Taxonomy, phylogeny and distribution of the longicorn beetle genus Allotisis Pascoe (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae: Phoracanthini) Author Wang, Qiao text Journal of Natural History 2000 2000-08-31 34 8 1685 1712 journal article 10.1080/00222930050117567 1464-5262 4747448 Allotisis labyrinthina sp. nov. (®gures 3, 10, 22, 23) Description Male . Body length : 10.6 mm . Colour . Body reddish brown or dark reddish brown, the nodules of pronotum darker. Elytra with yellowish brown patterns of irregular form, covering most area of disc (®gure 10). Head . Distinctly narrower than prothorax; frons and vertex with dense, fairly large punctures of irregular form, dense golden depressed hairs and a few long erect hairs at lateral sides of frons and vertex. Two slightly raised carinae between antennal tubercles; distance between lower lobes of eyes twice as long as distance between antennal socket and lateral angle of post clypeus, and more than 1.5 times but less than twice distance between upper lobes of eyes. Antennae distinctly longer than body; segments 3±7 with small apical spines (spine on segment 7 very small); segment 3 slightly more than seven times length of its apical spine and distinctly longer than scape, segments 4 or 5; scape not grooved above. Thorax and abdomen . Prothorax about as long as or slightly longer than wide. Pronotum rugose, granulose and un-nitid, with ®ve distinctly raised and two slightly raised (vague) nodules on disc, all nodules granulose and un-nitid; the interspace granulose with fairly dense or sparse punctures, each producing a long whitish erect hair, and with dense golden depressed hairs; fairly large rounded tubercles at lateral sides. Scutellum subtriangular with dense golden depressed hairs on disc. Metasternum with dense punctures and dense depressed hairs. Elytra subparallel or slightly tapering, subnitid, slightly less than three times length of prothorax; apex with a short spine at marginal angle; dense, large and deep punctures throughtout elytra except disc just before apices, about one-quarter of the punctures producing long whitish erect hairs, and the remaining punctures producing short and very short (vague) depressed hairs. Abdomen with sparse puncutures and fairly dense depressed hairs. Male terminalia . Apex of median lobe sharply pointed. Spined region of internal sac with three sections: ®rst section short and wide, with fairly dense short spines; the gap between ®rst and second sections longer than ®rst section; second section wider than third section, with two types of simple large and long spines, fairly dense smaller ones throughout the section and dense larger ones in basal part, and with sparse to fairly dense multi-branched spines in basal area; third section three times length of second section, with dense simple large and long spines in basal three- ®fths part and with mixture of fairly dense simple large and long spines and sparse basally forked spines in apical two-®fths; sum of unspined region and ®rst section of spined region about as long as sum of second and third sections of spined region (®gure 22). Eighth sternite rounded at sides, dense long and fairly setae arising sublaterally and terminally; the setae absent in the middle of terminal area; sparse microspines on ventral surface. Apex of eighth tergite rounded. Female . Body length : 9 mm . Antennae slightly longer than body; segment 3 slightly less than seven times length of its apical spine. Distance between lower lobes of eyes slightly less than twice distance between antennal socket and lateral angle of post clypeus. Elytra slightly more than three times length of prothorax. Ovipositor . As in ®gure 23. Variation No other distinct variation was observed between sexes. Biology Hosts unknown. Adults were collected in April and May. Distribution Northern Northern Territory (®gure 3). Comments This new species resembles A. rara sp. nov. but diOEers in having the elytra with yellowish brown patterns of irregular form, covering most area of disc; distance between lower lobes of eyes twice as long as distance between antennal socket and lateral angle of post clypeus; prothorax longer than or as long as wide. Type material examined HOLOTYPE , l(segments 6±11 of right antenna missed), Northern Territory : Elsey Creek , 10 ml E of Mataranka on Roper Bar Rd. , 19.April.197 2, T. Weir & A. Allwood , terminalia slide No. Allotisis m-921014-5 ( NTM ). PARATYPE , m, Northern Territory : East Alligator River (12 ss 23 ¾ S, 132 ss 56 ¾ E), 7 km NW of Cahills Crossing , 27.May.1973 , T. Weir & N. Forrester , terminalia slide No. Allotisis f-921014-4 ( NTM ) .