On the taxonomic status of the genus Hypeugoa Leech with description of a new species of Miltochrista Hübner from Thailand (Lepidoptera: Erebidae: Arctiinae Lithosiini) Author Volynkin, Anton V. Altai State University, Lenina Avenue, 61, RF- 656049, Barnaul, Russia Author Černý, Karel Tiergartenstrasse 27, A- 6020 Innsbruck, Austria text Zootaxa 2021 2021-08-19 5023 3 421 432 journal article 10.11646/zootaxa.5023.3.6 1175-5326 5226287 E791C3F5-6372-41B9-B84D-F23C6404A429 Stigmatophora ( Stigmatophora ) flavogrisea ( Leech, 1899 ) , comb. nov. ( Figs 7, 8 , 19 ) Hypeugoa flavogrisea Leech, 1899 , Transactions of the Entomological Society of London , 1899 (1): 190 ( Type locality: [SW China , Sichuan , N of Kangding ] “to the north of Ta-chien-lu ... Western China ”). Type material examined . Holotype (by monotypy) ( Fig. 7 ): male, “N. of Ta-chen-lu” / “ Hypeugoa flavogrisea type . Leech.” /red ring “Type”label /“Leech Coll.1900-64.”/ QR-code label with unique number“ NHMUK010598613 ” ( NHMUK ). Additional material examined . CHINA : 1 male , [SE Gansu , Lixian, SW Qinling Mts ] Kansu mer. or., Lihsien , Peilingschan mer., 3000m , July / Collection Daniel , gen. prep. No. : ZSM Arct. 2020-216 (prepared by Volynkin ) (MWM/ ZSM ) . Diagnosis . The forewing length is 18–19.5 mm in males. The species ( Figs 7, 8 ) superficially differs from S. orientalis ( Figs 1–6 ) in the creamy head and collar (those are intensely suffused with grey scales in S. orientalis ) and the markedly paler subbasal and subterminal areas of the forewing. The male genital capsule of S. flavogrisea ( Fig. 19 ) differs from that of S. orientalis ( Figs 17, 18 ) in the wider valva (the width to length ratio is 1:2.6 vs.1: 2.8 in S. orientalis ) with the somewhat more convex costal margin, the less elongate harpe, the somewhat thinner medial crest of the valva and the more curved distal saccular process. The phallus of S. flavogrisea is somewhat more curved medially than that of S. orientalis . The vesica of S. flavogrisea is similar to that of S. orientalis but the distal diverticula are broader and separated from each other whereas in S. orientalis they originate from the common base. Female unknown. Distribution . Known from western China ( Sichuan and Gansu Provinces) ( Leech 1899 ; Daniel 1951 ).