FLORA OF NEPAL NOTULAE I: TAXONOMIC NOTES ON NEPALESE SALVIA Author Pendry, Colin A Author Wei, Yukun K text Edinburgh Journal of Botany 2021 2021-03-09 78 331 1 8 http://dx.doi.org/10.24823/ejb.2021.331 journal article 286813 10.24823/EJB.2021.331 bac3f832-b37b-481f-b825-ab8a6e7e06a6 1747-0036 10590914 Salvia manasluensis Pendry & Y.K.Wei A single popUlation of this large-flowered Salvia was recorded dUring fieldwork in the Manaslu region of western Nepal . Although only one specimen was collected, it is considered to be sUfficiently distinct from other species of Salvia to merit its description as a new species. Salvia manasluensis Pendry & Y.K.Wei , sp. nov. Species of Salvia close to S. campanulata Wall. ex Benth. bUt with markedly larger flowers ( 33 mm versus 23–26 mm ). – Holotype , here designated: Nepal , Manang, southwest of Bimtang, 28 ° 37′11′′N , 84 ° 27′57′′ E , 3380 m , 14 viii 2008 , Ikeda et al. 20818143 (holo TI; iso E [E00662247], KATH). Figure 2 . Perennial herb to 1. 5 m . Stems erect, with an indumentum of long, brown, simple or glandular hairs. Basal leaves not seen. Petioles of upper leaves 0.5–3 cm , shorter above. Leaves broadly ovate, 5–22 × 4–20 cm , markedly smaller above, base deeply cordate to obtuse in uppermost leaves, apex acute to acuminate, margin serrate to crennate, glabrous above, brown villous and minutely gland-spotted below, denser along the veins. Inflorescence a panicle of 2(–6)-flowered verticillasters. Bracts ovate, acuminate, 8–22 mm , entire. Bracteoles elliptic, 5 × 3 mm . Calyx campanulate 18 mm , upper lip rounded, 2 mm , 1-toothed, lower lip 7 mm , teeth 4 mm , cuspidate. Corolla yellow, 33 mm , tube 21 mm , 12 mm wide, annulus 7 mm from base, upper lip straight, 12 mm , lower lip 14 mm , middle lobe to 8 × 14 mm . Stamens fUsed, filaments 7 mm , connective Upper arm 4 mm , lower arm 3 mm , upper theca 3.5 mm , lower theca fertile, 2 mm . Staminodes 2 mm . Style 33 mm , included or up to 2 mm exerted. Nutlets not seen. Figure 2 . Salvia manasluensis Pendry & Y.K.Wei , sp. nov. A, Basal leaf; B, upper leaves and stem; C, inflorescence; D, opened calyx (oUter view); E, opened corolla (inner view); F, ovary and style. Scale bars: A–C, 5 cm; D–F, 1 cm. Drawn by Claire Banks from Ikeda et al. 20818143 (E and TI). Altitudinal range . c. 3400 m . Ecology . Open areas in Abies woodland. Phenology . Flowering in August, fruiting in September. Distribution . Endemic to Nepal . Known only from the type collection. Salvia manasluensis is clearly closely related to S. campanulata , but it is easily distinguished by its very mUch larger flowers.