Geographical distributions of Bembix (Hymenoptera, Crabronidae, Bembicinae) in southern Africa, with notes on biology Author Gess, Friedrich W. Albany Museum and Rhodes University, Grahamstown, 6139 South Africa Author Gess, Sarah K. Albany Museum and Rhodes University, Grahamstown, 6139 South Africa text Journal of Hymenoptera Research 2014 2014-02-14 36 53 130 journal article 1314-2607-36-53 FFBD95640232FFFEFFBCFFC3D21A8E1E 574835 Bembix bubalus Handlirsch Figs 4a-c , 6a Bembex bubalus Handlirsch, 1893: 719, pl. 1, fig. 8, pl. 3, fig. 22, pl. 4, fig. 9, pl.5, fig. 39, pl. 6, fig. 6, ♂, ♀ (Syntypes, South Africa, former Transvaal and former Cape Province, no localities, in MHNG and ZMHB); Dalla Torre 1897 : 503 (in catalogue of world Hymenoptera ); Arnold 1929 : 332, figs 4, 4a-c, ♂, ♀ (in revision of southern African Sphecidae ); Arnold 1930 : 21 (in checklist of Afrotropical Sphegidae ). Bembix bubalus Handlirsch, R. Bohart and Menke 1976 : 545 (in checklist of world Sphecidae ); Gess and Gess 1989 : 151-160, figs 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 (flower visiting, nesting, first case of nest sharing in Bembix , prey capture, prey); De Melo 2000 : 105 (use of one nest by more than one female); Evans and O'Neil 2007 : 183 (summary of information on nesting habits); Pulawski 2013 : 16 (in catalogue of world Sphecidae sensu lato). Note. Described by Handlirsch from three males and two females from South Africa: "Transvaal (Coll. Saussure) und Cap (Mus. Berolin. et Coll. Saussure)". Arnold recorded it from Willowmore. Figure 4. Bembix bubalus : a raking sand back from nest entrance during nest excavation b carrying syrphid prey, coming in to land at nest entrance; holding syrphid prey whilst clearing temporary closure from nest entrance preparatory to entering. Material examined. SOUTH AFRICA: NORTHERN CAPE: N. Namaqualand, Lekkersing [ 29.00S , 17.00E ], iii.1935 (Museum Staff) [A.J. Hesse et al.], 2 ♀♀ [SAMC]; Fraserburg [ 31.55S , 21.30E ], 24.xii.1972 (Empey), 1 ♂ [AMGS]. WESTERN CAPE: Oudtshoorn, Onverwacht ( 33.38S , 22.14E ), 9-12.xii.1986 (F.W., H.W. and R.W. Gess), 77 ♀♀, 18 ♂♂ (8 ♀♀, 4 ♂♂ on flowers of Acacia karroo Hayne; 14 ♂♂ on flowers of Acacia caffra (Thunb.) Willd. (both Fabaceae , Mimosoideae ); 1 ♀ on flowers of Zygophyllum retrofractum Thunb. ( Zygophyllaceae ); 25 ♀♀ with prey: Syrphidae ( Eristalis tenax (L.), Eristalodes taeniops (Wied.); Bombyliidae ( Bombylius ornatus Wied., Systoechus spp. and others); Tabanidae and Stratiomyidae ) [AMGS]; Olifants River between Citrusdal and Clanwilliam, x-xi.1931 (Museum Staff) [A.J. Hesse et al.], 2 ♂♂ [SAMC]; Upper Sources Olifants River, Ceres [circa 33.05S , 19.14E ], xii.1949 (Mus. Exp.) [A.J. Hesse et al.], 1 ♂ [SAMC]; Touwsrivier [ 33.20S , 20.02E ], 9.i.1975 (Empey), 1 ♀ [AMGS]; Merweville Distr. [ 32.40S , 21.31E ], i-ii.1947 (H. Zinn), 1 ♀ [SAMC]; Spitzkop, Laingsburg Dist. [ 33.3S , 20.35E ], iii.1938 (Mus. Staff) [A.J. Hesse et al.], 2 ♀♀ [SAMC]; Moordenaars Karroo, Laingsburg Div. [circa 32.58S , 20.49E ], iii.1937 (Mus. Staff) [A.J. Hesse et al.], 2 ♀♀ [SAMC]; Rooinek [Pass], Laingsburg Distr. [ 33.20S , 20.52E ], i.1949 (Zinn - Hesse Mus. Exp.), 1 ♀ [SAMC]; Murraysburg [ 31.58S , 23.47E ], 2.i.1978 (Empey), 1 ♀, 2 ♂♂ [AMGS]; Rietbron [ 32.54S , 23.08E ], 13.i.1965 (H.N. Empey), 1 ♂ [AMGS]. EASTERN CAPE:Mountain Zebra Park ( 32.15S , 25.27E ), 12-16.ii.1988 (A.J. Weaving), 2 ♀♀ [AMGS]; Willowmore [ 33.15S , 23.30E ], ii.1913 (Brauns), 2 ♀♀ [SAMC ex NMBZ; DMSA]; same locality and collector, 1.xii.1919, 1 ♀ [SAMC ex NMBZ]; same locality and collector, 10.xii.1919 (Brauns), 1 ♂ [AMGS]; same locality and collector, 18.xii.1919, 1 ♂ [SAMC ex NMBZ]; same locality and collector, 20.xii.1920, 1 ♀ [AMGS]; same locality and collector, 3.i.1926, 1 ♀ [AMGS]; same locality, 12.i.1965 (H.N. Empey), 5 ♀♀, 2 ♂♂ [AMGS]; Kingwilliamstown [circa 32.53S , 27.24E ], 16.i.1965 (H.N. Empey), 1 ♂ [AMGS]. Geographical distribution. This species appears to have a southern distribution in the Succulent Karoo and southern Nama-Karoo with one outlying record from Kingwilliamstown to the east of the Nama-Karoo ( Fig. 7a ). The record for a syntype from the "Transvaal" seems questionable. Flower associations. Recorded from two plant families: Fabaceae ( Mimosoideae , Acacia karroo Hayne. and Acacia caffra (Thunb.) Willd.) (both Fabaceae : Mimosoideae ; Zygophyllaceae ( Zygophyllum retrofractum Wied.). Nesting. Nesting in large aggregations of up to 1,000 or more nests in level friable soil, nest multicellular, sloping burrow in friable soil, the main shaft terminating in a spur, provisioning progressive. Notable for exhibiting nest sharing. Prey. Recorded taking seven families of Diptera : Stratiomyidae , Tabanidae , Syrphidae , Bombyliidae , Muscidae , Sarcophagidae , and Tachinidae .