Review of the Sphaeropthalma imperialis species­group (Hymenoptera: Mutillidae), with descriptions of females and taxonomic notes Author Pitts, James P. text Zootaxa 2006 1248 1 20 journal article 50608 10.5281/zenodo.172963 7a65d33b-5cc2-4684-94cd-3c756bb8f24a 1175­5326 172963 Sphaeropthalma imperialis (Blake) Agama imperialis Blake, 1871 . Amer. Ent. Soc., Trans. 3: 260. Male. Holotype : Texas (ANSP). Mutilla erato Blake, 1871 . Amer. Ent. Soc., Trans. 3: 261. Female. Holotype : Texas (ANSP). New Synonym. Diagnosis The male of S. imperialis can be separated from all other Sphaeropthalma species by its coloration; the mesonotum and sometimes the pronotum are deeply ferruginous and the integument of the second and following metasomal segments is orange ( Fig. 27 ). This species also has the following unique combination of characters. The mandibular morphology is diagnostic; the apex is moderately dilated, distally little or scarcely wider than at tooth, the ventral basal tooth of the mandible is small, and the apex is vertical ( Fig. 5 ). Also, the head is rounded posteriorly ( Fig. 1 ), the clypeus slightly depressed below the dorsal mandibular margin, the mesosternum lacks tubercles, the sternal felt line is present, and by genitalic morphology ( Figs. 11–13 ). The female of this species can be recognized by the unique combination of characters: lacking a well­defined dorsal carina on the antennal scrobe, a small, slight ventral angulation located basally on the mandible, a distinctly petiolate metasomal segment 1, the granulate pygidium, presence of distinct plumose setae especially on the fringes of the metasomal tergites, the second metasomal tergite with swollen integumental regions located just lateral of the midline, and the setal coloration pattern. Female . Coloration and Setal Pattern ( Figs. 20–23 ). Integument light to dark ferruginous. Head with dense decumbent silvery white brachyplumose setae, along with sparse erect simple black setae. Anterior pronotal declivity, pleura and propodeum (dorsal and vertical faces) with dense decumbent silvery white brachyplumose setae, although denser on propodeum. Remainder of mesosomal dorsum with short red to black setae. Legs with decumbent silvery white brachyplumose setae. T1 and S1 with dense silvery white plumose setae. T2 with short sparse red to black setae, denser anterolaterally on swollen integumental regions ( Figs. 4 , 21 ); apical and lateral margins with silvery white brachyplumose setae. T2 and T3 with dense white plumose fringe; setae short and floccuslike. T3 and T4 with black setae; T4 lacks fringe. T5 with silvery white setae. Pygidium with silver white setae laterally. S2 and S3 with white plumose fringe; elsewhere metasomal venter with silvery white brachyplumose setae. Head. Dorsal carina of antennal scrobe weak to absent throughout. Flagellomere I ~2.0X pedicel length; flagellomere II ~2.0X pedicel length. Otherwise similar to S. edwardsii . Mesosoma . As broad or slightly broader than long ( Fig. 3 ). Dorsum deeply and coarsely punctate. Otherwise similar to S. edwardsii . Metasoma . Similar to S. edwardsii , except punctures on T2 coarser and longitudinally elongate anterior on disk; appearing carinate between punctures, especially anteriorly, just lateral of midline; disk appears swollen just lateral of midline ( Figs. 4 , 21 ). Distribution Mexico , Arizona, New Mexico , and Texas. Material examined Mexico : Coahula : 12 mi N Hermanas, 18, 11 .Aug.1959, coll. L.A. Stange, A.S. Menke ( UCDC ); 5 mi S Monclova, 1, 9 .Aug.1977, coll. E.I. Schlinger ( CISC ); Nuevo Leon , 4 mi W Iturbide, 1, 13 .Sep.1976– 14.Sep.1976 , coll. J.A. Chemsak & J.A. Powell ( CISC ); Tamaulipas : Guemes, 15 mi N Ciudad Victoria, 3, 6 .Jun.1961 ( SEMC ); 8 mi N Jimenez, 1, 15 .Jun.1953 ( SEMC ); 12 mi SE Victoria, 3, 20–21 .Sep.1974, coll. G. Bohart & W. Hanson ( EMUS ); San Fernando : 2, 26 .Aug.1951; 7, 27 .Aug.1954, coll. C.D. Michener & party ( SEMC ). USA : Arizona : Cochise Co. , Cave Creek Ranch, Chiricahua Mts. , 1, 20 .May.1962, coll. L.M. Martin ( LACM ). New Mexico : Eddy Co., Guadalupe Mts. 28 m SW Jct. Hwy 285 on 137, 1, 25.Aug.1971 , coll. E.E. Crissell & R.F. Denno ( UCDC ); Lea Co. , 1, 22 Jun1979, coll. D.R. Delorme & C.P. McHugh ( TAMU ). Texas : 2, specific locality unknown ( SEMC ); Austin Co ., Beeville, 1, 11 .Jun. 1953 ( SEMC ); Brewster Co .: Alpine, 1, 17 .Jun.2004 ( RDHC ); Fort Davis, Limpia Crossing, 2, 14 .Jul.1991, coll. R.D. Hennessey ( EMUS ); Brooks Co., 7.3 mi. S Falfurrias Hwy. 281 rest stop, 2, 8 .May.1989, coll. E.G. Riley ( TAMU ); Davidson Co., La Mesa, 2, 17 .Aug.1963, coll. R.P. Allen ( CDFA ); Dimmit Co., Catarina 12 m E, 1, 22–25. Jun.1976, 1 , 28.Oct.1995 , coll. Gillaspy ( BFLC ); Chaparral Wildlife Management Area: 2, 1, 7–8 June 1992 , coll. A.W. Hook, 12, 1, 20–22 April 2000 , coll. A. Hook & J.L. Neff; 4, 3–5 .Jul.2000, coll. Hook & J.L. Neff; 3, 12–13 .Oct.2000, coll. A.W. Hook; 7, 19–20 .May.1999, coll. A.W. Hook, J.L. Neff & C.R. Nelson ( BFLC , EMUS ); 14 mi . NW Carrizo Spr., 1, 20 .Jun.1966, coll. J.S. Buckett, M.R. & R.C. Gardner ( UCDC ); Ector Co., Odessa, 1, 5 Jun1978, coll. G.W. Burtchett ( UCDC ); Foard Co. , Hwy 6 at Wichite River, Halsell Ranch, 4 30.Jun.199729Jun1997 , coll. S.P. Holmes ( BYUC ); Hidalgo Co. , Bentsen­Rio Grande Valley State Park, 1, 11 .May.1985, coll. W.J. Pulawski ( CASC ); Jeff Davis Co .: Buffalo Trail Boys Scout Camp, Davis Mts., 2.Aug.1997 , coll. W. MacKay ( EMUS ); Davis Mts.: 3, 28–30 .Jun.1946, coll. E.C. Van Dyke ( UCDC ); 1, 2, 16–17.Jun.1947 , coll. A.T. McClay ( UCDC ), 1, 16 Jun1946, coll. M. Marquis ( CASC ); Davis Mountains Preserve, off Hwy 118, Madera Canyon, 3, 28 .Jun.1999– 29.Jun.1999 , coll. C.R. Nelson ( BYUC ); Davis Mountain State Park, 1, 14 .May.1990, coll. D.G. Manley ( SEMC ); Davis Mts., Limpia Canyon, 1, 6 Jun1961– 8Jun1961 , coll. R.L. Westcott ( LACM ); Davis Mts., Lower Limpia Canyon, Ft. Davis State Park, 4, 18 .May.1962, coll. L.M. Martin ( LACM ); Fort Davis, 1, 20 .Jun.1947, coll. A.C. Michener ( SEMC ); 3 mi W Fort Davis, 1, 9 Jun1969, coll. K. Lorenzen ( KAWC ); Kerr Co., Kerrville, 1 18.Sep.1964 , coll. W.F. Chamberlain ( TAMU ); Kerrville, 1, 5 .Sep.1966, coll. R.R. Blume ( TAMU ); Kleberg Co. : 20 mi . SE Kingsville, 2, 29 .Apr.1986, 1, 1.May.1985 , 18, 4.Jun.19835.Jun.1983 , coll. W.J. Pulawski ( CASC ); 3.5 mi. N Riviera, 4, 29 .Jun.1961, coll. R.L. Westcott ( LACM ); Randall Co., Palo Duro State Park: 3, 28 .Jun.1967, coll. R.L. & J.A. Westcott ( LACM ), 4, 21–27 .Jun.1968, coll. M.S. Wasbauer, J.E. Slansky ( UCDC ), 3, 30 .Jun.1994, coll. E.G. Riley ( TAMU ); Starr Co., Falcon State Park, 3, 7 .Apr.1991, coll. W.F. Chamberlain ( TAMU ); 3 mi . E. Falcon Mnts., 1, 28 .Jul.1991, coll. T. Carlow and E. Riley ( TAMU ); Terrell Co., Sanderson, 1, 8 .Jul.1994, coll. W.F. Chamberlain ( TAMU ); Uvalde Co., Concan, 19.Jun.2002 , coll. B. Baldwin ( EMUS ); Speir Ranch 3 mi NW Uvalde, 1, 6 .May.1977, coll. T. Eichlin & M.S. Wasbauer ( CDFA ); Va l Verde Co.: Devil’s River, Dolan Creek, 1, 20 .Apr.1996, coll. D. Cerda ( BYUC ); Seminole Canyon State Park, 1, 7 .Oct.1989, coll. W. F. Chamberlain ( TAMU ); Webb Co., 20 mi N of Laredo, 1, Jul.1939 , coll. K. Stager ( UCDC ). Remarks The sex association is based on collection data, distribution, and similarities in coloration and morphology. Furthermore, the female resembles the other females in this species­group. In females, integumental coloration varies from dark ferruginous ( Fig. 20–21 ) to light ferruginous ( Fig. 22–23 ) and the shorter setae present on the meso­ and metasoma varies from black in specimens with dark integument to red in specimens with lighter integumental coloration.