CCIII Orchidaceae Author D. M. Moore (ed.) text 1980 Cambridge University Press Camebridge Flora Europaea, Vol 5: Alismataceae to Orchidaceae 325 350 book chapter 10.5281/zenodo.215522 e75af61c-ea0f-4791-94c6-806a39e338ea 052120108X 215522 14 . O . carmeli Fleischm . & Bornm . , Ann . Naturh . Mus . (Wien) 36: 7 (1923) . Plant 15-35 cm . Basal leaves linear-lanceo­ late . Spike (3-)5- to 8-flowered, rather dense . Outer perianth- segments 6-10 mm, ovate, green, rarely whitish, the median usually incurved; inner as long as the outer, lanceolate or triangular, green, rarely whitish or purplish, hairy . Labellum 6-10 mm, ovate or oblong, widest towards the apex, distinctly 3-lobed, rarely subentire, with an appendage, strongly deflexed, brown or dark brown, papillose with glabrous marginal zone; lateral lobes patent or deflexed, elliptical, dark brownish-hairy, with basal protuberances c . 3 mm; speculum scutelliform, blue or dark brownish-violet, with yellow margin, often brown- velutinous with glabrous margin . Connective acute . Greece, Turkey-in-Europe . Gr Tu .