New species of Tinodes from Madagascar (Trichoptera, Psychomyiidae) Author Gibon, François-Marie text Zootaxa 2017 2017-07-07 4318 2 364 376 journal article 32165 10.11646/zootaxa.4318.2.9 1209f677-869b-4bb7-8456-997e7c214bbd 1175-5326 886860 86B553F5-C42D-484E-8197-Df90523Ca8C4 Tinodes furcatus n. sp. Figs 6 A–6C Diagnosis. . Tinodes furcatus n. sp. does not belong to any of the species groups defined previously. The intermediate appendage is similar to those described for the T . isalo Group, but the phallic apparatus is not as enlarged. Tinodes furcatus n. sp. resembles T. mohelia Johanson & Oláh 2007 , mainly due to the morphology of the preanal and intermediate appendage branches, but the phallic apparatus of T . mohelia is wider and not curved ventrad. Moreover, T. furcatus n. sp. is characterized by the distal projection of the inner part of the distoventral edge of each inferior appendage. Among Malagasy species, this character is present in only T. irwini , where the resulting lobe is round when viewed ventrally, but triangular in T. furcatus n. sp. Description. General color pale brown, dorsal sclerites brown, wings brown with few small hyaline areas (in alcohol). Length of each forewing 4.3 mm (n = 2); length of each hind wing 3.4 mm (n = 2). Forewing forks 2, 3, 4, and 5; crossveins r (R1–R2+3), r-m (R4+5–M1+2, hyaline), and cu (Cu1–Cu2); and hyaline line along stem of M present. Hind wing forks 2, 3, and 5 and crossveins r (R1–R2+3) and r-m (R4+5–M1+2) present. FIGURE 6. Tinodes furcatus n. sp. , male genitalia: 6A, left lateral; 6B, dorsal, without inferior appendages; 6C, segment IX and inferior appendages, ventral. Abbreviations: d. b. = dorsal branch of second segment of inferior appendage; g. = phallic guide; proj. = disto-ventral projection of first segment of inferior appendage; v. b. = ventral branch of second segment of inferior appendage. Scale bar: 0.25 mm. Male genitalia ( Figs 6 A–6C): Sternite IX produced much more posterad than anterad, anterior and posterior margins concave; each dorsolateral apex obliquely truncated in lateral view; in ventral view slightly broader than long, anterior part slightly wider than posterior part, anterior margin convex, broadly rounded, lateral margins straight, convergent posteriorly, posterior margin straight; without setae. Anterolateral arms of tergite IX each originating from corresponding dorsolateral apex of sternite IX as very narrow stalk; posterior part of tergum IX about 1.8 times as long as stalk; in lateral view dorsal portion nearly rectangular, its anterior margin forming right angle with stalk, apex truncate; in dorsal view, apex slightly incised, lateral margins slightly rounded, curved mesad towards apex; without setae. Tergite X indistinct. Preanal appendages longer than intermediate appendage branches and phallic apparatus, only slightly curved caudad in middle, broadened near base in lateral view; slightly curved caudad in dorsal view; setae present on distal 2/5. Intermediate appendage divided beyond mid-length into two nearly symmetrical branches differing only in number of spines; when viewed laterally branches long, almost reaching apex of phallic apparatus, gradually curved caudoventrad, distal portion only slightly wider than base; in dorsal view branches approximately same length, divergent basally, parallel distally, narrowing apically; each branch bearing line of pointed spines (three on the left branch and four on the right branch) inserted ventrolaterally at 3/4 length, directed outward and ventrad; another similar spine inserted preapically on each branch. Inferior appendages each two-segmented; pair of first segments fused basally, separated by medial longitudinal cleft distally; phallic guide apodeme directed anterad, thick and club-shaped with apex curved slightly upwards in lateral view, narrow with sharply pointed apex in ventral view; phallic guides long and finger-like and directed upwards in lateral view, in ventral view slender and moderately curved laterad with pointed apices, visible between distoventral prolongations of first segments of inferior appendages; first segments almost quadrangular, about as long as high in lateral view; in ventral view very broad with rounded lateral margins; each first segment characterized by a prolongation of inner part of disto-ventral edge in distinct protrusion slightly longer than second segment and triangular with sharply pointed apex directed slightly laterad when viewed ventrally; with long ventral setae; second segment much smaller than first, composed of two branches, dorsal one triangular with blunt apex, ventral one narrow and sharply pointed in lateral view; in ventral view dorsal branch wedge-shaped and acute apically, ventral branch quadrangular with obliquely truncate apex; with several setae. Phallic apparatus longer than intermediate appendage branches, with ventral constriction in middle and with large dorsal membranous lobe and with truncated apex in lateral view; apex broad with concave posterior margin in dorsal view; with two long internal phallic sclerites: left one thick and longer and spine-shaped, right one smaller and rod-shaped. Holotype : Male. MADAGASCAR : Fianarantsoa Prov., brook 2.5 km SE Ranomena ( Iranomena ), 21°29′36′′S , 47°24′11′′E , approx. 1,000 m a.s.l. , 9.ii.2000 , swept along mountain brook in rain forest, P. Chvojka leg. ( NMPC ). Etymology. Latin adjective “ furcatus , - a , - um ,” meaning “forked”; referring to the shape of the intermediate appendage branches when viewed dorsally. Distribution. MADAGASCAR : Endemic. Recorded only from the type locality ( Fig. 7 ).