Three new species and new records of Stenichnodes Franz (Coleoptera Staphylinidae: Scydmaeninae) Author Jałoszyński, Paweł text Zootaxa 2020 2020-05-19 4779 2 289 296 journal article 22035 10.11646/zootaxa.4779.2.10 612343eb-2f73-4265-b5dd-25ae1a5f14b1 1175-5326 3833453 52571CFB-BA39-4B6D-83C5-2DC1BDAE4542 Stenichnodes (s. str.) bouakensis sp. n. ( Figs 4–5 , 15–18 ) Type material. Holotype : IVORY COAST : , two labels: “IVORY COAST Bouaké / env. Moronou tamisage / 30kmS Toumodi 4.X.80 / Mahnert - Perret” [white, printed], “ STENICHNODES (s. str.) / bouakensis m. / P. Jałoszyński , 2020 / HOLOTYPUS ” [red, printed] ( MHNG ). Diagnosis. Elytral apex in male with small and shallow common subapical impression; protarsomere I in male unmodified; antennae relatively thick, antennomeres IX and X each slightly transverse; aedeagus lacking param- eres. Description. Body of male ( Fig. 4 ) elongate and slender, strongly convex, light brown, covered with yellowish vestiture; BL 0.85 mm . FIGURES 15–22. Aedeagus in ventral (15, 17, 19, 21) and lateral (16, 18, 20, 22) views. Stenichnodes bouakensis sp. n. (15−18); S. ceylonensis (Franz) , specimen from India (19−22). Head broadest at large, strongly convex and finely faceted eyes, HL 0.15 mm , HW 0.18 mm ; tempora vestigial; vertex weakly convex and anteriorly confluent with frons; frons slightly flattened, supraantennal tubercles indistinct. Each eye bean-shaped, transverse in relation to the long body axis, with narrow posteromedian emargination. Vertex and frons with fine, inconspicuous punctures; setae fine, nearly recumbent, barely discernible under magnification 100 ×. Antennae relatively robust, with slightly flattened, trimerous clubs, AnL 0.28 mm ; antennomeres I–II strongly elongate, III slightly transverse, IV–VII each about as long as broad, VIII–X each slightly transverse, XI about 1.2 × as long as broad, much shorter than IX and X combined, with rounded apex. Pronotum heart-shaped, broadest near anterior third; PL 0.23 mm , PW 0.20 mm . Anterior and posterior margins weakly rounded, sides in anterior half strongly rounded; posteriorly nearly straight and not constricted; base with shallow but distinct transverse groove indistinctly deepened at each end. Punctures on pronotal disc inconspicuous, fine and sparse; setae sparse, short and recumbent. Elytra together oval, broadest distinctly in front of middle; EL 0.48 mm , EW 0.35 mm , EI 1.36; humeral calli distinct, elongate; basal impressions shallow but distinct; apices separately rounded, each with small semicircular subapical impression, together forming common round elytral pit ( Fig. 5 ). Punctures on elytra slightly more distinct than those on pronotum, but superficial and inconspicuous; setae sparse, short, suberect. Hind wings present, long. Legs long and slender, unmodified. Aedeagus ( Figs 15–18 ) elongate and with relatively thin walls, in ventral view median lobe slightly asymmetrical, with a group of broad and short apical projections; parameres absent; AeL 0.20. Female. Unknown. Distribution. Central Ivory Coast . Etymology. After Bouaké Department of Ivory Coast . Remarks. Stenichnodes bouakensis resembles S. spinosus in body form, measurements and proportions of body parts, and even in the shape and structure of the aedeagus. The differences in elytral modifications of males are profound, and can be used to unambiguously distinguish these species.