Taxonomic revision of the native Magnolia (Magnoliaceae) species of Brazil Author Barbosa, Juliana Cruz Jardim Instituto de Pesquisas Ambientais, Unidade Jardim Botanico, Avenida Miguel Ste ́ fano, 3687, A ́ gua Funda, CEP 04301902, Sa ̃ o Paulo, Sa ̃ o Paulo, Brazil Author Caruzo, Maria Beatriz Rossi Universidade Federal de Sao Paulo (UNIFESP), Instituto de Ciencias Ambientais, Quimicas e Farmaceuticas, Departamento de Ecologia e Biologia Evolutiva, Rua Prof. Arthur Riedel, 275 Eldorado, CEP 09972 - 270, Diadema, Sao Paulo, Brazil Author Simoes, Ana Rita G. Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, TW 9 3 AE, Richmond, London, UK Author Samain, Marie-Stephanie Instituto de Ecologia, A. C., Centro Regional del Bajio, Red de Diversidad Biologica del Occidente Mexicano, Avenida Lazaro Cardenas 253, 61600 Patzcuaro, Michoacan, Mexico text PhytoKeys 2024 2024-02-01 238 33 64 journal article 1314-2003-238-33 45BEC6BC746C542EA452D23B9BC38937 Magnolia ovata (A.St.-Hil.) Spreng, Syst. Veg. 4(2): 217. 1827. Figs 6 , 9 Talauma ovataTalauma ovata A.St.-Hil., Fl. Bras. Merid. 1: 26, t. 4, f. A. 1824. Talauma dubia = Talauma dubia Eichler, Fl. Bras. 13 (1): 126, 1864. Type. BRAZIL (W). S.l., s.d., Pohl>s.n. (lectotype designated here: BR! [BR5429745], isolectotype; BR5430390]). Talauma paranaensisTalauma paranaensis (A. Vazquez ) Sima & Hong Yu, J. W. China Forest. Sci 49(4): 36 2020. Magnolia paranaensis = Magnolia paranaensis A. Vazquez , Recursos Forest. Occid. Mexico 4(2): 473 2013. Type. BRASIL. Parana : Municipio de Cerro Azul, estrada antiga, Cerro Azul-Jaguariavia, 12 km depois da ponte sobre o Rio Ribeira, 24°45'S , 48°45'W , 7 December 1983, R. Callejas et al. 1871 (holotype: MO! [MO1942518]; isotypes: COL, MB, NY! [NY 413243]). Magnolia ovata non Magnolia ovata P.Parm., Bull. Sci. France Belgique 27: 193, 250 1896 ≡ Magnolia dodecapetala (Lam.) Govaerts, World Checkl. & Bibliogr. Magnoliaceae [D.G. Frodin & R. Govaerts] 70 1996. Type . Brasil . Minas Gerais : "In paludosis prope Olho d'Agua , parte occidentali provinciae Minas Gerais quam vocant Certao" , fl., St. Hilaire >s.n. ( holotype : P! [P00734790], isotypes : MPU! [MPU027385], P! [P00734791, P00734792]) . Figure 9. Magnolia ovata A specimen deposited in herbarium P B mature gynoecium C specimen deposited in herbarium SPSF D longitudinal section of flower bud (gynoecium and stamens) E immature fruit F annular and petiolar scars. Photos: A : Saint-Hilaire s.n (P00734792); B : Irwin>s.n (RB161815); C : O.C. Pavao et al. (SPSF28228); D : R. Marquete 2596 (RB398212); E-F : J. C. J. Barbosa. Description. Trees ca. 20 m tall; branches cylindrical, with sparse lenticels, glabrous. Stipules adnate to petiole, 0.5-4 cm long, green, oblong to conical, apex obtuse, base truncate, deciduous, glabrous. Petioles 2.5-5 cm long, stipular scar along their entire length (100%), glabrous. Leaf blades 12.7-29.07 cm x 7.8-16.5 cm; ovate-elliptic, apex and base rounded or obtuse, margin entire, papyraceous, venation pinnate, brochidodromous, 8-13 pairs of secondary veins, glabrous. Peduncle cylindrical, glabrous, annular scars present. Flowers terminal, solitary, flower bud ovoid, 3.1 x 3.7 cm, white, glabrous, protected by the perula which is enclosing and protecting the flower bud, perula concave, brownish when dried; outer sepaloid tepals 3, 4.5-4.8 cm x 3.5-3.8 cm, broadly elliptic, base truncate, apex apiculate, glabrous, cream-colored; inner petaloid tepals 6, 3.0-3.8 cm x 2.4-3.2 cm, navicular to obovate, fleshy, base truncate, apex apiculate, cream-colored; stamens 144-150, 1.2 cm x 0.2-0.3 mm, obovate, spiral arranged in 4 series, thecae 2, introrse, dehiscence longitudinal; gynoecium 2-3 cm x 2-2.5 cm, hemispherical, cream-colored, carpels 68-71. Immature fruits 4-8.2 cm x 4.3-8.7 cm, ovoid, brown-green, mature fruits ca. 17 cm diameter, globose, dehiscence circumscissile, in irregular syncarpous masses, glabrous; seeds 1-2 per carpel, sarcotesta red. Distribution and habitat. Magnolia ovata is endemic and found in all regions of the country, except the Northeast. It occurs in riparian forest and montane rain forest. Common names. 'Pinha-do-brejo' : 'pinha' means the best-known pine shape like in Annona , and 'brejo' (swamp) means the habitat where specimens are normally found; Baguacu . Phenology. This species was found flowering from September to December, with immature fruits between March and October, and mature fruits between June and September. Preliminary conservation status. This species has previously been assessed as Least Concern (LC) ( CNCFlora 2016 ). In contrast, in this analysis the area of occupancy (AOO) is about 288.000 km2 and it is considered to be Endangered (EN) B2b (i,ii) ( IUCN 2022 ). We need to consider that the knowledge about the genus was scarce at that time. The fact that other authors accepted a broader delimitation of the species and, consequently, a broader distribution for it, impacted their conservation status assessment, which differs from the one recorded in this paper. Despite its wide distribution, the habitat quality of M. ovata is not ideal, mainly because there are records in urban areas and without conservation actions. Specimens examined. Brasil . Distrito Federal . Area proxima a Reserva ecologica do IBGE, Cachoeira do Tororo , a ca. de 10 km entrando a esquerda na placa da Fazenda Santa Prisca, 15 Oct 1996 , R. Marquete 2596 (RB398212); Torto, Fundacao Zoobotanica , 10 Oct 1961 , E. P. Heringer 6864 (US1691190); Fundacao Zoobotanica , 20 Oct 1991 , E.P. Heringer , 8726 (SP79747) Fazenda agua limpa/UnB, mata de galeria do corrego da Onca , coletas efetuadas no final da mata, 7 Jul 1994 , B.M.T Walter 2166 (CEN18475, MBM225747); Estacao Ecologica do Jardim Botanico de Brasilia , 27 Oct 1964 , I.N.C. Azevedo 204 (HEPH12165; RB210306); Estacao Ecologica do Jardim Botanico de Brasilia , 7 Nov 2002 , F.P.R Jesus 207 (HEPH121750); Estacao Ecologica do Jardim Botanico de Brasilia area na borda do projeto Aguas do cerrado, 3 Aug 1995 , F. Silva 15 (HEPH12171); Jardim Botanico de Brasilia , 23 Sep 2008 , R.C. Martins 100 (HEPH12168); Jardim Botanico de Brasilia , 8 Oct 1993 , M. Boaventura 49 (HEPH12159, HEPH8469); Jardim Botanico de Brasilia , 29 Apr 1985 , Equipe do Jardim Botanico de Brasilia 393 (HEPH12172); Jardim Botanico de Brasilia , 20 km de Brasilia , 24 Nov 1993 , I.V. Lima 304 (HEPH12169); Mata do Riacho Fundo, Fazenda Sucupira (CENARGEN/EMBRAPA), 18 Aug 1997 , A.B Sampaio 127 (CEN33404); Fazenda Sucupira, mata de Galeria do Riacho Fundo, atras da churrasqueira, a aproximadamente 5 m da margem direita do Riacho Fundo, 28 Jun 2000 , E.S.G Guarino 250 (CEN39351); Rio Torto, ca. 10 km N of Brasilia , 8 Jul 1966 H.S. Irwin et al. 18092 (SP140657; SP1443714); Reserva Ecologica do IBGE, mata ciliar do corrego Roncador, 5 Jun 1989 , D. Alvarenga & F. C. A. Oliveira 1609 (US3255147); Road Brasilia to Taguatinga, forest on marshy ground, 12 Nov 1964 , G.T. Prance>s.n. (P01753310); Mata do Bananal, atras da EMBRAPA/CENARGEN, na margem esquerda do Corrego Bananal, 2 Aug 2000 , S. Ernestino et al. 335 (CEN39434); Vicinity of Planaltina, 3 Oct 1965 , H.S. Irwin 8905 (RB210326); Goias : 42 km south of Caiaponia , riverine forest of Rio Claro, 27 Oct 1965 , G.T Prance>s.n (P01753311); cerca de 2 km apos a ponte sobre o rio Preto, sentido Palmital-Cristalina, a esquerda, em frente a entrada da faz. do Sr. Edileno, 11 Sep 2002 , A.A. Santos 1478 (CEN47791); Mato Grosso do Sul : Fazenda Panambi, Corrego Sao Bernardo, 28 Oct 1981 , P.P. Furtado 66 (RB210335); Coxim, Conglomerado, MS-141, Subunidade 01, subparcela 02, individuo 18, 12 Apr 2018 , G.H.L Silva 445 (CEN109241); Minas Gerais : Serra da Araponga, Fazenda Neblina, 23 Oct 2001 , L.S. Leoni 4755 (RB1341962); Carmopolis de Minas, Estacao Ecologica da Mata do Cedro, 11 Dec 2004 , L. Echternacht 778 (HUEFS118654); Serra dos Orgaos , 1 Jan 1839 , Guillermin s.n (P01753313); Vicosa , ESAV, Y. Mexia>s.n. (VIC232); Parana : Antonina Figueira de Braca , 30 Oct 1973 , G. Hatschbach 32972 (MBM31012); Antonina, Rio Pequeno, 18 Aug 1978 , G. Hatschbach 41553 (MBM59973); Antonina, Rio Capivari, 23 Jun 1972 , G. Hatschbach 29731 (MBM37889); Perto da Casa Branca, 10 km W de Cerro Azul, 12 Aug 1966 , J.C. Lindeman 2271 (MBM11594); Cerro Azul, Rib. Do Tigre, 7 Dec 1983 , G.Hatschbach 47636 (MBM88597); Guaraquecaba , RPPN Salto Morato, trilha do pico, 18 Jul 2013 , M.L. Brotto 1324 (ICN193487; MBM429910); Rio Bananal, 9 Dec 1970 , G.Hatschbach 25776 (MBM22913); Rio do Cedro, encosta de morro, 13 Sep 1967 , G.Hatschbach 17193 (MBM6008); Reserva Natural Salto Morato, Area do Projeto Sucessao , 1 Oct 2001 , F. Putini 2855 (MBM279318); Serrinha, 6 Jul 1967 , G. Hatschbach 16696 (MBM3379); Rio Vermelho, 06 Dec 1972 , G.Hatschbach 30925 (MBM37887); Colonia Parati, 20 Mar 2002 , J.M Silva 3591 (RB210299); Monte Alegre, Embau , 23 Mar 1954 , J.G. Khulmann>s.n (RB210320); Jaguariaiva , Rio do Sabia, 28 Nov 1968 , G. Hatschbach 20457 (MBM11348); Morretes, Serra do Marumbi, encosta voltada para America de Cima, 25°28'40"S , 48°53'04"W , 240 m , 11 Jul 2020 , M.L. Brotto 3885 (MBM429910); Porto de Cima, encosta de morro, 4 Jun 1974 , G. Hatschbach 34473 (MBM31011); Marumbi, 16 Nov 1978 , G. Hatschbach 41719 (MBM59972); Porto de Cima, margem do rio, 28 Nov 1973 , G.Hatschbach 33397 (MBM31014); PARNA Saint-Hilaire/Lange, 11 Dec 2017 , R.R. Voeltz 1469 (UPCB3822); Sao Joao da Graciosa, 07 Nov 1961 , G.Hatschbach 8624 (MBM74971); Paranagua , Rio Cambara , 24 Oct 1968 , G.Hatschbach 20121 (MBM12255); Rio de Janeiro : Petropolis , Quitandinha, 20 Feb 1948 , O.C. Goes 29 (RB210304): Santa Catarina : Barra do Rio do Meio, 14 Mar 2010 , M. Verdi el al. 4475 (FURB23555, JOI6861); Blumenau, Associacao Desportiva Hering, Parque da Hering, 31 Jan 2011 , E. Torres>s.n . (FURB33876); Ilhota, Morro do Bau , 22 Nov 2002 , D.B. Falkenberg 10449 (FURB41585); Jaragua do Sul, Margem do rio Cerro, 21 Oct 2008 , A. Stival-Santos 148 (FURB8683); Joinville, Piraberaba-Rio da Prata, 17 Oct 2009 , S. Dreveck et al. 1194 (FURB15935); Fortaleza, Praia Grande, 9 Jan 2015 , A.A Oliveira 917 (FURB45398, FURB28181); Praia Grande, 23 Nov 1984 , G.Hatschbach 61236 (HUEFS21717); Pouso Redondo, 11 Nov 2008 , M. Verdi 939 (FURB9484); Rio Esperanca , Rio dos Cedros, 8 Dec 2010 , M. Verdi 5949 (FURB32892, FURB28189, JOI15501); Rio Natal, Divisa entre Sao Bento e Corupa , 25 Nov 2013 , P. Schwirkowski 92 (MBM391903); Sao Paulo : Eldorado, 9 March 1995 , R.R. Rodrigues et al. 161 (ESA026072) Mun. Agudos, Faz. Sao Joao do Barreiro, mata de brejo ao lado da represa, 15 May 2012 , G.D. Colletta 653 (ESA118868); Loreto, Araras, 1 Dec 1917 , O. Vecchi>s.n. (SP1194); Assis, Estacao Experimental do Inst. de Agronomia, regiao alagada, 19 Sept 1989 , J.A Pastore 261 (SPSF13111); Bauru, 27 Oct 2005 , M. Carboni 268 (ESA100050); Bauru, 14 Oct 2005 , M. Carboni 278 (ESA100047); Mun. Buri Estacao Experimental de Buri, Floresta paludosa, degradada, 25 Nov 2014 , N.M Ivamauskas 6656 (SPSF49578); Juquitiba, chacara vizinha no Recanto da Paz, 23°58'0"S , 47°6'0"W , 7 Sept 2006 , R.J Polisel 404 (SPSF39085); Piracicaba, 29 Jul 1993 , K.D Barreto et al. 797 (ESA10807); Mun. Pedregulho, Parque Estadual das Furnas do Bom Jesus, em capoeirinha, prox. Casa de Sta. Suzia, 23 Jan 1993 , J.R Guillaumon>s.n. (SPSF16065); Salesopolis , Bacia de acumulacao do Rio Paraitinga, 4 Feb 2001 , S.A. Nicolau 2748 (SP352569); Sao Jose dos Campos, 23°04'30"S , 45°56'15"W , mata do Horto, 24 Oct 1985 , A.F. Silva 1327 (VIC10970); Sao Luiz do Paraitinga, Parque Estadual da Serra do Mar, 2 Dec 2009 , L.S. Silva et al. 1627 (UEC200460); Sao Miguel Arcanjo, Parque Estadual Carlos Botelho, Area do projeto Parcelas Permanentes, V.C. Souza el al. 29220 (ESA109549); Sao Miguel Arcanjo, 13 Mar 2002 , O.T. Aguiar 1105 (ESA104291); Sao Miguel Arcanjo, Parque Estadual Carlos Botelho, 06 Jan 2015 , B.G. Silva et al. 183 (UEC188962); Serra da Cantareira, 4 Dec 1987 , O.T. Aguiar 221 (SPSF11587); Parque Estadual das Fontes do Ipiranga, Vila Fachini, 13 Aug 1987 , R. Mello-Silva et al. 20 (SP253208); Area da Companhia Votorantim. Estrada entre o alojamento da Barra e a portaria para Tapirai , 30 Apr 2013 , V.C. Souza 34973 (ESA123872, RB854665, RB854669). Notes. Several Brazilian Magnolia species have been synonymized under M. ovata , but one of the main characteristics that differentiate it from the majority of the other taxa is the absence of trichomes in its structures, being the only species native to Brazil without this feature (Table 1 ). Magnolia paranaensis , previously described as a new species to Parana , and synonymized with M. ovata in the Flora do Brasil ( Mello-Silva et al. 2023 ), does not contain distinguishing features to separate it from M. ovata ; both have glabrous structures and similar leaf shapes and sizes. The type of M. paranaensis was originally identified as Talauma amazonica , but as stated in the abovementioned description of M. amazonica , the species can be differentiated by the absence of trichomes in M. ovata (vs. trichomes present on the petiole and branches in M. amazonica ) and the number of carpels: 144-150 in M. ovata vs. 98-102 in M. amazonica . One of the morphological characters that most impacts the distinction of M. sellowiana and M. irwiniana from M. ovata is the pubescence of the vegetative and reproductive organs, a characteristic not found in M. ovata , which is totally glabrous. Characteristics that can also help when distinguishing these species are the shape and texture of the leaves, in addition to the number of carpels and geographic distribution.