1 |
Leaves broadly ovate or orbicular or orbicular-peltate; if elliptic, then mixed with others that are peltate or orbicular |
- |
Leaves narrowly ovate, elliptic, narrowly elliptic, obovate, lanceolate, oblanceolate, or spathulate; not mixed with peltate or orbicular leaves |
2 |
Leaves broadly ovate or orbicular or elliptic, abaxial sides slightly flattened |
D. nummularia
- |
Leaves peltate or orbicular, abaxial sides distinctly concave; |
3 |
Branches pubescent |
D. astephana
- |
Branches glabrous |
4 |
Staminal corona lobes
D. imbricata
- |
Staminal corona lobes consisting of spreading horn-like projections |
D. cornuta
5 |
Leaves abruptly laterally expanded at the middle or in upper half |
D. singularis
- |
Leaves not expanded in upper half |
6 |
Leaves linear or narrowly elliptic or spathulate; proportion of length /width is 3.8-16 |
D. bengalensis
- |
Leaves ovate, elliptic, lanceolate, obovate, slightly oblanceolate or broadly obovate; proportion of length/width ratio smaller than 3.8 |
7 |
Leaves broadly obovate, rarely elliptic; staminal corona lobes broadly saddle-shaped |
D. griffithii
- |
Leaves ovate, elliptic, slightly elliptic, lanceolate, slightly oblanceolate; staminal corona lobes anchor shaped or sagittate or reduced to minute swellings |
8 |
Branches pubescent, tomentose or hirsute |
- |
Branches glabrous |
9 |
Corolla pink, red, dark red or purple, 6-7 mm long, with two rings of hairs inside around mouth of tube |
D. hirsuta
- |
Corolla white or creamy white, less than 5.5 mm long, mouth of corolla tube glabrous or with a single ring of hairs |
10 |
Corolla ribbed inside; apices of corona lobes sagittate |
D. rimicola
- |
Corolla smooth inside; apices of corona lobes cuneiform |
D. tomentella
11 |
Staminal corona lobes reduced to minute swellings |
D. kerrii
- |
Staminal corona lobes stalked and anchor-shaped or sagittate |
12 |
Branches and leaves succulent |
- |
Branches and leaves not succulent |
13 |
Apices of staminal corona lobes obtuse |
D. phuphanensis
- |
Apices of staminal corona lobes retuse |
D. tonkinensis
14 |
Corolla tube and lobes glabrous inside |
D. calva
- |
Corolla with hairs at mouth of tube or on adaxial side of lobes |
15 |
Corolla with two distinct rings of hairs only in mouth of tube |
D. fruticulosa
- |
Corolla with a single ring of hairs around mouth of tube |
16 |
Corolla lobes adaxially pubescent |
- |
Corolla lobes adaxially glabrous |
17 |
Corolla lobes triangular, with a ring of hairs around base only |
D. albida
- |
Corolla lobes lanceolate, with hairs from base to the middle |
18 |
Leaves 1.5-3.0
0.7-1.3 cm; corona lobes anchor-shaped with rounded apices
D. tricholoba
- |
Leaves 2.5-6.5
0.9-2.5 cm; corona lobes sagittate with obtuse or truncate apices
D. singularis
19 |
Corolla greenish-white with purple lines alternating with lobes, mouth of corolla tube hairy throughout |
D. punctate
- |
Corolla white or creamy white, with a ring of hairs in mouth of tube |
D. acutifolia