Two new species of the termitophilous rove beetle genus Xenogaster Wasmann from Brazil (Staphylinidae, Aleocharinae, Corotocini)
Pires-Silva, Carlos M.
Programa de Pós-Graduação em Sistemática, Taxonomia Animal e Biodiversidade, Laboratório de Coleoptera, Museu de Zoologia da Universidade de São Paulo, 04263 - 000, São Paulo, Brasil.
journal article
Xenogaster pseudonuda
sp. nov.
Figs. 1–46
92, 94, 96
Type material.
, male.
: “Peruíbe—S„o
Vanin, S. A.
Costa C.
, cols., in alcohol 70%” (
MZUSP 21360
1 female
, same data as holotype (dissected on slides) (
MZUSP 21361
Male: Length ~3.4 mm (
Figs. 1–3
Female: Length ~3.6 mm (
Figs. 4–6
Similar to
Xenogaster subnuda
Seevers, 1957
through the general aspect but distinguished by slightly convex frons, deflexed clypeus, and differences in male genitalia (
Figs. 43–46
). Differs also by the body brownish yellow, physogastric with membranous areas between tergites and sternites yellowish white.
Fig. 7
). Slightly longer than wide, parallel at 2/4 median and gradually narrowed anteriad and posteriad, forming rounded posterior angles; dorsal surface of head finely punctuate; frons slightly projected, broadly and weakly arcuate. Clypeus membranous and transverse; slightly deflexed in front of antennal fossae producing a transversal carina between posterior margins of antennal insertions. Gula long, with almost 2/3 of total head length, fused to submentum; gular sutures diverging near the posterior region of the head.Antennae (
Figs. 12
) cylindrical with 11 antennomeres; antennomere II longer than wide, narrowed at base, subtriangular, as long as antennomeres IV - X; antennomeres III–IX subquadrate slightly decreasing in length apicad; couples of antennomeres subequal in length: II–III; IV–V; VI–VII; VIII–IX. Antennomeres III and XI bearing one pair of coeloconic sensilla each. Labrum (
Fig. 11
) slightly wider than long, membranous, with two long bristles on posterior margin. Mandibles (
Fig. 8
) symmetrical; each with an apical and subapical tooth; broader at base and slightly narrowed and curved apicad; prostheca membranous, occupying almost the whole mesal length (in fig. 8, indicated by red arrows); dorsal sensitive pores near base. Maxilla (
Fig. 9
) with cardo transverse, subtriangular, rounded laterally; stipes rectangular, longer than wide, almost the same size of galea; lacinia and galea band-like and arcuate, similar in length; lacinia narrow, with a distal comb of bristles across inner margin; distal lobe of galea bearing a thick comb of bristles. Maxillary palpi 4-articulated, arcuated; palpomere I reduced, almost indistinct, ring-like; II elongate, curved, subcylindrical, dilated at apex and gradually narrowing at base; III elongate, oval, slightly narrower than previous, with sparse long bristles; IV elongate, narrow and slightly narrowed apicad. Labial palpi (
Fig. 10
) 3-articulated; palpomere I elongate, cylindrical; II almost as long as wide, about ½ of the length of palpomere I, with setulae
present; III elongate, cylindrical, narrower and longer than previous, with apical sensilla at apex (
). Ligula (
Fig. 97
) prominent and bilobed, each lobe (
) with surface somewhat scale-like; with a digitiform projection between lobes, bearing two apical spiniform sensilla (
). Prementum membranous, short, band-like. Mentum fused to submentum, with lateral margins straight, anterior and posterior angles divergent; a pair of apical bristles (
) on each edge of anterior margin, and a transverse row of short bristles between the apical (
Fig. 99
). Postmentum fused to gula (
Fig. 13
Xenogaster pseudonuda
sp. nov.
, holotype male. Habitus (elytra missing). 1, lateral; 2, ventral, 3, dorsal. Scale bars = 0,85 mm.
).Pronotum subquadrate, with anterior and posterior margins parallel; slightly elevated on its posterior region, which is slightly arcuate with rounded angles. Pronotal disc broadly and deeply impressed; impression rosacea-like formed by geometric irregular petals, marginated by micropunctuation, each with a short stout bristle. Brownish-yellow with lateral margins darker; strongly punctate, giving an impression of a different texture. Pronotum irregularly grooved longitudinally forming elevations; lateral margins of pronotum rounded and downwardly directed; three bristles longitudinally distributed on each side of lateral margins. Meso- metathorax (
Fig. 14
) weakly sclerotized, bearing a pair of bristles symmetrically placed on anterior margin, lateral margins finely punctuated (in fig. 14, punctuate area marked by arrows). Metendosternite (
Fig. 16
) Y-shaped, basal stalk bilobed at base; fucal arms parallel, not reaching mesocoxal margins. Scutellum (
Fig. 15
) transverse and trapezoidal with rounded angles. Metanotum membranous, fused to metasternum; longer than metanotum. Wings reduced to stubs (
Fig. 15
). Elytra (
Figs. 17
) elongate, slightly wider on posterior region, forming rounded angles; clear ferruginous, outer margins longer and darker; densely punctuated, with a grainy appearance; anterior and posterior margins declivous and convergent; inner margins separated completely from behind scutellum to apices; anterior margin with a single long bristle near apex; rosacea-like formed by scales-like intertwined with short bristles. Legs (
Figs. 19–21
). Procoxae longer and subtrapezoideal, mesocoxae oval, and metacoxae triangular. Femora elongated and cylindrical, with inner margins almost straight; tibia slightly narrower and almost the same length as the femur, covered with short bristles along the whole surface; mesotrochanter slightly longer than protrocanter; metatrochanter the longest, bearing a single long bristle (
Fig. 20
). Tarsi (
Figs. 22–24
92, 94, 96
); tarsal formula 5-5-5, with 4
and 5
tarsomeres almost fused, but presenting a clear line of division between them– (In figs. 92, 94, 96, division line indicated by arrows); first tarsomere of pro- and mesotarsus almost of the same length; first tarsomere of metatarsus longer than the metatarsomeres 2–5 combined; last tarsomere with two unciform claws and a dentiform projection between claws.
Xenogaster pseudonuda
sp. nov.
, paratype female. Habitus. 4, lateral; 5, ventral, 6, dorsal. Scale bars = 0,9 mm.
physogastric with membranous wide areas among sclerites. Tergites and sternites separated by two pairs of paratergites in abdominal segments III–VI; bristles of tergites always on sclerites; inner paratergites sclerotized, subquadrate, outer paratergites narrow. Segment I membranous, reduced, fused to metanotum; segment II with a reduced tergite, shorter than tergite III, and anterior margin emarginate at middle; second sternite transverse, plate-shaped; tergites III–V rectangular; tergite III with anterior margin slightly emarginate at middle; tergites III– VI with one row of bristles; tergite VII (
Fig. 25
) band-like and subtrapezoideal, with posterior margin emarginate; anterior margin straight, with one pair of rounded glandular reservoirs, each widely separated; one row of 4 long bristles in the medial region; finely punctuated in the whole surface; posterior margin marginate by fringe of fine bristles. Tergite VIII (
Fig. 27
, female;
Fig. 30
, male) subquadrate, wider than long; anterior margin straight; lateral margins rounded; posterior margin slightly sinuose; one transversal row of four bristles near posterior margin, symmetrically distributed. Sternite VIII (
Fig. 26
, female;
Fig. 31
, male) with basal margin roundly emarginated, continuous laterally by sclerotized extension on females; and forming short angles in male; transversal row of six bristles near posterior margin symmetrically distributed; sternite IX represented by a pair of hemisternites laterally attached to tergite IX. Tergite IX subtriangular, with two long bristles in a longitudinal row parallel to lateral margin; male sternite IX (
Fig. 28
) represented by three long extensions (apodemes). Tergite X band-like, fore angles rounded, covered with short bristles and with two transversal rows of long bristles symmetrically distributed parallel to anterior margin. Aedeagus (
Figs. 29
) piriform, basal capsule broad; apical lobe narrowing apicad; lateral lobes (
Fig. 45
) with distal segment short, with four short bristles on apex; medial segment broad and proximal segment narrow and elongate. Spermatheca sclerotized, stem elongated; capsule dilated at apex (
Fig. 34
Xenogaster pseudonuda
sp. nov.
7, head, ventral view; 8, mandibles, dorsal view; mandibular prostheca indicated by arrows; 9, maxilla; 10, labium, dorsal view; 11, labrum, dorsal view; 12, antenna; 13, postmentum, ventral view; 14, meso- and metaventrite, ventral view; 15, scutellum, meso- and metanotum, and abdominal tergite I, dorsal view; 16, endosternite; 17, elytra, dorsal view; 18, prosternum; 19. front leg; 20, hind leg; 21, middle leg; 22, front tarsus; 23, middle tarsus; 24, hind tarsus; 25, tergite VII; 26, sternite VIII (female); 27, tergite VIII (female); 28, tergite IX–X (male); 29, aedeagus, dorsal view; 30, tergite VIII (male); 31, sternite VIII (male); 32, tergite IX–X (female); 33, tergite X (male), 34, spermatheca. Scale bars = 0,025 mm (8, 9, 10, 11); 0,05 mm (22, 23, 24, 32, 33, 34); 0,06 mm (13); 0,075 mm (17, 18, 25, 26, 27, 30, 31); 0,1 mm (7, 12, 14, 15, 16, 19, 20, 21, 28, 29).
FIGURES 35–38.
Xenogaster pseudonuda
sp. nov.
35, pronotum (dorsal); 36, detail of lateral margins; 37, microsetae on pronotal disc; 38, details of outer border of lateral margin. White arrows point to a fallen bristle. Scale bars = 3 µm (35), 10 µm (36, 37, 38).
FIGURES 39–42.
Xenogaster pseudonuda
sp. nov.
39, elytra (dorsal); 40, detail of apex of anterior region; 41, detail of small bristles near lateral margins; 42, detail of long bristle of elytra. Scale bars = 3 µm (42); 10 µm (40, 41); 30 µm (39).
FIGURES 43–46.
Illustrative schemes showing the differences between the genitalia of
Xenogaster pseudonuda
sp. nov
X. subnuda
. 43, aedeagus of
X. pseudonuda
(dorsal view); 44, aedeagus of
X. subnuda
(dorsal view), 45, lateral lobe of
X. pseudonuda
; 46, lateral lobe
X. subnuda
. Abbreviations = al: apical lobe; LL: lateral lobe; bc: basal capsule; px.s.: proximal segment; md.s.: medial segment; dt.s.: distal segment.
. S„o Paulo: Peruíbe
Beetles were collected inside a nest of
in a fallen tree trunk (L. R. Fontes private collection, pers. comm.).
The specific epithet “
” is an allusion to the similarity that the new species shares with
Xenogaster subnuda