A revision and key for the tribe Diaphorolepidini (Serpentes: Dipsadidae) and checklist for the genus Synophis Author Pyron, R. Alexander Author Arteaga, Alejandro Author Echevarría, Lourdes Y. Author Torres-Carvajal, Omar text Zootaxa 2016 4171 2 293 320 journal article 10.11646/zootaxa.4171.2.4 9529a751-bd3c-46a8-83d7-ea7641844e11 1175-5326 158885 CDE07944-2354-477E-A3DA-61B713858D0C Synophis niceforomariae sp. nov. Holotype . MHUA 14577 ( Fig. 2 ), adult male collected 24 November 2007 at Finca La Esperanza , Valle de La Manguita , Municipio Amalfi, Departamento Antioquia , Colombia ( N6.978611 , W-75.044444 ; 1394m ). Paratypes . MHUA 14413 ( Fig. 3 ), adult collected at Municipio Anori , Departamento Antioquia , Colombia ( N6.987778 , W-75.044444 ; 1320m ) ; MLS 2072 , adult male collected at Municipio Campamento , Departamento Antioquia , Colombia ( N6.979498 , W-75.296602 ; 1656m ) . TABLE 1. Morphological đata for verifieđ specimens of Synophis . Species assignments given here for voucheređ specimens shoulđ superseđe previous allocations, such as those given by Pyron et al. (2015) anđ Torres-Carvajal et al. (2015).
Species Collection IL SL PO V SC D1 D2 D3 SVL TL Sex
Synophis bicolor MECN 6732 9 8 2 174 138 19 17 17 361 236 M
Synophis bicolor MECN 6733 9 8 2 174 132 19 19 17 406 245 M
Synophis bicolor MECN 8076 9 8 2 183 135 19 17 17 376 233 M
Synophis bicolor MZUT 257 9 8 2 180 136 - 19 17 - - -
Synophis bicolor MZUTI 4175 11 8 2 174 143 19 19 17 365 245 M
Synophis bicolor UTA R-55956 9 8 2 176 129 - 19 17 - - -
Synophis bogerti FHGO 9186 11 9 2 164 105 19 17 17 379 184 M
Synophis bogerti MECN 2220 10 8 2 165 117 19 19 17 294 146 M
Synophis bogerti MZUTI 3529 11 8 2 163 106 19 19 17 407 202 M
Synophis bogerti QCAZ 11070 11 8 2 168 111 19 19 17 419 184 -
Synophis bogerti QCAZ 12791 10 8 2 163 115 19 19 17 367 184 M
Synophis bogerti QCAZ 3511 11 8 2 161 106 19 19 17 365 197 -
Synophis bogerti QCAZ 5072 10 8 2 157 114 19 19 17 422 219 F
Synophis bogerti UMMZ 91550 11 9 2 160 103 - 19 17 529 235 F
Synophis bogerti UMMZ 91551 - 8 2 161 105 - 19 17 535 230 F
Synophis bogerti UMMZ 91552 - 8 2 166 106 - 19 17 153 61 F
Synophis calamitus BMNH 1940.2.30.31 - 8 2 162 118 21 19 17 408 241 M Synophis calamitus CAS 23612 11 8 2 166 100 19 19 17 186 80 F Synophis calamitus KU 164208 9 8 1 163 125 21 19 17 142 73 - Synophis calamitus KU 197107 9 7 1 166 110 21 19 17 149 74 F Synophis calamitus MCZ R-164530 11 9 2 164 116 - 19 17 367 208 - Synophis calamitus MZUTI 3694 11 9 2 166 118 23 19 17 462 265 M Synophis calamitus QCAZ 10453 10 8 2 160 - 19 19 16 502 - F ……continued on the next page Synophis lasallei EPN S.974 - - 2 156 116 - 21 - 175 90 M Synophis lasallei EPN S.975 - - 2 155 119 - 21 - 354 201 M Synophis lasallei FHGO 6489 11 8 2 147 111 23 21 21 153 86 M Synophis lasallei FMNH 81313 - - 2 154 112 - 21 - 292 158 F
TABLE 1. (Continueđ)
Species Collection IL SL PO V SC D1 D2 D3 SVL TL Sex
Synophis calamitus QCAZ 10508 10 8 2/0 165 108 19 19 17 496 260 F
Synophis calamitus QCAZ 1136 10 8 2 161 120 19 19 17 328 194 -
Synophis calamitus QCAZ 11931 8 8 1 165 109 19 19 17 364 196 M
Synophis calamitus QCAZ 1688 10 8 2 161 - 19 19 17 408 - M
Synophis calamitus QCAZ 2807 10 8 2 160 110 19 19 17 487 255 F
Synophis calamitus QCAZ 3386 10 8 2 157 107 19 19 17 391 213 F
Synophis calamitus QCAZ 381 10 8 2 162 111 19 19 17 226 111 -
Synophis calamitus QCAZ 3875 10 8 2 164 113 19 19 17 453 250 F
Synophis calamitus QCAZ 5847 10 8 0/2 164 - 19 19 - 445 - -
Synophis calamitus QCAZ 7264 9 8 2 163 116 19 19 17 507 283 M
Synophis calamitus QCAZ 8098 8 8 2/1 162 106 19 19 15 491 261 F
Synophis calamitus TCWC 66209 11 8 2 160 96 21 19 17 - - -
Synophis calamitus UMMZ 185812 10 8 2 165 105 - 19 17 144 66 -
Synophis calamitus UMMZ 185813 10 8 2 162 122 - - - 257 147 -
Synophis insulomontanus CORBIDI 9223 10/11 9 2 147 103 22 19 19 285 144 F
Synophis insulomontanus CORBIDI 10418 11 9 2 149 - 22 21 19 380 88 F
Synophis insulomontanus CORBIDI 13705 11 8/9 2 152 109 21 19 19 350 192 M
Synophis insulomontanus CORBIDI 13940 11 8 2 151 108 20 19 19 335 181 M
Synophis lasallei MCZ R-156873 11 7 1 147 115 - - - 412 206 -
Synophis lasallei MLS / CJSP - - 2 144 101 - - - 300 170 M ……continued on the next page Species Collection IL SL PO V SC D1 D2 D3 SVL TL Sex Synophis lasallei MZUTI 4181 11 9 2 156 29 21 21 19 272 42 M Synophis lasallei USNM 233061 11 9 2 156 124 - 21 - 285 160 M Synophis lasallei USNM 233062 11 8 2 153 126 - 22 20 360 200 M Synophis lasallei USNM 233063 11 8 2 151 86 23 21 19 308 197 M Synophis lasallei USNM 233064 11 8 2 151 - - 21 19 270 150 - Etymology. Named after the French priest and naturalist Hermano Nicéforo María (born Antoine Rouhaire Siazaude), who established important natural-history collections at the Instituto de la Salle in Bogotá . While numerous taxa have been named mariarum, nicefori, or some derivative (see Adler 1989 ), he requested in a 1968 letter that he be addressed in print using his full name, Hermano Nicéforo María ( Rodriguez 2002 ). Thus , it seems appropriate to use the specific epithet niceforomariae . TABLE 1. (Continueđ)
Synophis niceforomariae MHUA 14413 12 8 2 193 127 - 19 - - - -
Synophis niceforomariae MHUA 14577 11 8 2 190 131 19 19 17 - - M
Synophis niceforomariae MLS2072 11/10 8 2 184 127 - 19 17 407 210 M
Synophis plectovertebralis UVC 11580 8 8 1 144 91 19 19 17 212 100 M
Synophis plectovertebralis UVC 11858 7 7 1 147 79 19 19 17 196 76.5 F
Synophis zaheri MZUTI 3353 8 8 2 166 112 19 19 17 351 184 M
Synophis zaheri MZUTI 3355 9 8 2 169 111 19 19 17 372 194 M
Synophis zamora FHGO 8340 11 8 2 153 88 21 19 17 415 199 M
Synophis zamora MECN 11250 10 8 2 153 98 21 19 17 412 196 F
Synophis zamora MECN 11262 - 8 2 154 118 21 21 17 306 145 M
Synophis zamora MZUTI 4180 11 9 2 152 100 19 19 18 457 214 M
Synophis zamora QCAZ 12773 9 8 2 153 111 19 19 17 331 176 M
Synophis zamora QCAZ 9174 10 9 2 147 103 19 18 17 359 187 M
Synophis zamora QCAZ 9175 10 8 2 151 109 19 19 17 340 186 M
FIGURE 1 . Bayesian maximum clade credibility phylogeny for Diaphorolepidini, summarized from 15 million post-burnin generations in MrBayes 3.2.5. Support values>50% are shown. Clades of primarily North American (NA), Central American (CA), and South American (SA) species other than Diaphorolepidini are collapsed. FIGURE 2. Holotype (MHUA14577) of Synophis niceforomariae in life. FIGURE 3. Paratype (MHUA14133) of Synophis niceforomariae in preservative. Diagnosis. Synophis niceforomariae can be differentiated from all other similar or related species by the combination of an unmodified vertebral scale row with a single weak keel; smooth nuchal scales; absence of a nuchal collar in adults; presence of a loreal; intranasals in contact; fused prefrontals; rostral concave; anal single; no apical pits; 2 postoculars; 10–12 infralabials; 8 supralabials; 184–193 ventrals; 127–131 subcaudals; and 19-19- 17 dorsal scale-rows. Description. Small-sized, long-tailed snakes (~ 400mm SVL, 200mm TL) with slender bodies and head distinct from neck. Eye large (>1/3 head height), bulbous, and black in life, with pupil not easily distinguishable from iris. Pupil round in preservative (though this may be an effect of fixation). Dorsum coloration grayish-brown with iridescent sheen in life and preservation, no light-colored nuchal collar in adults, and posterior supralabials mostly unpigmented (<50%). Ventral coloration primarily bright yellow, extending onto margins of ventral scales and supralabials. Anterior one-third of ventral surface yellow; posterior two-thirds to vent becomes increasingly mottled, and ventral surface of tail same color as dorsum. Remarks. This species was referred to as Synophis cf. bicolor by Pyron et al. (2015) . The cleared-and-stained skull of the male holotype was prepared by Martinez (2011) , with illustrations of the cranium and mandible (her Figs. 15, 18, & 22), but the hemipenis was not illustrated or described in detail. Condition of the vertebrae, which are heavily modified in Emmochliophis and some Synophis ( Fritts & Smith 1969 ; Savitzky 1974 ; Hillis 1990 ) unknown, pending skeletal preparation, micro-CT scanning, or X-rays. Has a very small known range to the east of Yarumal, Colombia , at ~ 1300–1600m around Campamento, Anori, and Amalfi. Two reportedly similar specimens in the Instituto de Ciencias Naturales de la Universidad Nacional de Colombia (ICN) were collected slightly to the south of the populations sampled here, at lower elevations (~ 900–1300m ; Table 2 ). We did not examine these individuals, but it seems likely that they are also S. niceforomariae , and that the range of the species is slightly larger ( Fig. 4 ). With this new species and the re-assignment of numerous specimens examined by Pyron et al. (2015) and Torres-Carvajal et al. (2015) , the known species limits of many Synophis taxa have changed. In particular, Pyron et al. (2015) assigned specimens of S. bogerti , S. calamitus , and S. niceforomariae to S. bicolor and assigned specimens of S. zamora to S. bicolor and S. lasallei . Similarly, Torres-Carvajal assigned specimens of S. niceforomariae to S. bicolor . Using the updated information from the combined datasets ( Tables 1 , 2 ), we provide a checklist with updated summaries of geographic, elevational, and external morphological data useful for classifying the 9 species of Synophis known to date: