Rohdea tuberculata (Asparagaceae), a new species from Central Sichuan, China Author Feng, Hui Zhe 0000-0001-5693-7992 fenghuizhe @ foxmail. com; https: // orcid. org / 0000 - 0001 - 5693 - 7992 Author Ying, Zhao Yan 0009-0003-2723-6056 yanyingzhao 2023 @ 163. com; https: // orcid. org / 0009 - 0003 - 2723 - 6056 Author Hui, Bi Ming 0009-0003-6782-328X minghuibi 2004 @ 163. com; https: // orcid. org / 0009 - 0003 - 6782 - 328 X Author Hui, Li Wen 0009-0007-8376-0716 wh 773673 @ 163. com; https: // orcid. org / 0009 - 0007 - 8376 - 0716 Author Chen, Jing 0000-0001-5950-763X chj 218.2000 @ 163. com; https: // orcid. org / 0000 - 0001 - 5950 - 763 X text Phytotaxa 2023 2023-09-07 613 1 55 63 journal article 267066 10.11646/phytotaxa.613.1.5 7abca04a-187f-4c87-b367-440222d99d91 1179-3163 8323686 Rohdea tuberculata H. Z. Feng , sp. nov. ( Fig. 6 ) Type :— CHINA . Sichuan : Ya’an , Hongya , Wawu Mountain , alt. 2310 m , H . Z . Feng 103 , dried herbarium specimen prepared by H . Z . Feng 2023-13 ( holotype , CSH !), on 2 March 2023 from a plant cultivated at Biological Garden of Zaozhuang university, Zaozhuang , Shandong , China. Diagnosis :—This species is most similar to R. wattii in sharing characters of the elliptical blades, perianth lobes reflexed and the stamen filaments which are obvious and strongly curved, but differs mainly by the large blades, perianth lobes with tuberculate protrusions and the stigma top below the base of the free part of the filaments. FIGURE 3. Holotype of Rohdea tokinensis . B. Balansa 4142 (P00214638), Vietnam, Tonkin, ValléallinLankok, Mont Bavi. FIGURE 4. Rohdea tokinensis from Malipo, Yunnan, China. A. Habit. B. Blades. C. Inflorescence. Photos by X. X. Zhu. Description :—Hemicryptophyte herb. Rhizome cylindrical, prostrate, ascending distally, to 2.5 cm in diameter. Roots fibrous, to 6 mm in diameter. Cataphylls a few. Leaves 2–4, basal, equitant, ca. 40 cm long including petiole; blades ovate or narrowly ovate, ca. 12 cm broad; petiole usually distinct. Peduncle stout, erect, usually half-orbicular, ca. 4 cm long, to ca. 1 cm in diameter. Spike stout, cylindric-oblong, densely many-flowered, ca. 13 cm long, to ca. 4 cm in diameter. Bracts 2 per flower; outer bract 1, persistence, borne below flower, deltoid or deltoid-ovate, apex acuminate, crisped, membranous, green, usually shorter than perianth, ca. 10× 5 mm ; inner bract (bracteole) 1, narrowly deltoidlanceolate, to ca. 4 mm long. Perianth cupulate-subcampanulate, atrovirens and then turn pale orange, ca. 3–15 mm in diameter, 8–10 mm high; lobes broadly ovate or semi-orbicular, apex acuminate, somewhat rugose, base imbricate, ca. 2.5 mm long, ca. 5.5 mm broad, margins revolute and inner side densely with tuberculate protrusions; tube ca. 10 mm long, both surfaces of lower part smooth. Anthers broadly ovate, ca. 1 mm long; connectives tuberculate dorsally. Filaments strongly incurved, 3–3.5 mm long, each inserted at base of perianth lobe, decurrent parts dilated below and united with adjacent ones, forming crenulate small lamellar protrusion at each junction. Pistil ca. 5 mm long; stigma trisected, lower than the base of the free part of the filaments; style columnar, 1–1.5 mm long; ovary slightly depressed globose, ca. 2 mm long; ovules ca. 4 per ovary locule. Fruit no seen. Phenology :—Flowering in March in cultivation. Etymology :—The specific epithet refers to its tuberculate perianth lobes. Habitat :—The new species was found growing under humus-rich moist broad-leaved forest. Distribution :—This species only found in Wawu Mountain, Hongya, Ya’an, Sichuan , China . Taxonomic relationship :—The blades of most species in the genus Rohdea are lanceolate, only in R. wattii , R. tonkinensis , R. dangii K. S. Nguyen, N. Tanaka & Averyanov (2021: 68) and the new species are elliptic or narrowly elliptic. R. tonkinensis distributed in southern China ( Guangdong , Guangxi & Yunnan ) and northern Vietnam and R. dangii only distributed in northern Vietnam and both these two species have very long upright and naked stems, and filaments with a prominently incrassate decurrent part without forming a lamellar projection between them. In addition, R. tonkinensis and R. dangii all absence of cataphylls for protecting young leaves probably resulted from adaptation to a warm climate, and it is apparently a derived character state ( Tanaka 2010 , Nguyen 2021 ). But in R . tuberculata and R . wattii the connective of anthers tuberculate dorsally, filaments decurrent parts dilated below and united with adjacent ones, forming crenulate small lamellar protrusion at each junction. According to the structure of stamens, R . tuberculata is most closely related to R . wattii . The new species is, however, easily distinguishable from the latter mainly by the broad blade (20–40×9–11 vs. 15–34× 3.5–7.8 cm ), long inflorescence (ca. 13 vs. 1.5–3 cm long), short bracts (not exceeding flower, ca. 10 mm long vs. exceeding flower, 7–20 mm long), atrovirens perianth (vs. green or orange) when young, lobes tuberculate adaxially (vs. smooth), pistil completely contained in the perianth tube and the stigma lower than the base of free part of filaments (vs. the perianth tube do not contained the pistil and the stigma above than the base of free part of filaments). Other specimens examined :— Rohdea wattii . CHINA . Guangxi . Chenxi , 21 Setember 2014, Y . L . Zhu et al. 450481140921033 LY ( GXMG0146678 ). Debao , 2 April 2017 , Debao Exped. 451024170402009 LY ( IBK00410969 ). Guangyang , 5 October 1958 , Z . Y . Chen 52488 ( IBK00139400 ). Gongcheng , 16 October 2015 , Gongcheng Exped. 450332151016040 LY ( IBK00377716 ). 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