A taxonomic revision of Chinese Cleopomiarus Pierce (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) with description of two new species Author Jiang, Chunyan Author Caldara, Roberto Author Zhang, Runzhi text Zootaxa 2018 2018-02-09 4378 3 337 355 journal article 30784 10.11646/zootaxa.4378.3.3 547f83b3-4f25-4ace-ab43-bf66fbc06e9e 1175-5326 1169980 FCCFFC02-3983-422D-BB7E-98B3903E342E Cleopomiarus distinctus (Boheman) Gymnetron distinctus Boheman, 1845 : 187 . Cleopomiarus distinctus (Boheman) . Caldara & Legalov, 2016 : 12 . Miarus degorsi Abeille de Perrin, 1906 : 171 . Miarus graminis subfulvus Reitter, 1907 : 45 . Miarus wagneri Székessy, 1940 : 161 . Miarus distinctus rectirostris Hoffmann, 1953 : 55 . Miarus longirostris mandschuricus Voss, 1952 : 199 . Egorov et al. , 1996 : 484 . Caldara & Legalov, 2016 : 12 . (n. syn.) Miaromimus dictamnophilus Zherichin, 1996: 483 . Material examined. CHINA : Xinjiang : Baihaba Habahe ( 48°18′N ; 86°24′E , 1153m ), 23-VII-2009 , leg Xinlei Huang (1M); Bazhou ( 41°45′N ; 86°08′E , 944m ), 10-VII-1998 (1F) . Liaoning : Anshan Qianshan ( 40°32′N ; 123°01′E , 254m ), 8-VI-1963 , leg Hongxing Li (1M); Fengcheng Tongyuanpu ( 40°46′N ; 123°55′E , 186m ), 31-V- 1963 , leg Hongxing Li (3M2F) . Jilin : Antu Dahuanggou ( 42°57′N ; 128°40′E , 640m ), 18-VIII-1963 , leg Hongxing Li (2M2F) . Heilongjiang : Baimao 2sa ( 45°44′N ; 126°39′E , 147m ), 14-VI-1953 (1M2F); Erdaodianzi ( 43°08′N ; 127°09′E , 283m ), 15-VI-1941 (2M) ; same data, 30-VI-1941 (6M9F); Hulin ( 45°45′N ; 132°56′E , 84m ), 14-VI- 1971 (2M) ; same data, 9-VI-1971 , leg Xuezhong Zhang (1M2F); Hutoushan ( 45°58′N ; 133°40′E , 56m ), 8-VI- 1971 , leg Xuezhong Zhang (1M); North East (3M). Type locality. Geneva ( Switzerland ). Diagnosis. Body length 2.2–3.3 mm . Dorsal vestiture unicolorous, whitish to light brown. Rostrum long in male, very long in female, cylindrical, of same width from base to apex, weakly curved in lateral view. Pronotum distinctly transverse, with partly raised scales. Elytra subrectangular, short, moderately wider than pronotum, with subrecumbent to erect scales. Mesofemora smoothed without tooth, metafemora with small moderately sharp tooth, uncus of metatibiae in male enlarged especially at apex and directed outwards. Redescription. Length 2.20–3.30 mm . Body stout, Integument black ( Fig. 15–18 ). Rostrum ( Fig. 32–33 ) long in male, very long in female (Rl/Rw male 6.58–8.33, female 9.18–11.24; Rl/Pl male 1.05–1.27, female 1.38–1.58), weakly curved in lateral view in male, straight in female, cylindrical, of same width from base to apex. Antennae inserted at middle of rostrum in male, between middle and basal third of rostrum in female. Eyes flat. Pronotum transverse (Pw/Pl 1.45–1.55), subconical, with rounded sides, moderately convex, with subrecumbent to erect, moderately long, whitish to light brown, seta-like scales. Scutellum with short, whitish scales. Elytra subglobose, short (El/Ew 1.02–1.20), moderately wider than pronotum (Ew/Pw 1.18–1.34), at base distinctly directed forwards from interstria 5 to humeri, with somewhat rounded sides; interstriae covered with 2–4 irregular rows of subrecumbent to erect, whitish to light brown, seta-like scales. Mesofemora smoothed without tooth, metafemora with small moderately sharp tooth ( Fig. 55–58 ); uncus of metatibiae 0.08–0.10 mm , in male enlarged especially at apex and directed outwards ( Fig. 40 ). Genitalia. Male: penis 1.23–1.40 mm , gradually narrowed from base to apex; endophallus at base with flagellum enlarged and connected with straight, long and stick-shaped sclerite ( Fig. 70 ). Female: spermatheca 0.18–0.22 mm , body weakly enlarged at middle and sinuate, narrowed near middle; collum moderately long, 1/4 as long as body, ramus very short ( Fig. 76 ); spiculum ventrale with arms close to each other at base and then distinctly divergent to apex ( Fig. 81 ). Remarks and comparative notes. According to Caldara & Legalov (2016) , this is one of the most variable species and with the widest distribution together with C. graminis . The three most variable characters are the colour of the dorsal vestiture, which varies from whitish grey to light brown, the density of the elytral scales, sometimes completely covering the integument, and the length of the rostrum especially in the female and especially in the Anatolian population. Moreover, C. distinctus is very closely related to numerous species ( C. persimilis , C. salsosae , C. kobanzo and C. kamiyai ). It is clear that it would be very interesting to perform a detailed molecular study of these apparently cryptic species. After the examination of other specimens from the type locality of C . mandschuricus , we realized that it is not possible morphologically to separate this species from C . distinctus . Apart from the characters of the shape of the rostra, the uncus of the male metatibiae, and that of the genitalia (penis, spermatheca and spiculum), C. distinctus usually differs from C. graminis also by the more angulate shape of the elytral base. With regard to the spiculum ventrale, we noticed that, although somewhat variable as reported by Caldara & Legalov (2016) , the angulation of the arms is different between these two species (see fig. 78 vs fig. 81). Distribution. Europe, from the Iberian Peninsula to the Russian Far East, South Korea ( Gangwon ), Turkey . Previously known from China only from Heilongjiang Province ( Caldara & Legalov 2016 ), but now it is new from the northeastern ( Jilin and Liaoning provinces) and northwestern regions ( Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region).