Order Carnivora Author W. Christopher Wozencraft text 1993 Smithsonian Institution Press Washington and London Editor Don E. Wilson Editor DeeAnn M. Reeder Mammal Species of the World (2 nd Edition) 279 348 book chapter http://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.7359191 1-56098-217-9 7359191 Urocyon cinereoargenteus (Schreber, 1775) . Die Säugethiere, 2(13):pl. 92 [1775]; text: 3(21):361 [1776]. TYPE LOCALITY: "Sein Vaterland ist Carolina und die Wärmeren Gegenden von Nordamerica, vielleicht auch Surinam ." DISTRIBUTION: North America from Oregon, Nevada, Utah, and Colorado in the West and the USA-Canadian border in the East through Central America to N Colombia and Venezuela . SYNONYMS: borealis Merriam, 1903 ; californicus Mearns, 1897; colimensis Goldman, 1938; costaricensis Goodwin, 1938 ; floridanus Rhoads, 1895 ; fraterculus Elliot, 1896; furvus Allen and Barbour, 1923; guatemalae Miller, 1899; inyoensis Elliot, 1904; madrensis Burt and Hooper, 1941; nigrirostris Lichtenstein, 1850; ocythous Bangs, 1899; orinontus Goldman, 1938; parvidens Miller, 1899; peninsularis Huey, 1928; pensylvanicus Boddaert, 1784; scottii Mearns, 1891; sequoiensis Dixon, 1910; texensis Mearns, 1897 ; townsendi Merriam, 1899 ; virginianus Schreber, 1775 . COMMENTS: Reviewed by Fritzell and Haroldson (1982 , Mammalian Species, 189). Placed in Canis (Vulpes) by Van Gelder (1978) ; Clutton-Brock et al. (1976) placed it in Vulpes (Urocyon) .