Taxonomic revision of the Oriental species of Notoxus (Coleoptera: Anthicidae) Author Kejval, Zbyněk text Acta Entomologica Musei Nationalis Pragae 2011 2011-12-09 51 2 627 673 journal article 10.5281/zenodo.5329507 0374-1036 5329507 Notoxus suturalifer Pic, 1932 ( Figs. 40–43 , 88 ) Notoxus suturalifer Pic, 1932: 16 . Type locality. Northern Vietnam , northwest of Hanoi , Vietri, 21°18′07′′N , 105°25′51′′E . Type material examined. SYNTYPE : 1 ♀ , ‘ Dr . Nodier Vietri [h; black frame] // Anthic. 27. [h] // suturalifer n sp. [h] // [plain label]’ (coll. Pic , MNHN ) . Additional material examined. THAILAND : CHIANG MAI PROVINCE: 1 J, Palong , 19°55′N 99°06′E , 750 m , 26.–28.v.1991 , V . Kubáň leg. ( ZKDC ) ; 1 J, 60 km W of Chiang Rai , Tha Ton env., 28.–30.iv.2003 , O. Šafránek leg. ( ZKDC ) ; 1 ♀ , Chiang Mai , 250 m , 24.–25.i.1989 , Trautner & Geigenmüller leg. ( SMNS ) . CHUMPHON PRO- VINCE : 3 JJ, Pha To env., 9°48′N 98°47′E , 27.iii.–14.iv.1996 , K. Majer leg. ( ZKDC ) ; 2 JJ, 1 ♀ , the same data, except: P. Průdek leg. ( ZKDC ) . MAE HONG SON PROVINCE : 1 ♀ , Mae Hong Son , Mae Nam cottage, along Pai river , 19°19′59′′N 97°57′13′′E , light trap , 21.xii.1997 , W. Ullrich leg. ( NHMB ) . LAOS : LUANG PRABANG PROVINCE: 1 J, Luang Prabang , light trap , 300 m , 4.– , S. & L. Quate leg. ( UCRC ). UDOMXAY PROVINCE : 12 JJ 2 ♀♀ , Muang Pakbeng env., 4.–8.v.2003 , O. Šafránek leg. ( ZKDC ) ; 59 JJ 19 ♀♀ , Pak Beng , 19°53′37′′N 101°07′51′′E , 18.–27.v.2001 , J. Kolibáč leg.( NHMB , 5 spec. ZKDC ) . VIENTIANE PROVINCE : 1J, Vientiane city, Mekong riverside, 17°57′N 102°36′E , 160 m , 4.v.2009 , M. Geiser leg. ( NHMB ) ; 1 J, Saisombun zone, Phou Khao Khouay National Park , Tad Leuk , 18°23′N 103°04′E , 150–200 m , 15.–21.v.2001 , E. Jendek & O. Šauša leg. ( ZKDC ) . MYANMAR : SAGAING DIVISION: 6 JJ 3 ♀♀ , Alaungdaw Katthapa National Park , 22°19.113′N 94°28.518′E , ca. 350 m , light, 3.–13.v.2003 , D. Boukal and H. Schillhammer leg. ( NHMW , ZKDC ) ; 1J, Chatthin Wildlife Sanctuary , 23°32′05′′N 95°38′53′′E , ca. 200 m , at light, 5.–17.x.1998 , Schillhammer leg. ( NHMW ) . VIETNAM : 2 JJ 4 ♀♀ , Hanoi , Red river bank, 26.ix.1980 , F. Hieke leg. ( ZMHB , ZSMC , ZKDC ) . Redescription. Male ( Hanoi , ZKDC). Body length 4.1 mm . Body reddish, elytra slightly paler, with brown black markings: small paired spot on humeri and narrow, brownish median strip on suture as in Fig. 88 . Legs and antennae reddish. Head and pronotum densely punctured. Elytra rather glossy, punctures in basal half somewhat coarser and distinctly sparser than those on pronotum, dot-like, with smooth margins. Body setation mostly moderately long, subdecumbent to decumbent; pronotum with numerous, distinctly longer erect setae; setation of elytra generally somewhat more raised, decumbent in basal half, with numerous, longer suberect setae, especially posteriorly. Antebasal setose band of pronotum widely interrupted dorso-medially. Head wide, with large eyes; tempora strongly and nearly evenly narrowing posteriad; pronotal disc evenly convex; pronotal horn moderately long, rather robust / wide, with wi- der, distinctly bilobed apical lobule and 4 distinctly spaced lobules laterally on each side; horn crest at most slightly indicated posteriorly, dorsal surface of horn rather evenly vaulted and densely covered by distinct rugules. Elytra conspicuously elongate, 2.2 times as long as wide; humeri distinctly protruding; omoplates and postbasal impression nearly indistinct; elytral apices clearly modified, truncate, apical margin slightly concave, gland opening quite distinct, situated near slightly produced lateral angle. Legs simple. Abdominal sternum VII deeply emarginate postero-medially, its postero-lateral sides with distinct submarginal edge ( Fig. 40 , marked by arrow); tergum VIII forming simple, evenly arched sclerite; aedeagus as figured ( Fig. 42, 43 ). Figs. 40–43. Notoxus suturalifer Pic, 1932 (Hanoi) : 40 – sternum VII; 41 – tergum VIII; 42 – aedeagus in dorsal view; 43 – the same, lateral view. Scale (0.5 mm): A – Figs. 40, 41; B – Figs. 42, 43. Female . Externally differing from male by simply rounded elytral apices. Variation. Body length (J ) 2.9–4.5 mm . Rather variable in markings of elytra; darker specimens with additional conspicuous, paired lateral spot at about mid-length, vaguely connected along lateral margins with humeral spot and median strip, which may be (rarely) extended in apical third; elytra in paler specimens nearly unicoloured. Pronotal horn moderately variable in proportions (length, width), with 3–5 lobules laterally on each side, apical lobule may be somewhat asymmetrical or simple, evenly rounded. Differential diagnosis. Notoxus suturalifer differs from the sympatric, externally very similar N. sodalis sp. nov. in the following male characters: postero-lateral sides of male sternum VII with sharp submarginal edges (cf. Figs. 40 versus 37), parameres of aedeagus with rather pointed simple apex (lacking subapical lateral denticle in dorsal view), narrower in basal half and with distinct process at place of dorsal narrowing in lateral view (cf. Figs. 42, 43 versus 38, 39). Distribution. Vietnam ( PIC 1932 ), Laos , Myanmar , Thailand . Remarks. PIC (1932) described Notoxus suturalifer from an unstated number of specimens from Vietri in northern Vietnam . The redescription is based on a male specimen collected in the same region, externally identical with the examined female syntype .