New Species And Records Of Hypselothyrea De Meijere (Diptera, Drosophilidae) Author Papp, L. text Acta Zoologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 2003 2004-06-30 49 4 271 294 journal article 10.5281/zenodo.12586958 2064-2474 12586958 Hypselothyrea (Deplanothyrea) subaptera sp. n. ( Fig. 31 ) Holotype female ( MHNG , left scutellar seta broken but otherwise in good condition): INDIA , W. Bengal , distr. Darjeeling, entre Kalimpong et Algarah, 1400 m , 8. X. 1978 , leg. C. BESUCHET et I. LÖBL , No. 5 [Tamisage dans un reste de forêt, au pied de rochers] (when described in alcohol but later prepared by a critical point drier). Paratype female ( HNHM , right wing lost, scutellar area much defected, genitalia in a microvial): ibid., 13 km N Ghoom , 1500 m , 15. X., No. 15 [Tamisage dans un forêt dégradée] . Measurementsinmm:bodylength2.25( holotype ),1.87( paratype ),winglength0.615,0.52. Body dark brown. Head large, 0.715 mm broad. Frontal shield trapezoid: 0.12 mm broad anteriorly, 0.22 mm broad posteriorly. Frons beside frontal shield finely lineate (parallel to sides of shield). All frontal setae strong. Carina low but broad, 0.083 mm at broadest (subapically), gena only 0.03 mm broad below eye. Vibrissa 0.10 mm , apical palpal seta 0.11 mm long. Arista with 4 dorsal and 2 ventral long branches (rays) behind fork. Mesonotum shiny. Scutellum not upright, 0.19 mm long, flat, apical scutellars 0.30 mm long, no basal scutellars at all. Postpronotal pair of setae present ( 0.05 mm long on holotype ), 1 notopleural, 1 shorter dorsocentral (only 0.105 mm long), 2 supra-alar and 1 small postalar (only 0.075 mm long) pairs. Two rows of small acrostichals and 2×2 rows of intra-alar microchaetae. Fore femur and all tibiae dark brown, mid and hind femora with light yellow basal fourth, light brown apical 2/5 and a dark brown broad ring medially. Fore coxa light, basitarsi brown, tarsomeres 2–5 light. Fore femur with a basal posterior seta, with a row (6 setae on holotype , 4 on paratype ) of rather long and thick posteroventral thorns (length up to 0.06 mm ) and 1 long subapical posteroventral seta preceding them, also with 3 thinner setae more basally in the same row. Fore femur also with an anteroventral row of 11–12 small dark thornlets. Wings reduced to a short thread-like scale. Wing width at middle only 0.035 mm , of the veins only C and R 1 discernible. No halteres. Abdomen ant-like. Segment 1 narrow, base of segment 3 also narrow, even narrower than tergite 2 ( 0.187 mm on holotype ). Tergite 2 with 3 pairs of submarginal setae (medial pair 0.285 mm long), tergites 3 to 5 with 1 pair of medial submarginal and 2 pairs of more lateral submarginal and discal setae each. Sternites small and pale. Oviscapt ( Fig. 31 ) comparatively short and rather broadly rounded apically. Marginal (ventral) pegs comparatively large and blunt, dorsal (lateral) setae acute but rather small. Male not known. Distribution: India . Hypselothyrea subaptera sp. n. is a peculiar species, even if we do not regard its much reduced wing. Though the armature of fore femur is peculiar, I am sure it is a Hypselothyrea (it has no postocellars and frons is longer than broad, i.e. it cannot be a Tambourella species ). I do not think that it would be closely related to H. (D.) longimana sp. n. ; for differentiating character see the key below.