Taxonomic revision of the Oriental species of Notoxus (Coleoptera: Anthicidae) Author Kejval, Zbyněk text Acta Entomologica Musei Nationalis Pragae 2011 2011-12-09 51 2 627 673 journal article 10.5281/zenodo.5329507 0374-1036 5329507 Notoxus indicus Krekich-Strassoldo, 1914 ( Figs. 12 , 82 ) Notoxus indicus Krekich-Strassoldo, 1914a: 108–109 , Fig. 1 . Type locality. Myanmar , Tanintharyi Division, Dawei [= Tavoy]. Type material examined. SYNTYPES : 1 ♀ , ‘ Tenasserim Tavoy [p+h] // Fry Coll. 1905.100. [p] // [female sex mark] // TYPE [p; red label] // coll. Heberdey [p] // indicus det. v.Krekich [p+h] // indicus Krek. [h; black frame, ochraceous label]’ ( NHMW ) ; 1 J, ‘ Tenasserim Tavoy [p+h] // Fry Coll. 1905.100. [p] // Doherty [p] // coll. Heberdey [p] // indicus det. v.Krekich [p+h]’ ( NHMW ) . Additional material examined. THAILAND : TAK PROVINCE: 1 J, Umphang river, 16°07′N 99°00′E , 1000 m , 28.iv.–6.v.1991 , V . Kubáň leg. ( ZKDC ). Diagnosis. Small, slender species; body largely brownish black, elytra with pale reddish apices and two narrow, transverse bands ( Fig. 82 ); eyes rather medium-sized; tempora nearly evenly narrowing posteriad; pronotal horn moderately long, slender, with wider apical and smaller lateral lobules on margins; horn crest distinctly raised, evenly lowering towards horn apex, its lateral margins feebly marked by series of somewhat coarser, distinctly spaced lobules / rugules; punctures in basal half of elytra distinct, moderately dense, their margins smooth. Male characters (Umphang, ZKDC). Elytra nearly simple apically, gland opening inconspicuous; legs simple; abdominal sternum VII moderately flattened postero-medially, nearly simple, its posterior margin slightly angled postero-laterally in ventral view; male tergum VIII forming narrow, arched sclerite, evenly rounded posteriorly, rather finely and sparsely setose; aedeagus as figured ( Fig. 12 ). Variation. Body length (J ) 2.7–2.9 mm . Pronotal horn with 3–5 lobules laterally on each side. Distribution. Myanmar (KREKICH- STRASSOLDO 1914), Thailand . Remarks. KREKICH- STRASSOLDO (1914) described Notoxus indicus from two specimens , and later (KREKICH- STRASSOLDO 1928) figured its male characters. The examined syntypes bear identical locality label with somewhat dilute handwritten data ‘Tavoy’ [currently Dawei; not Java, see comments by TELNOV (2007) in the differential diagnosis of N. ales Telnov, 2007 ], which is the capital of the Tanintharyi Region in southern Myanmar . The male syntype is dissected, probably by Krekich-Strassoldo (see above), and the aedeagus is probably mounted in Canada balsam and stored separately in special wooden boxes for slides in the NHMW. However, it is difficult to find there, because the specimen lacks any slide number. The additionally examined specimen originates from southwestern Thailand and fully agrees with the type.