Constriction of apical T6 in female: present. Punctation of T6 in female: densely and finely punctate throughout. Setation of S1: present as medial tuft. Form of S2 felt field: longitudinal row or patch of setigerous punctures. Macrosculpture of S2 medially: longitudinally striate. Macrosculpture of S3: absent; weakly crenulate to weakly strigose medially. Wing development: macropterous. Basal vein in hind wing: spectral. Setation of hind wing: reduced anad of submarginal vein. Length of postmarginalis: approximately half of length of stigmalis. RS+M in fore wing: spectral. Diagnosis. Paridris aenea is most similar to Paridris lemete (endemic to Puerto Rico). The females of these species are easily separated by the number of basiconic sensilla on A8: one in Paridris aenea , and two in Paridris lemete ; and a carina is present along the crest of the horn of T1 in Paridris lemete but not in Paridris aenea . The males of Paridris aenea may be separated by the coarse rugose or areolate sculpture of the mesopleuron ventral to the femoral depression; in Paridris lemete the ventral mesopleuron is mostly smooth with sparse punctation. Link to distribution map. 18 Associations. collected near Prestoea acuminata var. montana (Graham): [Arecales: Arecaceae ] Material examined. Lectotype (by present designation), female, Idris aenea : SAINT VINCENT AND THE GRENADINES: Saint Vincent Island, no date, H. H. Smith, B.M.TYPE HYM. 9.935 (deposited in BMNH). Paralectotype, male, Idris aenea : SAINT VINCENT AND THE GRENADINES: Saint Vincent Island, no date, H. H. Smith, OSUC 397883 (deposited in BMNH). Lectotype (by present designation), female, Caloteleia aenea : SAINT VINCENT AND THE GRENADINES: Saint Vincent Island, no date, H. H. Smith, B.M.TYPE HYM. 9.936 (deposited in BMNH). Paralectotypes: 2 males, Caloteleia aenea : SAINT VINCENT AND THE GRENADINES: OSUC 397892-397893 (deposited in BMNH). Other material: (161 females, 144 males) BELIZE: 2 females, 5 males, OSUC 181326, 181375-181377, 396509-396510, 396541 (CNCI). BOLIVIA: 3 females, 2 males, OSUC 181331, 181396, 181400, 396278-396279 (CNCI). BRAZIL: 4 females, 13 males, OSUC 181361, 181364, 181367, 181372, 396066 (CNCI); OSUC 111928, 133058, 133083, 147969, 148060, 225, 254564, 254589, 254592, 266228, 334194, 334198 (OSUC). COLOMBIA: 9 females, 21 males, OSUC 181360, 181368, 181402, 396274 (CNCI); OSUC 178136, 181407, 182831, 182833, 185437, 189095, 189243, 192194, 193175, 202090, 256813-256814, 256816, 268895 (IAVH); OSUC 182235, 182835, 188736-188737, 189094, 189244, 191336, 194181, 202091-202092, 256815, 262597 (OSUC). COSTA RICA: 36 females, 32 males, OSUC 181302, 181308, 181310, 181317, 181321-181322, 181330, 181335, 181341-181342, 181346-181347, 181350, 181380, 181383, 181387, 181389, 181393, 181405, 334104-334106, 396070-396077, 396085-396086, 396093-396095, 396101, 396104, 396106, 396110-396112, 396115-396116, 396123-396125, 396127-396128, 396275-396277, 396488-396495, 396512, 396540, 396542, 396544, 396547, 396550 (CNCI); OSUC 334190 (OSUC); OSUC 266071, 266073 (TAMU). CUBA: 16 females, 4 males, OSUC 334265-334267 (CNCI); OSUC 436213-436227, 436230-436231 (USNM). DOMINICA: 2 females, 4 males, OSUC 181338, 396826-396827, 396831-396833 (CNCI). DOMINICAN REPUBLIC: 6 females , 3 males, OSUC 181314, 181323, 181325, 181381, 396078, 396088-396089, 396513 (CNCI); OSUC 261872 (OSUC). ECUADOR: 10 females, 6 males, OSUC 181315, 181337, 181340, 181345, 181348, 181353-181354, 181369, 181386, 181398, 396092, 396107, 396117-396118, 396120, 396530 (CNCI). FRENCH GUIANA: 1 female, 1 male, OSUC 181334, 396545 (CNCI). GRENADA: 1 female, OSUC 396830 (CNCI). GUYANA: 8 females, 2 males, OSUC 181390, 396263-396267, 396518-396521 (CNCI). HONDURAS: 1 female, 2 males, OSUC 334161-334162, 334165 (MZLU). JAMAICA: 1 female, OSUC 58703 (OSUC). MEXICO: 25 females, 2 males, OSUC 181301, 181303, 181385, 181388, 334073-334085, 334098-334103, 396108-396109, 396511 (CNCI); OSUC 49279 (OSUC). PANAMA: 2 females, 13 males, OSUC 181307, 181309, 181318-181320, 181336, 181366, 396079-396081, 396087, 396102-396103, 396105, 396114 (CNCI). PERU: 7 females, 15 males, OSUC 181316, 181324, 181343, 181408, 396082-396084, 396119, 396257-396262, 396269, 396280, 396517, 396546 (CNCI); OSUC 237351, 255001-255002 (OSUC); OSUC 232004 (USNM). SAINT VINCENT AND THE GRENADINES: 2 females, OSUC 396828-396829 (CNCI). SURINAME: 2 females, OSUC 181355-181356 (CNCI). TRINIDAD AND TOBAGO: 11 females, 12 males, OSUC 181305, 181362-181363, 396051-396057, 396059-396062, 396067-396068, 396096-396100, 396121-396122 (CNCI).VENEZUELA: 12 females, 7 males, OSUC 181306, 181328-181329, 181379, 265174, 334071-334072, 396090-396091, 396113, 396528-396529, 396531-396533, 396543 (CNCI); OSUC 146704, 334201, 79752 (OSUC). Comments. The large geographical distribution of Paridris aenea is accompanied by morphological variation, some of which is correlated with particular regions. Specimens from Cuba and Jamaica have smaller eyes (and consequently a larger OOL) and a pronounced transverse carina on T2 that protrudes laterally, making the anterior width of T2 distinctly greater than the posterior width of T1. Typically, the genal striae do not extend above the midpoint of the eye and are concentrated in the posterior half of the gena. Specimens from Tobago, and some from mainland South America, have elongate genal striae that extend to the vertex, or even around the eye, becoming dorsally continuous with the malar striae. Finally, three female specimens, OSUC 181316, 181345, 334201, have a minute horn on T1. They are otherwise consistent with our concept of Paridris aenea , and we consider them to be variants within this species. Figures 1-7. 79 1 Paridris convexa sp. n., Antenna, male (OSUC 262116) 2 Paridris pallipes (Ashmead), Antenna, male (OSUC 396171) 3 Paridris dnophos sp. n., Antenna, male (OSUC 396752) 4 Paridris aenea (Ashmead), Antenna, male (OSUC 396540) 5 Paridris psydrax sp. n., Head and antennae, ventral view, male (OSUC 181278) 6 Paridris nayakorum sp. n., Antennal clava, ventral view, female (OSUC 396697) 7 Paridris aenea (Ashmead), Antennal clava, ventral view, female (OSUC 202090) Figures 8-13. 80 8 Paridris saurotos sp. n., head, posterior view, female holotype (OSUC 262111) 9 Paridris gorn , head, posterior view, female (OSUC 181261) 10 Paridris dnophos sp. n., head, posteroventral view, female (OSUC 190973) 11 Paridris invicta sp. n., propodeum, dorsolateral view, male holotype (OSUC 236922) 12 Paridris dnophos sp. n., mesoscutellum, metascutellum, propodeum and T1, dorsolateral view, female (OSUC 190971) 13 Paridris aenea (Ashmead), mesoscutellum, metascutellum, propodeum and T1, dorsolateral view, female (OSUC 181306) Figures 14-17. 81 Paridris aenea (Ashmead) 14 Lateral habitus, female (OSUC 181348) 15 Dorsal habitus, female (OSUC 181348) 16 Head, anterior view, female (OSUC 182833) 17 Head, propleuron and pronotum, ventral view, female (OSUC 396090) Figures 18-20. 82 Paridris aenea (Ashmead) 18 Lateral habitus, female (OSUC 181316) 19 Head, posterolateral view, female (OSUC 181305) 20 Metasoma, dorsal view, female (OSUC 58703).