Remarks on the genus Metacosma Kuznetzov, 1985 (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae, Olethreutinae, Eucosmini), with description of a new species from Japan and Korea Author Komai, Furumi Author Byun, Bong-Kyu Author Yamazaki, Saburo text Zootaxa 2018 2018-12-04 4527 1 131 139 journal article 27870 10.11646/zootaxa.4527.1.11 ac565270-3576-4125-b47f-13e57c3b17fa 1175-5326 2611919 3B3B334F-5083-4F53-851A-F12DA6A91E18 Metacosma echinophora Komai, Byun & Yamazaki , new species Epinotia ? sp.: Issiki & Mutuura, 1962 , Publs Entomol. Lab. Univ. Osaka Prefect. 7: 4, no. 34 (list); Kobayashi, 1967 , Forest Pests 16: 72, figs. 1–6; Kojima,1986 , Ringyo to Yakuzai (98): 1, figs 1–7, tables 1–7. Metacosma sp.: Yamazaki, 1994 , Forest Entomology : 255, figs 1.9–8 (adult), 1.9–9 (larval habitat); Oku, 2003 , Trans. Iwate Entomol. Soc., suppl . 2: 119; Nasu, 2013 , Standard Moths Japan 4: 258, fig. 4-34-43. Diagnosis. Metacosma echinophora can be distinguished from other species in the genus by the nearly right-angled sacculus, followed by a deep semicircular emargination in the ventral margin. This species is most similar to M. impolitana Kuznetzov ; both have strong spines with a blunt tip in the cucullus and the median plate of the female seventh sternite semicircular, but the valva is more deeply emarginated in ventral margin and the sacculus is more angulate; the lateral plates of the female seventh sternite are more expanded with sinuate posterior margin. Description. Adult. Male ( Figs. 1–3 , 7, 8 ). Head: Vertex and frons glossy gray. Antenna glossy gray with a notch near base ( Figs. 2, 3 ). Labial palpus glossy gray (scale tips paler); terminal segment short, covered by scales from second segment. Thorax: Dorsum dark gray (scale tips paler). Wingspan 8.5–10.5 mm. Forewing grayish brown, costa with four pairs of whitish strigulae beyond middle and with some indistinct ones before middle, costal strigulae emitting rather wide leaden fasciae; ocelloid patch edged by two leaden lines, inner edge longer than outer one; cilia glossy gray, with a grayish brown basal line. Hindwing brownish gray; cilia glossy gray, with a grayish brown basal line; free anal fold with a scale pencil as long as width of hindwing ( Figs. 7, 8 ). Abdomen: Dorsum glossy gray, venter whitish. Male genitalia ( Fig. 10 ) with tegumen rounded at top, densely covered with long deciduous scales along posterior margin. Uncus small, triangular, bifid distally. Socii elongate, lobes completely fused with diaphragma, less sclerotized proximally, with 14–20 long setae. Gnathos indicated by a weakly sclerotized band. Valva deeply constricted beyond middle by a semicircular ventral emargination; basal excavation ill-defined, reaching base of “neck;” neck with a patch of setae; basal process absent; cucullus ovate, sparsely bristled only along lower margin, with a densely bristled, long flap arising from dorsal margin near its apex and bent proximally, with one or two strong spines with a blunt tip on the apex and four to five similar ones along the lower margin; sacculus nearly right-angled distally. Juxta of rhombic shape; caulis moderately long with lateral flanges. Phallus weakly sinuate, gently narrowing distally; vesica with about 10 flattened and sinuate, deciduous cornuti. Female ( Fig. 9 ). Head and Thorax: Similar to male, but without notch on antenna base and without anal fold; wingspan 8.5–10.5 mm. Abdomen: Female genitalia ( Figs. 12, 13 ) with T8 weakly sclerotized ( Fig. 13 ). Ovipositor lobes elliptical. Apophyses anteriores as long as apophyses posteriores. S7 heavily sclerotized, short and wide, divided into three parts (median plate and two lateral plates): median plate semicircular, raised, rounded posterior edge narrowly turned dorsally, forming a narrow folded rim; lateral plates elongated, with sinuate posterior edge. Sterigma funnel-shaped, fused with folded posterior apex of S7 (ostium bursae behind S7) ( Fig. 13 : arrow). Ductus bursae with long, anteriorly bifurcata sclerotization in anterior 3/4, posterior 1/4 membranous; ductus seminalis originating from anterior third of ductus bursae. Corpus bursae inverse pear-shaped, with two rather small hornshaped signa and with numerous spinules except around signa. Immature stages. Mature larva ( Figs. 6 , 14–18 ). Body length 7 mm . Head yellowish brown, with region of stemmata and postgenal juncture black. Prothoracic shield dark brown, darker posteriorly; medial sulcus distinct. Thoracic legs yellowish brown. Body grayish yellow, becoming tinged with red as the larva matures; surface sculpturing of integument spinulate, spinules darker, easily observed. Setal pinacula slightly darker than integument, inconspicuous, darker and evident on prothorax. Setae short. Spiracles small, circular. Ventral prolegs with 18–20 crochets, arranged in an unevenly uniordinal circle ( Fig. 17 ); anal prolegs with 10–11 crochets. Tonofibrillary platelets ( Fig. 17 , arrow) present anterodorsal to ventral proleg on A3–A6 as a round or oval, darkly pigmented sclerite surrounded by non-pigmented sclerotic ring (see Komai 1999 : 27 and Komai & Nasu 2011 : 277 for further explanation). Anal fork with six prongs ( Fig. 18 ). Anal shield darker than body, with posterior edge medially convex ( Fig. 15 ). Chaetotaxy ( Figs. 14–16 ): SD2 on abdominal segments 1–7 on its own pinaculum. SV group trisetose on segments 3–6, bisetose on segments 7–9. On segment 9 D1 and SD1 on same pinaculum; L1, L2, and L3 on same pinaculum. On anal proleg area nine setae (L1, L2, L3, SV1, SV2, SV3, SV4, V1 and PP1) present. Pupa ( Figs.19, 20 ). Body length 5 mm . Color yellowish brown. Head rounded. Frons bearing two pairs of setae. Abdominal segments 2–8 with two rows of dorsal spines. Tenth segment caudally with 8 hooked setae. Spiracles circular. FIGURES 10–13. Metacosma echinophora , abdominal structure. 10. Male genitalia, paratype, Gifu Pref., Japan, slide FK 2137. 11. Postabdomen, ♂, paratype, Iriomote Is., Japan, slide FK 2133, unrolled preparation. 12. Female genitalia, paratype, Amami Is., Japan, slide FK 2136, ventral view. 13. Female genitalia, paratype, sterigma detail (arrow. entrance to ostium), paratype, Iriomote Is., Japan, slide FK 2182, dorsal view (T7 removed). FIGURES 14–20. Metacosma echinophora , larva and pupa, Gifu Pref., Japan. 14. Mature larva, lateral view; 15. A8–A10, dorsal view. 16. A8–A10, lateral view. 17. Crotchets and tonofibrillary platelet (arrow) on A3. 18. Anal fork. 19. Pupa, ventral view. 20. Pupa, lateral view. Material examined. Holotype . JAPAN : HONSHU: Nara Pref.: Mt. Takatori , 34˚25ˊN, 135˚49ˊE, 500 m , , 20.vii.1991 ( F. Komai ) ( MNHAH ) . Paratypes . JAPAN : HONSHU: Specific locality unknown, 1♀ , “Matsumemushi [pine bud worm], emerged 1.v.1961 ” (no further data) ( OPU ) . Iwate Pref. : Kuzakai , 4♂ , 9♀ , 18.viii.1979 ( Y. Nasu ) ( FKC ) ; Morioka , 2♀ , 16.viii.1979 ( Y. Nasu ) ( FKC ) , 2♀ , 3.viii.1967 (T. Oku ) ( TOC ) ; Noda , 2♀ , 2 empty pupal exuviae, emerged 29.vii–3.viii.1970 (no hostplant data) ( H. Satoh ) ( TOC ) ; Tsunagi , 1♀ , 29.v.1966 ; Hosono , 1♀ , 18.viii.1969 ( T. Oku ) ( TOC ) . Nagano Pref. : Kiso , 1♂ , 2♀ , 19.viii.1972 ( F. Komai ) ( FKC ) . Gifu Pref. : Hikagedaira , 2♂ , 10– ( T. Tanabe ) ( FKC ) , 2♂ , 5.viii.1978 (F. Komai ) ( FKC ) ; Toki-shi , Izumichō , 1♂ , emerged 18.iii.2013 , reared from Pinus thunbergii (F. Komai) ( FKC ) . Wakayama Pref. : Fujinami , 1♀ , 6.viii.1976 ( F. Komai ) ( FKC ) . Osaka Pref. : Izumi-shi , Mt. Makiosan , 1♀ , 19.vii.1994 ( T. Ueda ) ( MNHAH ) . RYUKYU ISLANDS: Yakushima Is. : Onoaida , 4♂ , 2♀ , 5–9.ix.1979 ( Y. Nasu ) ( FKC ) , 2♂ , 19.ix.1978 (S. Moriuti ) ( OPU ) ; Nakama , 2♂ , 2♀ , 20–21.ix.1978 ( S. Moriuti ) ( OPU ) . Amami-oshima Is. : Uken-son , Akatsuchiyama , 1♂ , 26.v.2012 ( F. Komai ) ( FKC ) , 1♀ , 28.viii.2012 (F. Komai ) ( FKC ) . Tokuno-shima Is. : Mikyō-dake , 1♂ , 7.xi.2016 ( F. Komai ) ( FKC ) , 1♀ , 8.xi.2016 (F. Komai ) ( RUMF ) . Okinawa-jima Is. : Kunigami-son , Ōkuni-bashi , 1♀ , 8.vii.2012 ( F. Komai ) ( FKC ) ; Mt. Nagodake , 1♀ , 5.x.2012 ( F. Komai ) ( FKC ) . Iriomote-jima Is. : Funaura , 5♂ , 23–28.iii.2001 ( F. Komai ) ( FKC ) , 1♂ 4♀ , 24–25.vii.1995 (F. Komai ) ( FKC ) , 1♂ , 25.vii.1995 (F. Komai ) ( RUMF ) ; Uehara , 1♀ , 5.iv.1995 ( F. Komai ) ( FKC ) . SOUTH KOREA : Prov. Gyeongbuk : Bonghwa-gun : Mt. Munsu , 8♂ , 23♀ , 19.viii.2011 ( B.K. Byun ), gen. slide no. 4115 ( ), 4114 ( ), 4355 ( ), 7♂ , 17♀ , 20.viii.2011 ( B.K. Byun ), gen. slide no. 4116 ( ), 2♂ , 6♀ , 16.ix.2011 ( B.K. Byun ) ( SELHNU ) . Prov. Jeollabuk : Muju , 1♀ , 13.viii.1975 ( K.T. Park ) . NORTH KOREA : Prov. South Pyongan : Pyongyan , Hotel garden, 2♂ , 1♀ , 9–10.viii.1971 (S. Horvatovich & J. Papp ), slide HNHMBBK084, 2♀ , 4–5.viii.1971 ( S. Horvatovich & J. Papp ), slide HNHMBBK088 ( HNHM ) . Other material : Pupa. JAPAN : HONSHU: Gifu Pref., Toki-shi, Izumi-chō, 1♂ , reared from larva in Pinus thunbergii , fixed on 29.x.2012 (F. Komai) (FKC). Larva. JAPAN : HONSHU: Gifu Pref., Toki-shi , Izumi-chō , 1 ex, feeding in Pinus densiflora , fixed on 21.ix.2013 ( F. Komai ) ( FKC ) . Host plants. Pinaceae : Pinus densiflora Siebold et Zuccarini and Pinus thunbergii Parlatore. The larva also feeds on cultivated Pinus species in Japan , including P. banksiana Lambert , P. sylvestris L., P. ponderosa Douglas ex C. Lawson , and P. nigra Arnold ( Kojima, 1986 ) . Biology. The early instar larva mines the base of needles, causing them to wither. After infesting two needles the larva spins a thick web among winter buds and bores into the basal region of a winter bud and sometimes a young cone. It inhabits the web shelter and deposits resin onto the surface of the shelter, forming a “resin dome” ( Figs. 4, 5 ) ( Kobayashi, 1967 ; Kojima, 1986 ). According to Kobayashi (1967) , this species is univoltine, with the larva found from June to September, constructing a cocoon in leaf litter, pupating in autumn, and the adult on the wing in the following May to June. But the adults were collected in August in Iwate, Nagano, Gifu, and Wakayama Prefectures, in September on Yakushima Island, in October on Okinawa-jima Island, and in November on Tokunoshima Island. The larvae are very common on younger trees of less than five or six years old, but rare on mature trees ( Kobayashi, 1967 ). Moths come to light. Distribution. Japan (Honshu, Ryukyu Islands) and Korea . Etymology. The specific epithet, echinophora , refers to the strong spines on the cucullus.