The genus Bittacus Latreille (Insecta: Mecoptera) in Brazil: key to species, distribution maps, new synonym, and three new species Author Machado, Renato Jose Pires Author Mendes, Diego Matheus De Mello Author Rafael, José Albertino text Zootaxa 2018 2018-11-30 4526 3 303 330 journal article 27885 10.11646/zootaxa.4526.3.2 0ea3c1bd-7938-4961-b91e-18b886ef1446 1175-5326 2611647 68ADEE66-00B7-4370-BF57-07C118ACDEB0 Bittacus flavescens Klug, 1838 ( Figs. 1c , 8j , 12c ) Bittacus flavescens : Klug, 1838 :99 ; Esben-Petersen, 1921 :151 ; Souza-Lopes & Mangabeira, 1942 :335 ; Penny & Byers, 1979b :368 ; Machado et al., 2009 :36 ; Machado, 2018 . Klugius flavescens : Navás, 1926 :13 . Thyridates flavescens : Willmann, 1983 :51 ; Collucci & Amorim, 2000 :7 . Bittacus affinis : Westwood, 1846 :194 ; Esben-Petersen, 1921 :151 synonymized. Holotype : Bittacus flavescens : male: ZMHB (high resolution images examined); Bittacus affinis sex unknown: NHM (not examined). Species also known from Bahia , Espírito Santo , Minas Gerais , Rio de Janeiro , Rio Grande do Sul , Santa Catarina (new record), São Paulo ( Fig. 12c ). Bittacus flavescens seems to be restricted to the region of the Atlantic rain forest in Brazil , but with a wide distribution within this area ( Souza Lopes & Mangabeira 1942 ; Byers 2004 ; Machado et al. 2009 ). The species was the only one in Brazil to have a synonym, B. affinis , described based on one specimen with a label only stating Brazil . Walker (1853) mentioned another specimen of B. affinis in the NHM from Pará state; however, it might have been the result of a misidentification based on the current distribution of B. flavescens . Unfortunately, neither specimen was examined during the current study. Another dubious record for B. flavescens was given by Esben- Petersen (1921) , one specimen with the abdomen broken, from Puerto Cabello ( Venezuela ). Navás (1926) erected the genus Klugius and defined B. flavescens as the type species. However, the genus was based on a weak character (pterostigma broad basally and thin apically) and therefore, Klugius was always considered as a synonym of Bittacus by subsequent authors ( Souza Lopes & Mangabeira 1942 ; Penny & Byers 1979a , b ; Willmann 1983 ). Examined specimens. Brazil : Rio de Janeiro : Mury , Nova Friburgo , 12.xi.1970 , Gred & Guimarães det. (1? MZSP ) ; Santa Catarina : Nova Teutonia [ Seara today], 27°11’B–52°23’L, x.1969 , Fritz Plaumann ( 1♀ INPA ) ; idem—xi.1969 ( 1♀ INPA ) ; idem—xii.1969 ( 2♀ INPA ) ; Seara , 16.xii.1977 , ND Penny ( 1♂ INPA ) .