On two enigmatic spiders (Araneae: Cybaeidae & Phrurolithidae) from the Russian Far East Author Marusik, Yuri M. 0000-0002-4499-5148 Institute for Biological Problems of the North, Portovaya Street 18, Magadan 685000, Russia & Department of Zoology & Entomology, University of the Free State, Bloemfontein 9300, South Africa & yurmar @ mail. ru; https: // orcid. org / 0000 - 0002 - 4499 - 5148 yurmar@mail.ru Author Omelko, Mikhail M. 0000-0002-1556-6248 Federal Scientific Center of East Asia Terrestrial Biodiversity, FEB RAS, Vladivostok 690022, Russia & Far Eastern Federal University, Laboratory of ecology and evolutionary biology of aquatic organisms (LEEBAO), School of Natural Sciences, Vladivostok 690091, Russia & omelkom @ gmail. com; https: // orcid. org / 0000 - 0002 - 1556 - 6248 omelkom@gmail.com Author Koponen, Seppo 0000-0002-9113-7488 Zoological Museum, Biodiversity Unit, FI- 20014 University of Turku, Finland & sepkopo @ utu. fi; https: // orcid. org / 0000 - 0002 - 9113 - 7488 sepkopo@utu.fi text Zootaxa 2020 2020-12-30 4899 1 247 258 journal article 8777 10.11646/zootaxa.4899.1.13 b9f530e5-23c6-4eb7-b5c2-a2a0abeab1cb 1175-5326 4400502 350FBB69-5912-4DBE-88F4-39F0EBBE1637 Phrurolithus lindemanni sp. nov. Figs 6 A–G, 7A–F FIGURE 6. General appearance of Phrurolithus lindemanni sp. nov. female. A–C Habitus, ventral, lateral and dorsal; D Leg I, prolateral; E Prosoma, antero-dorsal; F Chelicera, posterior; G Prosoma and epigastral part of opisthosoma, ventral. Scales = 0.2 mm unless otherwise indicated. Etymology. The species is named after Till Lindemann, the lead vocalist and lyricist of the band “Rammstein”. Diagnosis. The new species differs from all congeners occurring in the Palaearctic by the pale colouration with a distinct dark abdominal pattern ( vs . dark colouration with pale abdominal pattern). Except for P. labialis Paik, 1991 , the female of P. lindemanni sp. nov. differs from all other species where the structure of the endogyne has the anterior (secondary) receptacles each with a thin stalk (ca. ¼ of receptacle diameter vs . distinct stalk lacking), the globular posterior (primary) receptacles each with a long gland located laterally and broad copulatory ducts (vs. posterior receptacles not globular, or glands not located laterally, and copulatory ducts lacking or indistinct). The only species likely to be confused with P. lindemanni sp. nov. is P. labialis . Phrurolithus labialis has longer stalks of the anterior receptacles, the receptacles are more widely spaced (cf. Figs 7D, E and figs 19–25 in Paik 1991 ), and the fovea has a pair of distinct anterior pockets ( vs . fovea without distinct margins). Male unknown. Description. Female ( Holotype ). Total length 2.68–2.78. Carapace 1.17–1.20 long, 0.87–0.94 wide. Carapace uniformly pale coloured, evenly covered with light dense setae ( Fig. 6C ). Sternum with distinct pattern formed by tissues lying below integument: median stripe and radial stripes directed to spaces between coxa. Chelicerae with 3 promarginal and 2 retromarginal teeth. Abdomen yellowish, with distinct dorsal pattern, venter with two dark median stripes. Postero-lateral margins of epigastric fold sclerotized ( Fig. 6G ). Legs uniformly coloured as in carapace, covered with whitish setae. Leg lengths as shown in Table 5 . Legs I-II equipped with numerous ventral spines ( Table 6 ). TABLE 5. Leg segment lengths of female Phrurolithus lindemanni sp. nov.
Fe Pa Ti Mt Ta Total
I 0.86 0.39 0.73 0.69 0.49 3.14
II 0.79 0.36 0.60 0.54 0.47 2.76
III 0.64 0.30 0.50 0.56 0.49 2.48
IV 0.80 0.37 0.70 0.77 0.57 3.21
TABLE 6. Spination of legs of female Phrurolithus lindemanni sp. nov.
Fe Pa Ti Mt
I 1p 0 4-4v 3-3v
II 0 0 4-3v 4-3v
III 0 0 0-1v 2-2v
IV 0 0 1-2v 2-2v
Epigyne as in Figs 7 A–F; plate wider than long, fovea lacking distinct margins and having separate copulatory openings; pair of rounded anterior receptacles visible through integument. Endogyne with large mushroom-shaped anterior receptacles with short stalks; copulatory ducts as wide and as long as diameter of posterior receptacles; posterior receptacles separated by 2 diameters, with long glands located laterally and directed anteriorly, glands longer than diameter of receptacle; fertilization ducts divergent and located near glands on anterior part of posterior receptacle.
Type material. Holotype and 4♀ paratypes : RUSSIA : Maritime Province : Lazo Village , ca. 43°23’N , 133°55’E , leg. Y.N. Sundukov , 15–20.IV.2002 ( ZMMU ). Paratypes : RUSSIA : Maritime Province : Khasan District , env of Andreevka Village , ca. 42°39’N , 131°08’E , leg. S. Koponen , 11–15.VIII.1998 , 1♀ ( ZMUT ); Lazovskii Reserve , Korpad’ Camp, 43°16'N , 134°08'E , leg. Y.N Sundukov , 19–24.V.2004 , 1♀ ( ZMMU ) . Note. All specimens studied have the epigynal fovea covered with mating plugs. Distribution. This species was found in widely separated localities in the southern part of the Maritime Province ( Fig. 8 ).