Decapod Crustacea of the Californian and Oregonian Zoogeographic Provinces 3371 Author Wicksten, Mary K. text Zootaxa 2012 2012-07-04 3371 1 307 journal article 1175­5334 Chionoecetes angulatus Rathbun, 1924 ( Fig. 50F ) Chionoecetes angulatus Rathbun, 1894: 76 (part). — Rathbun 1925: 247 , pls. 90, 91. — Garth 1958: 159 , pl. I, fig. 7; pl. 16, fig. 1. Chionoecetes tanneri . — Rathbun 1894: 76 (part). Diagnosis. Rostrum small, teeth wide and inclined upward. Carapace broad, spinulous, pubescent, lateral margins partially concealed by expanded branchial regions; space between branchial regions shallow. Dorsal ridges of branchial region converging in straight lines, meeting in acute angle marked by large spine. Male cheliped longer than that of female; palm inflated, fingers narrow, curved. Pereopods 2–5 flattened, meri little dilated; dactyls long and slender. Male carapace length 24.6 mm, width 23.3 mm; female 26.4 mm, width 24.8 mm. Color in life. Not reported. Habitat and depth . Green mud, fine black sand; 90–3000 m but usually on continental slope, depth greater than 200 m . Range. Bering Sea off Pribilof Is. , Alaska to northwest of Cape Blanco , Oregon . Type locality south of Pribilof Is .