CCIII Orchidaceae Author D. M. Moore (ed.) text 1980 Cambridge University Press Camebridge Flora Europaea, Vol 5: Alismataceae to Orchidaceae 325 350 book chapter 10.5281/zenodo.215522 e75af61c-ea0f-4791-94c6-806a39e338ea 052120108X 215522 6 . E . purpurata Sm . , Engl . FI . 4: 41 (1828) . Rhizome short, vertical . Stem 20-70 cm, pubescent above, purplish below, with sheathing scales . Leaves spirally arranged, 5-10, 6-10 x 2-5 cm, ovate-lanceolate to lanceolate, acute to shortly acuminate, greyish or purplish . Raceme 15-25 cm, many-flowered; bracts linear, acuminate, the lower usually exceeding flowers . Flowers obliquely pendent when mature; outer perianth-segments 10-12 mm, lanceolate, subobtuse, green outside, whitish inside, the inner whitish, sometimes with pinkish tinge . Labellum 8-10 mm; hypochile cupuliform, greenish outside, usually mottled with violet inside; epichile triangular-cordate, acute, with recurved apex, as long as or longer than wide, whitish, with 2-3 smooth, confluent basal protuberances . Rostellum persistent . Ovary scabridulous . In = 40 . Woods; somewhat calcicole . • N . W . & C . Europe, extending south-eastwards to Bulgaria . Au Be Br Bu Cz Da Ga Ge?Gr He Hu Ju Po Rrn Rs (W) .