A Revision and Cladistic Analysis of the Genus Corasoides Butler (Araneae: Desidae) with Descriptions of Nine New Species Author Humphrey, Margaret text Records of the Australian Museum 2017 2017-05-31 69 1 15 64 http://dx.doi.org/10.3853/j.2201-4349.69.2017.1671 journal article 10.3853/j.2201-4349.69.2017.1671 2201-4349 5237569 Corasoides mouldsi sp. nov. Figs 20 , 21 Holotype , Windsor Tablelands , Qld [ Queensland ], 16°16'S 145°02'E , July 1995 , M. Humphrey M. Moulds , KS.71835 ( AM ) . Paratypes as follows, all Queensland : 1♀ KS.71836 ( AM ) , 5♀♀ KS.71663 ( AM ) , 2♂♂ and 3♀♀ KS.71664 ( AM ) , same data as holotype ; 2♀♀ , rainforest near forestry hut Windsor Tableland , 18 Apr 1994 , Judy Thompson & M. Moulds , 5147, KS.71689 ( AM ) ; 1♀ , same data, 5146 KS.71690 ( AM ) ; 1♂ , 1♀ , same data, 5148, 5149, KS.71687 ( AM ) ; 1♀ , same data, 5145, KS.71688 ( AM ) ; 1♂ , Windsor Tableland on highest point, 16°14'S 145°00'E , 22 July 1995 , Thompson , Moulds , Olive , Tio , MacKillop, KS .44082 ( AM ) . 1♀ NEQ, 16°04'S 145°25'E , Roaring Meg valley , 7–9 Dec 1993 , 680 m, G. B. Monteith , S42583 ( QM ) . Figure 17. Corasoides motumae sp. nov. , male: (a) palpal organs, prolateral; (b) palpal organs, ventral; (c) palpal organs, retrolateral; (d) face; (e) tibial apophyses; (f) cheliceral teeth. Diagnosis . The male of this species can be distinguished from C. terania sp. nov. and species from Papua New Guinea by the presence of the bristled retroventral apophysis. It can be distinguished from both C. motumae sp. nov. and C. terania sp. nov. by its unflattened retrolateral apophysis ( Fig. 20b,c,e ). It can be distinguished from C. occidentalis sp. nov. by its relatively much shorter digitiform portion of the cymbium. Females can be distinguished by the external morphology of the epigyne. Description . Medium to large spider. Carapace . Pattern similar to C. terania sp. nov. but less distinct ( Fig. 21g ). Abdomen . Basic dorsal pattern but with paler central stripe widening in posterior half of abdomen in holotype and some other specimens merging with the row of spots. Male ( Figs 20 , 21b,d,f–h ). CL 5.9 (5.2), CW 4.2 (3.8), AL 4.7, AW 3.1, HW 2.8, EpGW 1.8, MOQL 0.81, MOQAW 0.67, MOQPW 0.81, SL 2.7, SW 2.3, ML 2.1, MW 1.0, Figure 18. Corasoides motumae sp. nov. : (a) carapace, dorsal; (b) epigyne, ventral; (c) sternum, labium and maxillae, ventral; (d) female internal genitalia, dorsal; (e) male cephalothorax, lateral; (f) female internal genitalia, lateral from centre. (g) distribution. LL 1.1, LW 0.8, ChelL 3.5 (3.1), ChelW 1.3 (1.1), clypeus height 0.6. Cephalothorax . Sternum slightly longer than wide, with a distinct, posterior point. Labium longer than wide, basally notched and slightly rebordered. Chelicerae . Teeth: retromarginal 5 promarginal 3 (plus one vestigial); evenly spaced and of near equal size. Transverse ridges present between teeth margins. Leg lengths: I II III IV Palp femur 9.7 7.9 6.8 8.6 4.1 patella 2.1 1.9 1.8 2.0 1.1 tibia 9.8 6.6 5.1 6.4 1.6 metatarsus 9.4 8.1 7.8 10.6 — tibia 4.1 2.4 1.8 2.8 2.6 total 35.1 26.9 18.5 30.4 9.4 Figure 19. (a) retrolateral apophysis tip of Corasoides occidentalis sp. nov. , Glen Forrest, WA; (b) male cymbium of C. motumae sp. nov. , Clyde Mountain, NSW; (c) retrolateral apophysis of C. motumae sp. nov. , Clyde Mountain, NSW; (d) conductor tip of C. motumae sp. nov. , Clyde Mountain, NSW. Spination . Leg I: femur d2,2,3,3,1,2,3; tibia v2,1,2,1,2; metatarsus v1,1,2,2. Leg II: femur d3,2,1,2,2,1,3,3; tibia 1,1,1 v1,1,1,2; metatarsus 2,2,2 p1,1 r1,1. Leg III: femur d3,3,2,2,3,3; tibia d1,1,1,1,1, v1,1,2; metatarsus d1,1,1,1,1,1,2,2 v2. Leg IV: femur d2,1,3,1,1,1,3; tibia d1,1 v2,2,2,2; metatarsus d1,1,2,1,1,1,1,2 v1,1,1,1,2. Palp: femur d1,1,1,3; tibia d1,1,1,3; tarsus several. Male palp . Digitiform portion of cymbium moderately long—cymbium length about four times transverse diameter of bulb. Many fine, dark hairs on tibia and cymbium. Ventral apophysis partially membranous ( Fig. 20e ). Retrolateral apophysis long, hooklike, tapering and curving initially towards retroventral apophysis, sweeping across slightly and finishing almost half way to its base ( Fig. 20c ). Embolus arises basally. Conductor stalked, wide at base. Conductor tip ridged longitudinally, bent c. 90° to point retrolaterally and twisted one full rotation ( Figs 20a–c ). Trichobothria on cymbium: single row of six, retrolateral to dorsal line, evenly spaced, decreasing in length basally. Abdomen . Tail of small spigots on anterior lateral spinnerets. Figure 20. Corasoides mouldsi sp. nov. , male: (a) palpal organs,prolateral; (b) palpal organs, ventral; (c) palpal organs, retrolateral; (d) face; (e) tibial apophyses. Female ( Fig. 21a,c,e ), similar to male. CL 7.3 (5.3), CW 4.6 (3.8), AL 10.6, AW 6.5, HW 3.8, EpGW 2.2, MOQL 0.99, MOQAW 0.85, MOQPW 1.03, SL 3.4, SW 3.0, ML 2.9, MW 1.5, LL 1.7, LW 1.3, ChelL 4.1 (2.2), ChelW 2.1 (1.4), clypeus height 0.7. Cheliceral teeth similar to male but unevenly spaced retromarginally. Leg lengths: I II III IV Palp femur 10.1 8.8 7.8 10.5 4.5 patella 3.0 2.8 2.3 2.4 1.4 tibia 9.9 7.5 6.0 7.9 2.5 metatarsus 10.3 8.8 8.3 12.1 — tarsus 4.3 2.8 2.8 3.4 3.1 total 37.5 30.5 27.0 36.3 11.5 Figure 21. Corasoides mouldsi sp. nov. : (a) epigyne; (b) cheliceral teeth, male; (c) female internal genitalia, dorsal view; (d) lateral carapace and chelicerae, male; (e) epigyne and female internal genitalia, lateral view; (f) ventral sternum, labium and maxillae, male; (g) dorsal carapace and chelicerae.; (h) distribution. Spination . Leg I: femur d1,3,3,3,3; tibia v2,2,2,2; metatarsus v2,2,2. Leg II: femur d3,1,3,2,3,3; tibia d1 v2,2,2,2 p1,1,1; metatarsus d1,1,1,2 v1,1,1,1,2 p1,1,1 r1,1; Leg III: femur d3,3,1,2,3,3; tibia d1 v2,2,2 p1,1,1r1; metatarsus d2,2,2,2 v2,2,2 r1,1. Leg IV: femur d1,2,3,3,3,; tibia v2,2,2 p1,1,1r1,1,1; metatarsus d2,2,2,2 v2,2,2,2 p1,1,1 r1,1,1; Palp: femur d1,1,1,3; patella d1; tibia d1 p1; tarsus several. Trichobothria on 1st tarsus: single row of seven, evenly spaced, decreasing in size proximally. Tarsal organ beyond 7th trichobothrium. Epigyne ( Fig. 21a ). Width at least twice length. Smooth in profile. Long hairs directed posteriorly from anterior and sides. Genital openings near transverse midline, often plugged. Scape stalk width less than diameter of one genital atrium. Lateral extension of scape long, narrow, extending no more than midway across the genital atria. Small ridge across posterior of lateral extension. Insemination ducts arise near apex of spermathecae and initially proceed posteriorly. Ducts weakly convoluted (three bends). Small, wide diverticula at site of entry of seminal ducts into spermathecae ( Fig. 21c,e ). Habitat . Tropical rainforest. Webs are common in tree trunk crevices, epiphytes, fallen logs and other debris, favours sites of increased sunlight caused by a breaks in the tree canopy. Webs up to 2.2 m above ground level. Distribution . Windsor Plateau and Roaring Meg valley, northeastern Queensland ( Fig. 21h ). Common within localized areas. Etymology . Named after Dr Max Moulds who collected the holotype as well as many other specimens of Corasoides , both in Australia and in Papua New Guinea .