Contribution to the bryophyte flora of New Caledonia IV. Species new to the country, new localities together with taxonomic notes Author Thouvenot, Louis Saint Léon, 66000 Perpignan (France) thouvenot. louis @ orange. fr Author Müller, Frank Technische Universität Dresden, Institut für Botanik, 01062 Dresden (Germany) text Cryptogamie, Bryologie 2021 2021-09-17 20 13 181 196 journal article 10.5252/cryptogamie-bryologie2021v42a13 1776-0992 7822275 Myurium rufescens (Reinw. & Hornsch.) M.Fleisch. subsp. rufescens SPECIMENS EXAMINED. — M. rufescens subsp. rufescens : New Caledonia . North Province , Poindimié, Amoa Valley, on the trail to Goro Até Mèkébo, 20°56’5”S , 165°10’33”E , on volcano-sedimentary rock, in dwarf wet forest, 724 m , 12.X.2019 , Thouvenot NC2637 ; Mont Panié, along the hiking trail from the street RPN 3 to the summit, very humid rainforest, epiphytic, c . 850 m , 13.IX.2001 , Müller NC142 . North Province , Mt Panié, c . 800 m , on tree trunk, 29.VII.1982 , Iwatsuki 176 ( Bryophyta exsiccata , fasc. 4 (1983), NOU as Oedicladium rufescens ) OTHER SPECIMENS EXAMINED. — M. rufescens var. neocaledonicum : New Caledonia . North Province ,Tao, in forest, 100-600 m , I.1910 , Franc s.n. (PC[PC0695564, PC0695565]); M. rufescens subsp. purpuratum : New Caledonia. South Province , Yaté, on trunk in mountain mesophilous forest, on the top of hills between Rivière Bleue and Rivière Blanche, 500 m , 14.VI.1951 , Hürlimann 2689 (PC); M. quinquefarium : New Caledonia. South Province , Dogny Plateau, I.1911 , Franc s.n. (holo-, PC[PC0695570]). COMMENTS In New Caledonia , this species is known from two collections by Le Rat in South Province (Dogny and Pic Pembai) ( Brotherus 1911 , Maschke 1976 ) and one by Iwatsuki in North Province (Mt Panié) ( Iwatsuki & Mizutani 1983 as Oedicladium rufescens [Reinw. & Hornsch.] Mitt.). Here we report two new specimens from North Province that allow us to confirm the presence of the subsp. rufescens versus subsp. purpuratum . M. rufescens subsp. purpuratum (Mitt.) Maschke was collected in South Province (Yaté) by Hürlimann and in North Province (Tao) by Franc (as its synonym M. rufescens var. neocaledonicum Thér. [ Thériot 1910b ]). The third taxa present in New Caledonia , Myurium quinquefarium Thér. , is only known from the type kept at PC.