Revision of the genus Sulciclivina Balkenohl, 2022 from Asia (Coleoptera, Carabidae, Clivinini) Author Balkenohl, Michael Ligusterweg 9, CH- 8906 Bonstetten, Switzerland. Email: text European Journal of Taxonomy 2023 2023-12-20 915 1 1 57 journal article 10.5852/ejt.2023.915.2379 2118-9773 10410126 78346F83-1177-4EAE-AFFD-D4DDCC1BFB83 Sulciclivina sulcigera ( Putzeys, 1867 ) Figs 16–17 , 33, 47, 53 Clivina sulcigera Putzeys, 1867: 110 (original description). Clivina sulcigera Bates 1889: 262 (faunistics). — Andrewes 1926: 375 (diagnostic comparison); 1929: 357 (redescription); 1930: 111 (catalogue). — Balkenohl 2001: 16 (catalogue); 2017: 255 (catalogue). — Choi 2022: 190 (catalogue). — Csiki 1927: 511 (catalogue); 1933: 639 (catalogue). Clivina ( Eoclivina ) sulcigera Lorenz 2005: 145 (catalogue); 2022: 5ZCD7 (catalogue). Sulciclivina sulcigera Balkenohl 2022: 108 (anatomy and new combination). Diagnosis A medium-sized species with a long-oval shape of the elytron, interval eight of the elytron covered with distinct reticulation, often extending to half of interval seven, and the wing of the clypeus nearly fused with the lateral lobe. The most similar species are S. curvata sp. nov. and S. striata striata . Sulciclivina curvata shows by contrast the reticulation on the intervals reduced to half of interval eight with indistinct reticulation. In addition, the proepisternum is indistinctly visible in dorsal view, and interval eight of the elytron is convex and fading at the apex. In S. striata striata the pronotum is longer than wide and with the margins subparallel, the median part of the clypeus is indistinctly bilobed and nearly straight. Moreover, the aedeagi and the gonocoxites of these species all show unique characters. Type material Holotype VIETNAM ; small mounting card with small pin, with labels and data: cream white, handwritten in black ink “Saigon” / “Sulcigera Chaud. ”; MNHN . Remarks. The right elytron shows a pinhole. Putzeys (1867) described the species based on one specimen . He indicated “ Siam ” and “(Coll. de Chaudoir.)”. In the Chaudoir collection, checked personally in November 2021 ( MNHN ), there is only one specimen of this species group. There is no direct information on the label identifying the specimen as the type. It is the only specimen there and it matches with the description. It is therefore inferred to be the type. However, the label shows “Saigon” and not “ Siam ” as indicated by Putzeys. Bates (1889) , however, indicated “Saigon” as the type locality. It is therefore considered this specimen represents the holotype . A red type label has been added to the pin. Taxonomic remark Andrewes considered the species to be a “local form” and a variety of S. attenuata ( Andrewes 1929 , 1930 ) followed by Csiki (1933) . In Balkenohl (2001) as well as in subsequent catalogues, S. sulcigera Putzeys is listed as a valid species ( Lorenz 2005 , 2022 ; Choi 2022 ). Therefore, the species status is already confirmed and does not have to be formally reinstated. Additional material CAMBODIA 1 ♂ , 1 ♀ , 1 spec. ; “ Cambodge ; Collection P. Dupis”; [hswd]; RBINS 2 ♀♀ , 1 spec. ; “ CAMBODIA , Siem Reap ; 22 May 2003 ; Light trap ; leg. J.Constant & K.Smets , Coll. I.R.Sc.N.B.”; RBINS 3 ♂♂ , 2 ♀♀ ; “ CAMBODIA , Siem Reap ; 24 Jun. 2005 ; Hand catch garden ; J.Goossens leg.; Coll. I.R.Sc.N.B.”; RBINS 1 ♂ , 2 ♀♀ ; “ CAMBODIA , Siem Reap ; 25-27 Apr. 2003 ; Light trap ; S.Degreef lgt.; Coll. I.R.Sc.N.B.”; RBINS 1 spec. ; “ Cambodia , Siem Reap town area ; N 013°21′17.8″ , E 103°51′18.6″ ; 4 Jan 1998 ”; NHMB 1 ♀ ; “ CAMBODIA ( Siem Reap Prov. ) Angkor Thom Day Catch , Forest 09.VI.2005 Leg. Var & Hagebaert , Coll. I.R.Sc.N.B.”; RBINS 1 ♂ , 9 ♀♀ , 1 spec. , “ CAMBODIA : Pursat prov. Phnom Samkos W.S. Temple Hill ; 18 Apr. 2005 ; Grassland, bamboo forest, Light trap ; K.Smets , I.Var leg.; Coll. I.R.Sc.N.B.”; RBINS 1 ♀ ; “ Cambodia , Kompong Kedey ; March-May 1914 ; Salvaza. ” / “COLLECTIO KAREL KULT COLL. A.DOSTAL, 1999”; CADW 3 specs ; “ Cambodia , Kompong Kedey ; April 1914 ; Salvaza. ” / “ Clivina attenuata Herbst H.E.Andrewes det.” / “Gesch. 8. 1938 von Andrewes” / “F. van Emden Bequest. B.M. 1960-129.”; NHMUK 1 spec. ; “ Tonkin ; June 1917 ; Salavaza .” / “1918-1”; NHMUK 1 spec. ; “ Indo Chin. Cuarao ; May 1917 ; Salavaza ” / “1918-1” / “ C. sulcigera Putz. det. K. Kult 57”; NHMUK . CHINA • 12 specs; “China, S-Yunnan; Prov. Xishuangbanna; 20km NW Jinghong Man Dian (NNNR)” / “ 22°07.80′N 100°40.05′E ; 720m ; 25/ 26 May 2008 ; A. Weigel leg.” / “ Clivina attenuata ( Herbst, 1806 ) P. Bulirsch det. 2008”; NKME . INDONESIA Sumatra 1 ♂ ; “Sumatra” / “ Coll. Kraatz ” / “Ex Deutsch. Ent. Mus.” / “H.E.Andrewes Coll. B.M.1945-97”; NHMUK 1 spec. ; same data as for preceding and with additional label: “ C. sulcigera Putz. det. K. Kult 1948”; NHMUK 1 ♂ ; “ Sumatra ” / “ Coll. Kraatz ” / “ Clivina attenuata Herbst H.E.Andrewes det.” / “H.E.Andrewes Coll. B.M.1945-97” / “ Clivina sulcigera Putz. det. K. Kult 1948”; NHMUK 1 ♀ ; “ Sumatra ” / “ Clivina lata Putz. dét. J. Putzeys ” / “ Soc.Ent.Belg, Coll. PUTZEYS ”; RBINS . – Java 1 ♀ ; “Java, Boemi Ajoe ” / “Ex Coll G. Hauser” / “ H.E.Andrewes Coll. B.M.1945-97.” / “very small ex.” / “ C. sulcigera Putz. det. K. Kult , 1948”; NHMUK . LAOS1 spec. ; “LAO, Phongsaly prov. ; 21°41-2′N, 102°06-8′E, 28 May – 20 June . 2003 ; PHONGSALY env.; ~ 1500m ; Brancucci leg.”; NHMB 1 spec. ; “ LAOS n., 15km NW Louang Namtha ; alt. 750-1000m ; N21°07.5′ , E101°21.0′ GSP; 13-24 May 1997 ; E.Jendek & O.Săusă leg.”; NHMP 1 spec. ; “ LAOS , Louangnamtha pr., LOUANG NAMTHA ; 21°00′N , 101°25′E ; 31 May 1997 ; 600m ; Vít Kubáň leg.”; NHMB 1 spec. ; “ LAOS , Louang Namtha prov. , MUANG SING town ; 700m ; 21°11′N , 101°09′E ; 29- 30 Apr. 2011 ; M. Geiser leg.”; NHMB 7 specs ; “ LAOS , Houa Phan Prov .; 20°42.40′N , 104°23.70E ; Muang Sop Bao ; 300 m ; 6-8 Jun. 2009 ; M. Geiser & D. Hauck leg.”; NHMB 1spec. ; “ LAOS , Bokeo prov. , 5 km W Ban Toup , Bokeo Nature Reserve ; 500-700 m ; 20°27-28′N, 100°45′E; 4-18 May 2011 ; NHMB Basel, Laos 2011 Expedition, M. Brancucci , M. Geiser , D. Hauck , Z. Kraus , A. Phantala & E. Vongphachan ”; NHMB 2 ♂♂ , 1 ♀ , 4 specs; “ N-LAOS , Prov. Lg. Nam Tha Muang Sing ; at light; 9-13 Jun. 1996 ; 600m ; leg. Schillhammer ”; NHMW 29 specs ; “ LAOS : S-UDOMXAI Prov . PAK BENG ; 450 m ; N 19°53′37″ , E 101°07′51″ ; 18-25 May 2001 ; JIŘÍ KOLIBÁČK leg.”; NHMB 13 specs ; “ N-Laos , Khan River , 5km E Luang Prabang ; at light; 21 Apr. 1999 ; leg. K.W. Anton ”; CMBB 2 specs ; “ LAOS , Luang Prabang prov. , Luang Prabang town, 280m , 19°52′N , 102°08′E ; 1 May 2011 ” / “NHMB Basel, Laos 2011 Expedition, M. Brancucci , M. Geiser , D. Hauck , Z. Kraus , A. Phantala & E. Vongphachan”; NHMB 215 specs ; “ LAOS-N ( Louangphrabang ), THONG KHAN , ~ 750m ; 19°35′N , 101°58′E ; 11- 21 May 2002 ; Vít Kubáň leg.” / “Collection Naturhistorisches Museum Basel”; NHMB 1 ♂ , 3 specs ; “ Laos , Vientiane ; May 1916 and May 1917 and 1918; Salvaza ” / “1981-1”; NHMUK 1 spec. ; “ LAOS : N-VIENTIANE Prov. VANG-VIENG ; 300m ; N 18°55′23″ , E 102°26′55″ ; 10-15 May & 1-6 Jun. 2001 ; JIŘÍ KOLIBÁČK leg.”; NHMB 2 specs ; “ LAOS . N-SAINYABULI Prov . PAK HANON ; 330 m ; N 19°49′43″ , E 101°28′48″ ; 17 May 2001 ; JIŘÍ KOLIBÁČK leg.”; NHMB 1 spec. ; “ LAOS-NE , Xieng Khouang prov ., Phonsavan ( 30 km NE ), Phou Sane Mt. , 1400-1700 m ; 19°37-8′N, 103°20-1′E; 10-30 May 2009 ; D. Hauck leg.”; NHMB 1 spec. ; “ C-LAOS , Prov. Viangchan , Phou Khao Khouay NP env , Tad Leuk Waterf. ; 200m ; 1-8 Jun. 1996 ; leg. Schillhammer (15)”; NHMW . MALAYSIA1 ♀ , 7 spec. ; “ MALAY PENIN. WEST COAST .; LANGKAWI IS .; 14, 15, 16, 19, 21, 26 Apr. 1928 ” / “H. M. Pendlebury Coll. F.M.S. Museums.” / “Ex F.M.S. Museum. B.M.1955-354.” [one of them received with abdomen only]; NHMUK 1 spec. ; “ Selangor F.M.S. , Kuala Lumpur , Light, 10 Jan 1924 ; E. Seismund ” / “334” / “sulcigera Putz. det. K. Kult 52” / “H.E.Andrewes Coll. B.M. 1945-97”; NHMUK 4 specs ; “ Malaya Penins : Selangor , F.M.S. Semenyek ; 30 Dec. 1915 and 25 Mar. 1925 ” / “Labelled at Sel. Mus. K.L.” / “Ex F.M.S. Museum. B.M.1955-354.” / “331, 332, 333, and 335”; NHMUK 1 spec. ; “ Malaya , Kuala Lumpur ; at light; 27 Apr. 1932 ” / “ H.M.Pendlebury Coll: F.M.S. Museums.” / “ Clivina attenuata Herbst H.E.Andrewes det.” / “Ex F.M.S. Museum. B.M.1955-354.”; NHMUK 1 ♀ ; “ MALAYA , Kuala Lumpur ; At light; 22 Feb. 1931 ” / “ Clivina attenuata Herbst H.E.Andrewes det.” / “OX.UNI.MUS.NAT. HIST. (OUMNH) G.Dexter-Allen Coll. ”; OUMNH 1 spec. ; “ Malay Penin : Ex. Coll. Agr. Defal. K.L.Maxwell Road 10 Jan. 1916 C. B. Halman Hunt.” / “Labelled at Sel. Mus. K.L.” / “ Clivina attenuata Herbst H.E.Andrewes det.” / “Ex F.M.S. Museum. B.M.1955-354.” / “342”; NHMUK 1 ♂ ; “ Malacca ; Prof. Fischer”; MFNB 1 spec. ; “ MALAYSIA , Negri Sembilan Pasoh Forest Reserve ; 29-31 Dec. 1979 ; M. Wong & P. Becker (548)”; UMMZ . THAILAND 1 ♀ ; “ SIAM , Paknomphoh ; Nov. 1933 ; W.R.S.Ladell T.701.” / “Pres. By Com. Inst. Ent. B.M. 1948-529” / “ Clivina attenuata Hbst. v. sulcigera Ptz. H.E.Andrewes det.”; NHMUK 1 ♀ ; “ THAI , PAI City ; 29 Apr. 1993 ; Pacholatko & Dembicky leg.”; CADW 1 spec. ; “ THAI , SOPPONG , 750m ; 19.29N , 98.18E ; 13 May 1993 ; Vít Kubáň leg.”; CMBB 1 spec. ; “ Thai , CHIAN DAO , 600m ; 10-16 May 1991 ; 19°24′N , 98°55′E ; David Král leg.”; CMBB 2 specs ; “ THAILAND bor., CHIANG DAO env .; 17-19 Jun. and 21 May – 4 Jun. 1995 M. Snizek leg.”; CMBB 2 specs ; “ Thai , CHIANG DAO , 600m ; 19°24′N , 98°55′E ; 10-16 May 1991 ; David Král leg.” / “ Thailand 1991 Thanon Tong Chai D. Král & V. Kubáň”; NHMB 5 ♀♀ , 53 specs ; “ THAI , CHIANG DAO , 350m ; 19°22′N , 98°57′E ; 9-14 May 1991 ; Vít Kubáň leg.” / “ Thailand 1991 Thanon Tong Chai D. Král & V. Kubáň”; NHMB 1 spec. ; “N.W. THAILAND , Chiang Mai Prov. , Queen Sirikit Botanic Gardens 300-700m ; N18 53.306 , E98 51.432 ; At light; Jun.-Jul. 2006 ; M.Isenstadt leg.” / “BMNH(E) 2006-128 MVL Barclay & H. Mendel” / “ CLIVINA cfr. sulcigera Putzeys 1866 P.Bulirsch det. 2010”; NHMUK 1 ♂ , 1 ♀ , 16 specs ; “ THAI , PALONG , 750m ; 19°55′N , 99°06′E ; 26-28 May 1991 ; Vít Kubáň leg.” / “ Thailand 1991 Thanon Tong Chai D. Král & V. Kubáň”; NHMB 7 specs ; “ THAI , FANG 300m ; 19°55′N , 99°12′E ; 25 May 1991 ; Vít Kubáň leg.” / “ Thailand 1991 Thanon Tong Chai D. Král & V. Kubáň”; NHMB 2 spec. ; “NW Thailand , Chom Tong ; 18.26 N , 98.41 E ; 24-27 Apr. 1991 ; L.Dembický leg.”; NHMW 3 ♂♂ , 4 ♀♀ , 11 specs ; “ THAILAND (loei) Na-Haeo (field res stat); 5-12 May 2001 and 15- 19 May 2003 ; Light trap ; leg. J.Constant & P.Grootaert Coll. I.R.Sc. N.B.”; RBINS , CMBB 1 ♀ ; “ Thai , UMPHANG , 500m ; 16°04′N , 98°53′E ; 24 Apr. – 6 May 1991 ; David Král lgt.”; NHMB 1 ♂ ; “ W-THAILAND , Sangkhlaburi ; Nov. 1994 ; leg. J.REJSEK ”; SMNS 1 ♂ ; “ Thailand 12 km SW Pak-Chong , 130 km NO Bangkok , Mischobstplantage , 400m , Lichtfang , 9 Nov. 1992 ; Thielen leg.”; CMBB 1 ♀ , 3 specs ; “ Thailand , Chumphon prov. , Pha To env. 9°48′, 98°47′; 14-21 Mar. 1996 ; P.Prudek leg.”; CMBB 1 spec. ; “ THAILAND , r. Surtthani , Ko-PhanganIsland ; 10-16 May 1995 ; M. Hrdý (547)”; CMBB 1 ♂ ; “ THAI 20.5.1993 NAKHON THAI Pacholatko & Dembiky leg.”; CADW 1 spec. , “ THAILAND Khao Pra-Bang Khram 7°N 99°E A.G.Duff Coll. 28.-29.iii.1994 ” / “BMNH(E) 1996-21” / “ CLIVINA cfr. sulcigera Putzeys 1866 P.Bulirsch det. 2010”; NHMUK 1 spec. [received with empty abdomen]; “S Thailand , Betong , Gunung Cang dun vill. Yala dist. , 25.3.- 22.4.1993 J. Strnad leg.”; CADW . VIETNAM1 spec. ; “VIETNAM-N, Tuyen Quang pr. SE – E env. of Na Hang ; 22°17′30″-22′30″N 105°26′-28′E; 200-700m ; 1-12 May 2010 ; L.Dembický leg.”; NHMB ; • 1 ♂ , 1 ♀ , 2 specs; “ Vietnam bor. Pr. Moang lien son , YEN BAI ; May 1990 ; J. Picka leg.”; NHMB 1 ♂ ; “ TONKIN ( North-VIETNAM ); Ex. Coll. OBERTHÜR IG 18.293” / “ Clivina sulcigera PUTZ. det. Balkenohl , 2007”; CMBB 2 specs ; “N VIET NAM ( Tonkin ), pr. Hoang Lien Son YEN BAI ; 10 May 1990 ; L.Dembický leg.”; NHMB 2 specs ; “ VIETNAM NORTH YEN BAI ; 6-25 May 1990 ; O. SӐUSӐ leg.”; NHMB 1 ♂ , 1 ♀ ; “ Vietnam bor. Pr. Moang lien son YEN BAI ; May 1990 ; J. Picka leg.”; NHMB 1 ♂ ; “ Vietnam , Xuan dinh NW of Hanoi ; 26-29 Apr. 1966 ; Exp. Gy.TOPAL” / “Nr. 198 sifted litter”; MTMB 2 specs ; “ Tonkin . Than Moi. Apr 1917 ; Salvaza. ” / “ Clivina sulcigera Putz. det. K. Kult 52”; NHMUK 1 spec. ; “ Annam Phuc Son ”; RBINS 1 ♂ ; “ S-VIETNAM Nam , Cat Tien Nat.Park ; 1-15 May 1994 ; Pacholatko & Dembiky ”; NHMW 1 spec. ; “ Vietnam , Dong Nai Bien Hoa , Hiep Hoa ; 38m ; 10°56.148′N , 106°50.148′E ; Garten ; 10 Jul. 2014 ; leg. GÖRN ”; SMNS 1 spec. ; “ Hoa-Binh Tonkin ” / “ Bought Donkier ” / “ Clivina sulcigera Putz. Compared with type H.E.A.”; NHMUK . Specimen with unclear locality due to contradictory labels COUNTRY UNSPECIFIC • 1 spec. ; with blue label and handwritten in black ink “ China ” / with white black printed labels “India” / “Bowring 63.47*” / white and handwritten in black ink, circle “807 9/6/52 ” / square “attenuata group” / handwritten in black ink and black printed “ C. sulcigera Putz. det. K. Kult 47”; NHMUK . The specimen is not considered for the indication of the distribution . Specimen with missing location and empty hind body COUNTRY UNKNOWN • 1 spec. ; “ Clivina alternata” [C. alternata is not a valid name.] / “ Clivina alternata L. Burgeon det.” / “Collection L. Burgeon”; RBINS . Redescription MEASUREMENTS. Holotype : body length 6.6 mm , width 1.92 mm ; L/W of pronotum 0.99; L/W of elytra 1.92. Other material: body length 6.38–7.64 mm (ẍ: = 6.74 mm *), width 1.85–2.15 mm (ẍ: = 1.95 mm *), L/W of pronotum 0.97–0.99 (ẍ: = 0.98*), L/W of elytra 1.84–1.92 (ẍ: = 1.88*); (*n = 10). COLOUR. Glossy. Piceous. Labrum, intermediate and hind leg fuscous, antenna pale fuscous. Supraantennal plates at the margin distinctly translucent-fuscous. HEAD. Less than a third narrower than pronotum. Clypeus with central part distinctly bilobed anteriorly; lateral lobe prominent, wing still traceable but nearly fused with lateral lobe. Supraantennal plate nearly regularly convex laterally, laterally distinctly less projecting than eye; clypeus and wing reflexed margined. Supraantennal plate distinctly reflexed margined. Supraantennal plate overlapping eye anteriorly by a quarter (dorsal view), with supraorbital keel extended up to mid-eye level, separated from wing by right-angled notch. Clypeus transverse, moderately convex, separated from frons by distinct sharp step and furrow-like sulcus, step and sulcus in form like an inverted flat V. Frons moderately convex, with small but distinct arch-like impression at middle which is often separated in two parts, with supraorbital carina up to posterior eye-level. Clypeus smooth, frons with minute scattered punctures, separated from supraantennal plate and supraorbital carina by deep moderately wide furrow, furrow interrupted at mid-eye level, wide at the posterior part; with two supraorbital setigerous punctures, one situated at mid-eye level and one at gena level. Neck constriction missing. Eye distinctly convex in dorsal view, projecting laterally. Main part of eye situated ventrally where it is globose. Due to the overlapping supraantennal plate and the gena, the eye resembles in lateral view the shape of a kidney. Gena distinct, moderately convex, covering a quarter of posterior eye in ventral view. Antenna relatively short, reaching just to the middle of the pronotum, antennomeres five to ten elongate (L/W around 1.25). Labrum indistinctly trilobed anteriorly, with isodiametric reticulation, six setose. Mentum with isodiametric reticulation, with lobe moderately hollowed out, shape of lobe oval, distinctly carinate at middle, median tooth slightly dilated to apex, not as protruding anteriorly as lobe, slightly hollowed out and obtusely angled anteriorly. PRONOTUM. Disk moderately convex in lateral view, in frontal view moderately convex at middle and distinctly convex laterally. Indistinctly wider than long. Reflexed lateral margin nearly smooth, with few slight notches anteriorly, slightly convex, widest behind middle; anterior angle slightly projecting, posterior angle missing; lateral channel narrow, reticulated, completely and regularly rounded off at level of posterior setigerous puncture and continuing up to base. Median line narrow, complete. Anterior transverse line fine, nearly appearing as line, joining median line, just not joining anterior margin. Surface glossy, basolaterally with few punctures of moderate size, with distinct paralateral and indistinct paramedian group of punctures in basal half, with few transverse wrinkles, whole disk covered with microscopic punctures. Base distinctly marked, twice as wide as lateral channel. Proepisternum distinctly visible in dorsal view. ELYTRON. Disk flattened in anterior half in lateral view, distinctly convex in frontal view with increasing convexity towards lateral margin. Distinctly less than twice as long as wide, outline long-oval, with maximum width behind middle. Reflexed lateral margin smooth. Scutellar striole missing; setigerous tubercle at base of first stria, with small but distinct tubercle at base of second stria. Humeral tooth situated at base of fourth interval. Striae moderately deep, distinctly punctuate-striate, striae three to five less distinctly punctate, one to three free at base, four just not reaching humerus, one and two ending free at apex, three and four, and five and six joining apically. Intervals moderately convex, more convex laterally, interval eight with carina apically. Setigerous punctures missing on intervals. Surface of intervals glossy, interval eight with isodiametric reticulation (in the holotype ), reticulation extending to half of the width of interval seven in the majority of the specimens, in females interval seven with isodiametric reticulation at humerus and apex, in males smooth. HIND WINGS. The holotype is fully winged. In the other material, the length reaches from fully developed alae to a length and width of half of the elytron. LOWER SURFACE. Proepisternum covered in lateral half with isodiametric reticulation and with distinct transverse wrinkles, medially in addition with punctures. Sternite of abdomen laterally with moderately large and dense punctures, smooth at middle but with microscopic punctures, apical segment with dense moderately large punctures, less dense basally at middle; in females in addition with isodiametric reticulation laterally at the third and fourth sternite. LEGS. Tibiae covered with isodiametric reticulation. Protibia with three spines of moderate length, not sulcate dorsally, movable spur robust, apically distinctly arcuate. MALE GENITALIA (Fig. 33). Median lobe moderately slender, moderately arcuate at middle, elongated to apex, with complex, hollowed out and distorted apical lamella, with some microtrichia on the surface. Endophallus longitudinally folded, with bristles towards apex. Ventral paramere with velum-like apophysis, somewhat distorted, apex with two setae. Dorsal paramere elongated sinus-like, with long and robust apophysis, with two apical setae. FEMALE GONOCOXITE AND EPIPLEURITE (Fig. 47). Gonocoxite less sclerotized, foliform, rhombic shaped, flattened dorsally and ventrally, with five long nematiform setae positioned at the median side, with one very long nematiform seta situated at elongated apical tip. Epipleurite oblong-rectangular, with moderately widened angulated rod. Variation In addition to the different degree of the alae size and the reticulation on the elytron, the following variations are observed. The sulcus between the clypeus and frons of the head is more or less curved. The minute scattered punctures on the frons and the clypeus are more or less dense, depending on the subpopulations seen. The eye is more or less pointed posteriorly in many specimens. The anterior angles of the pronotum are more or less projecting. The paramedial group of punctures in the basal half of the pronotum vary substantially in the number of punctures from ten up to zero. In one male specimen, half of the width of the sternites of the abdomen is reticulated at middle. Subpopulations from the very North of Vietnam show a slightly more subquadratic shape of the pronotum. In addition, the moderately sized punctures on the sternites, which are in all populations dense laterally, have the tendency in this subpopulation to extend in females more or less slightly to the middle as a small band. It seems, this tendency is continuous, increasing towards the North and most distinct in specimens from Yen Bai , and pointing to a cline. Sexual dimorphism In females interval seven shows isodiametric reticulation at the humerus and apex, in males these parts are smooth. The abdominal sternites are smooth at the middle in both sexes. Distribution Known to occur over Vietnam , Laos , Cambodia , Thailand , Malaysia , and Indonesia ( Sumatra , Java ).