Mantodea of Jordan Author Abu-Dannoun, Omar Author Katbeh-Bader, Ahmad text Zootaxa 2007 1617 43 56 journal article 10.5281/zenodo.179121 719da727-91a4-4db9-9fcb-b71803f5f4b4 1175-5326 179121 Eremiaphila uvarovi Bodenheimer, 1933 Distribution: Jordan and Palestine . Material examined: (3) specimens: Al Karak Road 30.VIII.2005 (1F); Al Qatranah 12.VII.05 (1M); Al Lajune 12.IX.05 (1F). Remarks: Eremiaphila uvarovi is the largest among the Jordanian Eremiaphila . The Holotype female was collected in 1.XI.1932 from Ma'an, and was kept in the British Museum of Natural History. So far, this species appears to be endemic to Jordan and Palestine . As with the previous species, when disturbed, individuals lower their body to touch the ground and spread their legs laterally. Adults are aggressive and fast runners.