A new genus of Rhinotragini for Molorchus laticornis Klug, 1825 (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae)
Clarke, Robin O. S.
Spooner, Amoret
Willers, Joachim
Insecta Mundi
journal article
Klugiatragus laticornis
Klug, 1825
comb. nov.
Fig. 1-4
Redescription of the female
Total length
11.6 mm
; rather narrow (total length/width metathorax 5.4). Lengths of forebody/abdomen 0.80.
Head black (labrum and base of mandibles chestnut); prothorax dark chestnut above, paler below); meso- and metasternum, and elytra chestnut (metepisternum, humeri and area adjacent to scutellum darker, and translucent panels of elytra weakly vitrified); abdomen pale chestnut (apical urosternite darker chestnut). Antennae chestnut, becoming paler towards apex. Legs becoming darker towards apex; pro- and mesofemora orange; metafemora chestnut, peduncle yellowish; tibia and tarsi darker chestnut.
Surface ornamentation.
Compared to most epimelittids pubescence much reduced. Notable pubescence on dorsad reduced to moderately dense, recumbent fascia (the hairs short and snow-white in color), as follows. On pronotum narrow, well-delimited, single arc from sides of apical constriction to near middle of basal constriction (by way of extreme lateral margins of pronotum), and a short, transverse fascia joining this arc at its middle; covering scutellum, and adjacent to it, with sparser hairs on base of elytra. Notable pubescence on underside as follows. On mesepimeron and adjacent margin of mesosternum; broad arc covering base of metasternum, apex of metepisternum and metacoxae; on abdomen clothing latero-basal margins of urosternites I-III. Appendages lacking notable pubescence. Antennae clothed with indistinct, fine, white pubescence. Femora and ventral surface of metatibia with moderately dense, very short, erect, dusky setae; and mesal surface of metatibia with long, whitish hairs (but far too short and sparse to be called brushes).
Puncturation of body generally very dense, rather small, and alveolate. On dorsad head only slightly sparser (and non-alveolate on frons); on pronotum uniformly distributed (without impunctate areas); and on apex of translucent panels of elytra sparser. On underside punctures of prosternum becoming confluent and somewhat rugose; on mesosternum small and embedded in matrix of microsculpture; on metasternum simple, shallower and beveled; on abdomen subcontiguous near midline, becoming confluent and strongly beveled towards sides.
Structure. Head
Head with moderately long rostrum (width/length 2.56). Width of one inferior lobe of eyes/interocular distance 1.22. Superior lobes of eyes with about 10-11 rows of moderately large ommatidia, laterally narrowed by about one third their mesal width; and separated by three times the width of one lobe. Antennal tubercles separated by 3.4 width of scape.
reaching middle of urosternite I. Length of scape
0.75 mm
; III (
0.90 mm
) 1.20 longer than scape; IV (
0.65 mm
); V (
0.75 mm
); VI (
0.70 mm
); VII (
0.6 mm
); VIII and IX (
0.55 mm
); X (
0.50 mm
); XI (
0.55 mm
) with small, acute apical cone.
1.08 longer than wide; basal angles rounded (but not strongly), leaving width of base hardly wider than apex (widths apex/base 0.91); base almost straight; prothoracic quotient 2.00. Base of prosternal process 3.14 narrower than width of procoxal cavity.
slightly depressed across apical third; 1.38 longer than width of humeri; laterally slightly arced and not divergent apically. Humeri moderately projecting and prominent. Each elytron gradually, but not strongly narrowed to apex (sutural angle with minute tooth); translucent panel weakly demarcated.
at centre more prominent than sides; mesocoxal cavity 1.38 wider than base of process.
widest towards apex of urosternite II. Urosternites sequentially shorter towards apex of abdomen; I, III and IV trapezoidal; I slightly elongate with well rounded hind angles; II cylindrical; II-IV moderately transverse. Urosternite V moderately elongate, subconical; sides weakly constricted across apical third, the latter not down-turned; apical margin truncate, and minutely angled at sides; with well demarcated soleate depression, trapezoidal in shape, moderately deeply depressed (leaving margins rather abrupt and narrow).
Front leg
femur slightly longer than tibia; tibia moderately slender, narrow at base, gradually widening to apex, apical margin oblique, not lanceolate, apico-lateral angle without setose tubercle.
Middle leg
femur 1.5 longer than length of tibia; length of femur/lateral width of femoral clave 5.0; tibia rather slender, gradually widening to apex.
Hind leg
rather slender; clave moderately long (lengths clave/peduncle about 2.1); peduncle relatively short, narrow, and flattened on dorsal and lateral surfaces. Metatibiae almost straight (or bisinuate when viewed laterally) and hardly widening from base to pre-apex. Metatarsus distinctly narrower than apex of metatibia. Metatarsomere I cylindrical, 0.91 length of II+III; II not pediculate, slightly elongate, somewhat trapezoidal; III shorter than II, the lobes narrow, hardly rounded at sides, and weakly divergent.
Redescription of male
. Except for sexually dimorphic characters (already referred to in the description of the genus) and color (generally darker), essentially similar to female.
Body almost entirely black (mouthparts and abdominal process yellowish); elytra black with pale chestnut translucent panels. Antennae chestnut, becoming blacker towards apex. Legs considerably darker than female; profemora chestnut at sides, dark chestnut dorsally; mesofemora chestnut with narrow black fascia dorsally, peduncle paler; metafemora as female; tibiae and tarsi black.
Forebody 0.72 length of abdomen. Width/length of rostrum 3.50. Width of one inferior lobe of eyes/interocular distance 5.2. Superior lobes of eyes separated by 2.5 times the width of one lobe. Prothorax 1.06 longer than wide. Elytra 1.44 longer than width of humeri.