Revisionary notes on Chonocephalus Wandolleck (Diptera: Phoridae) with keys to species of the Holarctic Region Author Disney, R. Henry L. text Zootaxa 2002 60 1 36 journal article 51439 10.5281/zenodo.155988 cd7b2ba1-4a5d-43b6-9a2e-21da2a70ce28 1175­5326 155988 Chonocephalus elongatus Schmitz Chonocephalus elongatus Schmitz, 1950 : 21 . Two females on separate slides (in the MKB) are both labelled ‘Holotype’! I have therefore labelled one as a paratype . Material Holotype female, paratype female, New Guinea , Tinschhafen, under bark near termite nest, 16 May 1944 , F. S. Ross (MKB ­ 27­134). Natural history The type series was from a nest of a termite.